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Everything posted by Rancid_

  1. Aye, I'm surprised Dennie can tie his shoe laces, and yes i do.
  2. aye, long time no see!

  3. They're all sh*t i have decided, most sh*tter than others.
  4. Most the chat networks on that list have are either dead or have poor staff. Only a couple are worth using.
  5. Staff suck on Buzzen, Customer support sucks on Buzzen and Most chats leave Buzzen with a s period of time they have lost a lot of bug rooms to other networks. Out of that entire list i can only one stand alone competitor for the title. Oh and Rusty, whats the point no one will use your room most people i have discussed it with agree the OCX is good but they wouldn't like to use it etc same with sites like TA Chat.
  6. I doubt WCN uses much bandwidth its only a small site with a low amount of users, the servers run off a PC, the system used for members etc is ripped from a free forum system. I doubt it could cost more then £30 a month, Dennie probably uses the hosting off that site to host others if it really is costing him a lot otherwise it's utter bull. Even if they were to upgrade to decent/better IRC server it wouldn't cost much, for example SCN only costs like £40 a month lol! so therefore it was probably more of an attention seeking thing, to get money off the staff. Anyway, END OF MY CONVERSATION ON THIS MATTER.
  7. I voted Sparkpea all others on that list are fail.
  8. Why does it cost money to run a chat server off your PC?
  9. Well I am in the temp room, JD was suppose to have it back up, Who knows. There saying its DDoS
  10. Yes the servers are being started as i type this!
  11. It will not be down to monday, will be on shortly. This is not a server upgrade whoever told you it was monday is lying.
  12. As far as i am aware that was only in the UK spooky.
  13. oh sh*t have to get the yahoo chat clone ready. Rancid_ : Rolls Eyes
  14. Gwen? Why contact the monkeys when you can talk to the organ grinder [email protected] I simply asked if they were intrested in the information on MSN Chat Clones and they gave me this reponse
  15. How safe are you on any site, error and ozzy are backdooring us all right now, to use our pcs to take out microsoft! the truth is out
  16. me and my typos, i dont think they will ever go away
  17. Its obvious alot of MSN Chat Clones, have admins, sysop, guides, users that will easily exploit the users or other users. Such as the power mad Team at SPCN or as your saying the ID thefts MyFHN, if you really want to stay safe use Buzzen or Phreik there teams are sligtly more professional athough there a Sysops at Phreik that are abusive and they know who they are:) Chat Networks i think should be ovided are SCN, MyFHN and Shizzly for many obvious reasons. Or if in doubt theres always good old VSICx
  18. MSN Chat on Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MSN_Chat I noticed the article was in a disgraceful mess, i wondered seen as this use to be the place to be to discuss MSN Chat that some input from the users here should be edited into the article. Rancid thinks the internet should be a better place
  19. I just want to say ASIF YOU PAY FOR THAT .</rant>
  20. Im not sure if you want it in the mIRC theme or in MSN Style webchat but if its the second one this post shall help http://www.tg007.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=8030
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