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Everything posted by floydfan786

  1. i think i found it, it is set to 1 already :-s
  2. ok, i put the code you posted in and the profile kicker stopped kicking, but still no ban. i put the code i posted that you edited back in, it kicks but no ban. I looked for BAN_USRES found it in the code, but no 0 to change to 1 that i see. i can't find BAN_USERS in the settings.
  3. not sure what you mean "raw" but here is the whole kicker. btw the other one did not work. ; This profile scanner captures the minimal (but relevant) details of a user profile. ; There is still more profile information which could be captured, for those who want to extend this. ; Dabba ; [url=http://ghetto-fusion.com/moschino/]http://ghetto-fusion.com/moschino/[/url] dialog profile_manager { title Moschino[Buzzen] profile manager.. size -1 -1 199 200 option dbu list 1, 0 1 77 181, size box "Profile capture (right-click a nickname)", 2, 79 1 119 78 button "Ok", 4, 161 187 37 12, ok text "Name:", 6, 83 11 20 8 text "", 7, 122 10 72 8 text "Age:", 8, 83 22 18 8 text "Marital status:", 9, 83 33 37 8 text "", 11, 122 22 72 8 text "", 12, 122 33 72 8 text "Location:", 13, 83 44 24 8 text "", 14, 122 44 72 8 text "Gender:", 15, 83 55 25 8 text "Email:", 16, 83 66 25 8 text "", 17, 122 55 72 8 text "", 18, 122 66 72 8 check "Scan profiles onjoin", 3, 79 80 58 10 check "Msg profiles", 19, 79 96 50 10 check "Echo profiles", 20, 79 88 50 10 check "Kick users under age:", 21, 79 111 63 10 edit "", 22, 142 109 28 10, center check "Kick users with undisclosed name", 23, 79 127 99 10 check "Kick users with undisclosed age", 24, 79 119 87 10 check "Kick males", 25, 79 143 50 10 check "Kick females", 26, 79 151 50 10 box "", 5, -7 181 208 4 check "Kick users with undisclosed gender", 27, 79 135 97 10 check "Halt kick on owners/hosts", 28, 79 165 75 10 check "Ban users for 5 minutes", 29, 79 173 70 10 link "http://ghetto-fusion.com/moschino", 10, 2 189 87 8 } on *:DIALOG:profile_manager:init:0:{ var %f = dll $+(", $Mircdirdlls\mdx.dll, ") %f SetMircVersion $Version %f MarkDialog $Dname %f SetControlMDX $Dname 1 ListView report flatsb single grid rowselect > dlls\views.mdx %f SetFont $Dname 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,13,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29 13 500 Tahoma did -i $Dname 1 1 seticon list 0 icons\owner.ico did -i $Dname 1 1 seticon list 0 icons\host.ico did -i $Dname 1 1 seticon list 0 icons\profile.ico did -i $Dname 1 1 seticon list 0 icons\staff.ico did -i $dname 1 1 headerdims 180 did -i $dname 1 1 headertext Users - $Iif($Len($Active) > 23, $Left($Active, 21) $+ .., $Active) if ($MainSettings(PROFILE, GET_PROFILE) == 1) did -c $Dname 3 if ($MainSettings(PROFILE, PROFILE_CHECK_ECHO) == 1) did -c $Dname 20 if ($MainSettings(PROFILE, PROFILE_CHECK_MSG) == 1) did -c $Dname 19 if ($MainSettings(PROFILE, KICK_USERS) == 1) { did -c $Dname 21 did -e $Dname 22 } did $Iif($MainSettings(PROFILE, GET_PROFILE) == 1, -e, -B) $Dname 20,19,21,23,24,27,25,26,22,28,29 if ($MainSettings(PROFILE, KICK_USERS) == 