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Everything posted by TOP_die

  1. Of course I'm register See that the account is written in the connection settings with IP and port it has been working fine for several days And now it's not working Note that I have not modified any code or files I unzip a new script file again and it gives the same problem
  2. This is what happens and take some times to connect I verified the IP address and port as you can see The email and password are correct I did not modify any code or file D_ERROR $xdid() (Unknown dialog "4": see Mark command)
  3. I already downloaded it but how can I access more than one chat in one script like multi connection ? and roomlist It does not work, it says please wait and rooms do not appear thanks
  4. After greeting long long time not join chat but this days i have time and have nice feel to To have some good time Like the golden age of chat rooms and old friends We all miss these days, without exception, I think I need help to use one script for more than one server I'm not very good at English Because it is not my language MultiConnvbeta2.1 I am not a good specialist in this world, but I worked with scripts a lot, but life forgot us I trying to fix the connection to work with Buzzen and SPCN I tried to change the IPs of each site and modify the socket, but it failed it still doesn't work . Can anyone help me now connection works with buzzen but auto connect not working - The connection does not work with spcn chat
  5. this aop list working on VXSScripT V1.0 Classic Version now i working on VXS Version 2 anyway. i fixed this list to work on buzzen i made this code b4 in 2005 and after msn closed worked with myfhn chat myfhn closed fixed to work on buzzen chat with help from mr err0r thnx man, now this list some times work some times not working if can coders give me way and help me To issue a new script VXS2 THNX #portlist off on *:KICK:#:{ if ($nick($chan,$me,' .)) { if ($nick == $me) halt if ($nick == %botnick) halt if ($readini(data\gaop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) halt if ($readini(data\gaop.ini,#,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) halt if ($readini(data\gaop.ini,#,$ial($knick).addr) != $null) && ($nick($chan,$me,' .)) && ($ial($nick).addr != SND) { sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) access # clear | sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) access # add deny $address($nick,1) 0 : kicked protected user $knick | sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) kick $chan $nick 1,12Protected-user-in-my-GlObaL $+ $knick | sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) PROP # OWNERKEY $randgen | sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) PROP # HOSTKEY $randgen | sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) mode # +q $me } if ($readini(data\gaop.ini,global,$ial($knick).addr) != $null) && ($nick($chan,$me,' .)) && ($ial($nick).addr != SND) { sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) access # clear | sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) access # add deny $address($nick,1) 0 : kicked protected user $knick | sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) kick $chan $nick 1,12Protected-user-in-my-GlObaL $+ $knick | sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) PROP # OWNERKEY $randgen | sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) PROP # HOSTKEY $randgen | sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) mode # +q $me } } } #portlist end #safelist off on *:owner:*: { if ($nick != $me) && ($nick($chan,$me,' .)) && ($ial($opnick).addr != SND) && ($data\readini(antiaop.txt,noq,#) == Active) && ($opnick != $me) && ($opnick != %botnick) { if ($readini(data\gaop.ini,global,$ial($opnick).addr) != $null) || ($readini(data\gaop.ini,#,$ial($opnick).addr) != $null) { if (!%nickflood+q. [ $+ [ # ] ]) { msg $chan $ial($opnick) 1,12Allowed Gate for Access 8+q inc -u5 %nickflood+q. [ $+ [ # ] ] } } else { if (!%nickflood+q. [ $+ [ # ] ]) { sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) access # clear owner sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) kick # $opnick : 1,12Gate Not Allowed For Access +q sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) access # add deny $address($opnick,1) sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) access # add owner $gettok($ial($me),2,33) : %tag sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) prop # ownerkey $randgen sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) PROP # HOSTKEY $randgen msg $chan $ial($opnick) 1,12Gate NOT Allowed For Access +q inc -u5 %nickflood+q. [ $+ [ # ] ] } } } } #safelist end #global off ;global q unhalted on *:text:+q:*:{ $iif($me ison #, (!$readini(data\gaop.ini,ghalted,$chan)) { if ($nick($chan,$nick,' .)) { goto end | msg # 1,12 $+ $nick Ur Aready +Q } $iif($me ison #,($nick($chan,$me,' .)) && (!%qtxtfp) && ($readini(data\gaop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { mode $chan +q+v $nick $nick | .set -u2 %qtxtfp 1 } } ;global q halted if ($readini(data\gaop.ini,ghalted,$chan)) { if ($nick($chan,$me,' .)) && (!