0) did -b $Dname 22 did -a $Dname 22 $MainSettings(PROFILE, UNDER_AGE) if ($MainSettings(PROFILE, KICK_UNDISCLOSED_NAME) == 1) did -c $Dname 23 if ($MainSettings(PROFILE, KICK_UNDISCLOSED_AGE) == 1) did -c $Dname 24 if ($MainSettings(PROFILE, KICK_UNDISCLOSED_GENDER) == 1) did -c $Dname 27 if ($MainSettings(PROFILE, KICK_MALES) == 1) did -c $Dname 25 if ($MainSettings(PROFILE, KICK_FEMALES) == 1) did -c $Dname 26 if ($MainSettings(PROFILE, HALT_OPS) == 1) did -c $Dname 28 if ($MainSettings(PROFILE, BAN_USERS) == 1) did -c $Dname 29 if ($Nick($Active, 0)) List_Nicks } on *:DIALOG:profile_manager:sclick:*:{ var %f = dll $+(", $Mircdirdlls\popups.dll, "), %D = $Did if (%D == 1) { if ($Gettok($Did(1, 1), 1,32) == RCLICK) && ($Did($Dname, 1).seltext) { tokenize 32 $Did(1).seltext var %x = clipboard_options %f New %x 5 5 %f SetStyle %x bordertext bordericon %f AddItem %x end +d Nickname: $6 %f AddItem %x end +d Channel: $Active %f AddItem %x end %f AddItem %x end + Check $6 $+ 's profile $Cr Get_Profile $Hget(PROFILE_D, $6) $Active DIALOG_CHECK popupHandle %x $mouse.dx $mouse.dy } } elseif (%D == 3) { var %Switch = $Iif($MainSettings(PROFILE, GET_PROFILE) == 1, -b, -e) MainSettings PROFILE GET_PROFILE $Iif($MainSettings(PROFILE, GET_PROFILE) == 1, 0, 1) did %Switch $Dname 20,19,21,23,24,27,25,26,22,28,29 } elseif (%D == 19) { if ($MainSettings(PROFILE, PROFILE_CHECK_MSG) == 1) { MainSettings PROFILE PROFILE_CHECK_MSG 0 MainSettings PROFILE PROFILE_CHECK_ECHO 1 did -c $Dname 20 } else { MainSettings PROFILE PROFILE_CHECK_MSG 1 MainSettings PROFILE PROFILE_CHECK_ECHO 0 did -u $Dname 20 } } elseif (%D == 20) { if ($MainSettings(PROFILE, PROFILE_CHECK_ECHO) == 1) { MainSettings PROFILE PROFILE_CHECK_ECHO 0 MainSettings PROFILE PROFILE_CHECK_MSG 1 did -c $Dname 19 } else { MainSettings PROFILE PROFILE_CHECK_ECHO 1 MainSettings PROFILE PROFILE_CHECK_MSG 0 did -u $Dname 19 } } elseif (%D == 21) { if ($MainSettings(PROFILE, KICK_USERS) == 1) { MainSettings PROFILE KICK_USERS 0 did -b $Dname 22 } else { MainSettings PROFILE KICK_USERS 1 did -e $Dname 22 } } elseif (%D == 4) { var %N = $Did(22) if (%N < 16) || ($Len(%N) != 2) Printf -a * The under age must be a 2 digit number between more than or equal to 16. else MainSettings PROFILE UNDER_AGE %N } elseif (%D == 23) MainSettings PROFILE KICK_UNDISCLOSED_NAME $Iif($MainSettings(PROFILE, KICK_UNDISCLOSED_NAME) == 1, 0, 1) elseif (%D == 24) MainSettings PROFILE KICK_UNDISCLOSED_AGE $Iif($MainSettings(PROFILE, KICK_UNDISCLOSED_AGE) == 1, 0, 1) elseif (%D == 27) MainSettings PROFILE KICK_UNDISCLOSED_GENDER $Iif($MainSettings(PROFILE, KICK_UNDISCLOSED_GENDER) == 1, 0, 1) elseif (%D == 25) MainSettings PROFILE KICK_MALES $Iif($MainSettings(PROFILE, KICK_MALES) == 1, 0, 1) elseif (%D == 26) MainSettings PROFILE KICK_FEMALES $Iif($MainSettings(PROFILE, KICK_FEMALES) == 1, 0, 1) elseif (%D == 28) MainSettings PROFILE HALT_OPS $Iif($MainSettings(PROFILE, HALT_OPS) == 1, 0, 1) elseif (%D == 29) MainSettings PROFILE BAN_USERS $Iif($MainSettings(PROFILE, BAN_USERS) == 1, 0, 1) elseif (%D == 10) RUN $Did(10) } ; Do _NOT_ remove or edit this line. The version checker uses it. alias ProfileManager_Version return 1.1 alias List_Nicks { var %x 1 while (%x <= $Nick($Active, 0)) { var %Nick = $Nick($Active, %x), %Decoded = $Buzz.decode(%Nick), %Icon hadd -m PROFILE_D %Decoded %Nick if ($Left(%Nick, 1) == $Chr(39)) %Icon = 0 4 elseif (%Nick isowner $Active) %Icon = 0 1 elseif (%Nick isop $Active) %Icon = 0 2 else %Icon = 0 3 did -a profile_manager 1 %Icon %Decoded inc %x } } alias Get_Profile { var %Nick = $$1, %Chan = $$2, %Sock = PROFILE.SCAN. $+ $Numb(10) sockopen %Sock www.buzzen.com 80 sockmark %Sock %Nick %Chan $Iif($3, $3) if ($3 == DIALOG_CHECK) && ($Dialog(profile_manager)) { did -ra profile_manager 2 Profile capture: $Buzz.decode(%Nick) } } alias Print_Type return $Iif($MainSettings(PROFILE, PROFILE_CHECK_ECHO) == 1, echo, msg) alias Profile_Capture { tokenize 32 $1- $Iif($Print_Type == echo, Printf, msg) $3 * Profile for $2 $4- } alias MultiProfileCheck { var %x 1, %Chan = $1, %Nicks = $2-, %Total = $Numtok(%Nicks, 32) $Print_Type %Chan * Multi select nick profile check on: $Replace(%Nicks, $Chr(32), $+($Chr(44), $Chr(32))) $RBracks(%Total nick[s]) $Print_Type %Chan - while (%x <= %Total) { var %Nick = $Gettok(%Nicks, %x, 32) Get_Profile %Nick %Chan inc %x } } on ^!*:JOIN:#: { if (!$Is_Guest($Nick)) && ($MainSettings(PROFILE, GET_PROFILE) == 1) Get_Profile $Nick # } on *:sockopen:PROFILE.SCAN.*: { if ($Sockerr) return tokenize 32 $Sock($Sockname).mark sockwrite -n $Sockname GET /members/usrProfile.php?phx= $+ $_Hex($1) HTTP/1.1 $+ $Crlf $+ $& Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/msword, */* $+ $Crlf $+ $& Accept-Language: EN-US $+ $CrLf $+ Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate $+ $Crlf $+ $& User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) $+ $Crlf $+ $& Host: www.buzzen.com $+ $CrLf $+ Connection: Keep-Alive $+ $Crlf $+ $& Cookie: Cookie: lang=EN; $+ $Str($Crlf, 2) } on *:sockread:PROFILE.SCAN.*: { if ($Sockerr > 0) return var %Read, %Nick = $Gettok($Sock($Sockname).mark, 1, 32), %Chan = $Gettok($Sock($Sockname).mark, 2, 32) sockread %Read tokenize 32 %Read if (*HTTP/1.1 302 Found* iswm %Read) halt elseif (*<strong>Name* iswm %Read) { sockread %Read sockmark $Sockname $Sock($Sockname).mark $+ $Chr(32) $+ $Iif($Len(%Read) == 24, $SBracks(Name: Unset), $SBracks(Name: %Read)) if (*DIALOG_CHECK* iswm $Sock($Sockname).mark) && ($Dialog(profile_manager)) { did -a profile_manager 7 $Iif($Len(%Read) == 24, Unset, %Read) } if ($MainSettings(PROFILE, KICK_UNDISCLOSED_NAME) == 1) && ($Len(%Read) == 24) { .signal -n PROFILE_KICKER UNDISCLOSED_NAME %Nick %Chan } } elseif (*<strong>Age* iswm %Read) { sockread %Read sockread %Read sockmark $Sockname $Sock($Sockname).mark $+ $Chr(32) $+ $SBracks(Age: %Read) if (*DIALOG_CHECK* iswm $Sock($Sockname).mark) && ($Dialog(profile_manager)) did -a profile_manager 11 %Read .signal -n PROFILE_KICKER AGE %Nick %Chan %Read } elseif (*<strong>Marital Status* iswm %Read) { sockread %Read sockread %Read sockmark $Sockname $Sock($Sockname).mark $+ $Chr(32) $+ $SBracks(Marital status: %Read) if (*DIALOG_CHECK* iswm $Sock($Sockname).mark) && ($Dialog(profile_manager)) did -a profile_manager 12 %Read } elseif (*<strong>Location* iswm %Read) { sockread %Read sockmark $Sockname $Sock($Sockname).mark $+ $Chr(32) $+ $SBracks(Location: %Read) if (*DIALOG_CHECK* iswm $Sock($Sockname).mark) && ($Dialog(profile_manager)) did -a profile_manager 14 %Read } elseif (*<strong>Gender* iswm %Read) { sockread %Read sockread %Read sockmark $Sockname $Sock($Sockname).mark $+ $Chr(32) $+ $SBracks(Gender: %Read) if (*DIALOG_CHECK* iswm $Sock($Sockname).mark) && ($Dialog(profile_manager)) did -a profile_manager 17 %Read .signal -n PROFILE_KICKER GENDER %Nick %Chan %Read } elseif (*<strong>Email Address* iswm %Read) { sockread %Read sockmark $Sockname $Sock($Sockname).mark $+ $Chr(32) $+ $SBracks(Email: %Read) if (*DIALOG_CHECK* iswm $Sock($Sockname).mark) && ($Dialog(profile_manager)) did -a profile_manager 18 %Read else $Profile_Capture($Sockname $Sock($Sockname).mark) sockclose $Sockname return } } ; Profile kicker on *:SIGNAL:PROFILE_KICKER:{ var %Type = $1, %Nick = $2, %Chan = $3, $& %SendKick = sockwrite -n $C_Sock(%Chan) KICK %Chan %Nick, $& %Ban if (%Nick ison %Chan) { if (%Nick isop %Chan) && ($MainSettings(PROFILE, HALT_OPS) == 1) return %Ban = $Iif($MainSettings(PROFILE, BAN_USERS) == 1, $LF ACCESS %Chan ADD DENY *!* $+ $Ial(%Nick).addr) 5 if (%Type == AGE) { if ($4 == Undisclosed) && ($MainSettings(PROFILE, KICK_UNDISCLOSED_AGE) == 1) { access # add DENY *! $+ $$ial($nick $+ *,1).addr 5 | %SendKick :Your age is undisclosed. Please specify an age in your profile. } elseif ($4 < $MainSettings(PROFILE, UNDER_AGE)) && ($MainSettings(PROFILE, KICK_USERS) == 1) { %SendKick :You are $4 years of age. Too young for this room. } } elseif (%Type == UNDISCLOSED_NAME) { %SendKick :What's your name? You have no name in your profile. } elseif (%Type == GENDER) { if ($4 == Undisclosed) && ($MainSettings(PROFILE, KICK_UNDISCLOSED_GENDER) == 1) { %SendKick :You have no gender in your profile. Please specify your sex and come back later. } elseif ($4 == Male) && ($MainSettings(PROFILE, KICK_MALES) == 1) %SendKick :No males allowed in this room. elseif ($4 == Female) && ($MainSettings(PROFILE, KICK_FEMALES) == 1) %SendKick :No females allowed in this room. } } } menu status,channel { - Profile manager: Open_Dialog profile_manager - } menu nicklist { - Profile .View users buzzen profile on web: OpenProfile $$1 .- .Multi-select profile(s) check: MultiProfileCheck # $1- - } *Edit by X-Fusion - Just added some tags so it wouldnt look so messy.
  4. Ok, i have the Moschino basic connection with a profile checker. I have it set for kicking undisclosed age. But the ban dose not work. Here is what i have.... if (%Type == AGE) { if ($4 == Undisclosed) && ($MainSettings(PROFILE, KICK_UNDISCLOSED_AGE) == 1) { %SendKick :Your age is undisclosed. Please specify an age in your profile. I do not want to change scripts so please help me with a quick edit. I have tried to edit myself but when i do i loose the profile kicker compleatly. Oh yeah, i would like to put a 5 minute ban on this. thanks.
  5. i have a bsr bot, so if i get a flood buzzen staff can go look for the flooders ip and ban them. used it a few times :-)
  6. *Edited by X-Fusion .. It's up there ^
  7. Ok, i have hybrid, i have the nick logger on, but i would like to reset it and start fresh. i have people comming in "the last seven nics were xxxx, xxxx etc" i looked for a file for the nicks and have not found one. they are not listed in variables. i found a gatekeeper list, cleared that but no luck. i do want to keep this feature on but would like to clear some of if not all the old nicks. any ideas?
  8. this is just the is exactly what i did not want this thread to turn into.
  9. Why is it that when i type the word B U Z Z E N I get this.... "THE CHAT THAT WE DARE NOT SPEAK IT'S NAME" ? Strange that in a B U Z Z E N forum you can not post the name. I am not trying to start another post about this chat is better than that chat, cause I do not care about someone's opion about where i choose to chat. I have a few comments about the diffrent chats from aol to msn to yes even "THE CHAT THAT WE DARE NOT SPEAK IT'S NAME" but I am not here to start people bickering about it. Just woundering why my post are being censored.
  10. Thax, that worked just the way i wanted it to
  11. well right now when i add someone to autokick they get loaded into the shitlist, i would like to add a 15 minute ban to the access list so when do get kicked they can not come back and back and so on. i hope that helps.
  12. ok i have the latest hybrid in Buz. trying to fix the auto kick so it adds a ban to the access list. looking to add a 15 or so. this is what is there now: on shitlist:JOIN:#:{ access $chan add DENY *! $+ $$ial($1 $+ *,1).addr 300 | kick $chan $nick you have been shitlisted
  13. yes i removed the lines that cleared the bans, access and passwords.
  14. I got it to work thax all if (%Type == AGE) { if ($4 == Undisclosed) && ($MainSettings(PROFILE, KICK_UNDISCLOSED_AGE) == 1) { msg $comchan($nick,1) $2 Your age is undisclosed. Please specify an age in your profile. Go to http://www.buzzen.com/passport/edit.php and be sure you have disclose age set to yes :d:d %Prop %Clear %Ban }
  15. hmm that still do not post a warning.
  16. ok, i got the kick stopped but no message shows. i removed %sendkick if (%Type == AGE) { if ($4 == Undisclosed) && ($MainSettings(PROFILE, KICK_UNDISCLOSED_AGE) == 1) { :Your age is undisclosed. Please specify an age in your profile. In the future, all peeps will need there current age in there profile. please put yours in there. thanks %Prop %Clear %Ban } any thoughts?
  17. ok, i got that and it works but now it works too well, lol i have a busy room so alot of peeps come in and alot have no age posted. i have run a post in the room for the last few weeks warning people we were going to start kicking for undiclosed age but people still have not posted an age. is there a way i can change a line in the script to warn the individual peep that they need to post an age? i was thinking of just warning the individual peep for a while then i could turn the kicks on at a later time is that possible?
  18. ok, i have done that, i do not get a profile manager option, or anything remotely close
  19. ok, i downloaded that, got it in the room hosted up and i do npt see where there is any diolog box or anything for a profile scanner or age kicker...
  20. i looked and i found a couple. i see setting to kick under 18, thats good, and i see one to kick no profiles, thats good. but is there a way to get it to kick peeps with profile but undisclosed age?
  21. I chat in buzzen, i know back in the free msn days there was a profile bot called eye dropper that would kick for certain ages, ex under 18. well i am looking for a ages scanner. looking to set it to kick for under age and no age posted. is there anything out there? i am useing hybrid 1.1 now. i know hybrid has a profile scanner but thats alot of info posted in the room that is not needed, plus it dose not kick for no age. thax
  22. i had no problem with the download from here. after the script is open, richt click on the black "status box". look for the option "chainconn options" click that from there go to passport options. then you get your passport window, fill in your e mail, password then put your room in and then click get cookies and then join, you should be in.
  23. msn closed chat? gee who knew? and this is a loss how? they killed it when they started charging
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