%qtxtfp) && ($readini(data\gaop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { /msg # 4G12l4O12b4a12L4 8+Q $nick $+ 12F4o12U4n12D4 12A4s : $+ 12 $readini(gaop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) 8 :12Halted | access # add voice $ial($nick).addr | mode # +v $nick | .set -u2 %qtxtfp 1 | halt } } ;local q unhalted if (!$readini(data\gaop.ini,lhalted,#)) { if ($nick($chan,$nick,' .)) { goto end | msg # 1,12 $+ $nick Ur Aready +Q } if ($nick($chan,$me,' .)) && (!%qtxtfp) && ($readini(data\gaop.ini,#,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { mode # +qv $nick $nick | .set -u2 %qtxtfp 1 | halt } } ;local q halted if ($readini(data\gaop.ini,lhalted,#)) { if ($nick($chan,$me,' .)) && (!%qtxtfp) && ($readini(data\gaop.ini,#,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { /msg # 12L4o12C4a12L4 8+Q ( $+ $nick $+ ) 12F4o12U4n12D4 12A4s $readini(data\gaop.ini,#,$ial($nick).addr) 8 :1Halted | access # add voice $ial($nick).addr | mode # +v $nick | .set -u2 %qtxtfp 1 | halt } } :end } ;global o unhalted on *:text:+o:*:{ if (!$readini(data\haop.ini,ghalted,#)) { if ($nick isop #) { goto end | msg # 14,5 $+ $nick Ur Aready +o } if ($nick($chan,$me,' .)) && (!%otxtfp) && ($readini(data\haop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { mode # +ov $nick $nick | .set -u2 %otxtfp 1 | halt } } ;global o halted if ($readini(data\haop.ini,ghalted,#)) { if ($nick($chan,$me,' .)) && (!%otxtfp) && ($readini(haop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { /msg # 4G12l4O12b4a12L4 5+o $nick $+ 12F4o12U4n12D4 12A4s : $+ 12 $readini(haop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) 8 :12Halted | access # add voice $ial($nick).addr | mode # +v $nick | .set -u2 %qtxtfp 1 | halt } } ;local o unhalted if (!$readini(data\haop.ini,lhalted,#)) { if ($nick isop #) { goto end | msg # 14,5 $+ $nick Ur Aready +o } if ($nick($chan,$me,' .)) && (!%qtxtfp) && ($readini(data\haop.ini,#,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { mode # +ov $nick $nick | .set -u2 %qtxtfp 1 | halt } } ;local o halted if ($readini(data\gaop.ini,lhalted,#)) { if ($nick($chan,$me,' .)) && (!%qtxtfp) && ($readini(data\haop.ini,#,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { /msg # 4G12l4O12b4a12L4 5+o $nick $+ 12F4o12U4n12D4 12A4s : $+ 12 $readini(haop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) 8 :12Halted | access # add voice $ial($nick).addr | mode # +v $nick | .set -u2 %qtxtfp 1 | halt } } :end } ;global q unhalted on *:join:#:{ if ($nick != $me) && (!$readini(data\gaop.ini,ghalted,#)) && ($nick($chan,$me,' .)) && ($readini(data\gaop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { /msg # 4G12l4O12b4a12L4 8+q 12F4o12U4n12D4 12A4s $buzz.decode($nick)12 $readini(data\gaop.ini,global,$ial.addr) 4«+q 12For 8+q 4,!join (R\bN) 12To 4Join 12Room» mode # +q+v $nick .timeraop 1 2 doaop GO $gettok($readini(data\gaop.ini,global,$ial( $nick ).addr),2,32) $!chr(37) $!+ $right($chan,-1) $iif($me isowner #,+q) $nick } ;global q halted if ($readini(data\gaop.ini,ghalted,#)) && ($nick($chan,$me,' .)) && ($readini(data\gaop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { /msg # 4G12l4O12b4a12l4 8+q 12F4o12U4n12D4 12A4s $buzz.decode($nick) 12 $readini(data\gaop.ini,global,$ial.addr):12Halted /access # add voice $ial($nick).addr .timer1 1 3 mode $!chr(37) $!+ $right(#,-1) +v $nick } ;local q unhalted if ($nick != $me) && (!$readini(data\gaop.ini,lhalted,#)) && ($nick($chan,$me,' .)) && ($readini(data\gaop.ini,#,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { /msg # 4L12l4O12c4a12l4 8+q 12F4o12U4n12D4 12A4s $buzz.decode($nick) 12 $readini(data\gaop.ini,global,$ial.addr) 4««+q For 8+q»» mode # +qv $nick .timeraop 1 2 doaop CO $gettok($readini(data\gaop.ini,#,$ial($nick).addr),2,32) $!chr(37) $!+ $right($chan,-1) $iif($me isowner #,+q) $nick } ;local q halted elseif ($readini(gaop.ini,lhalted,#)) && ($nick($chan,$me,' .)) && ($readini(data\gaop.ini,#,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { /msg # 4L12l4O12l4a12l4 8+q 12F4o12U4n12D4 12A4s $buzz.decode($nick) 12 $readini(data\gaop.ini,global,$ial.addr):12Halted /access # add voice $ial($nick).addr .timer1 1 3 mode $!chr(37) $!+ $right(#,-1) +v $nick } ;global o unhalted if ($nick != $me) && (!$readini(data\data\haop.ini,ghalted,#)) && ($nick($chan,$me,' .)) && ($readini(data\haop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { /msg # 4G12l4O12b4a12l4 8+o 12F4o12U4n12D4 12A4s $buzz.decode($nick) 12 $readini(data\gaop.ini,global,$ial.addr)4«+oFor 5+o4`join (R\bN) To Join Room »» /access # add voice $ial($nick).addr .timer1 1 3 mode $!chr(37) $!+ $right(#,-1) +o+v $nick } ;global o halted if ($readini(data\haop.ini,ghalted,#)) && ($nick($chan,$me,' .)) && ($readini(data\haop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { /msg # 4G12l4O12b4a12l4 8+o 12F4o12U4n12D4 12A4s $buzz.decode($nick)12$readini(data\gaop.ini,global,$ial.addr)8:12Halted /access # add voice $ial($nick).addr .timer1 1 3 mode $!chr(37) $!+ $right(#,-1) +v $nick } ;local o unhalted if ($nick != $me) && (!$readini(data\gaop.ini,lhalted,#)) && ($me isop #) && ($readini(data\haop.ini,#,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { /msg # 4L12l4O12b4a12l4 8+o 12F4o12U4n12D4 12A4s $buzz.decode($nick) 12 $readini(data\gaop.ini,global,$ial.addr) 4«+o For 5+o4» .timer1 1 3 MODE $!chr(37) $!+ $right(#,-1) +o+v $nick $nick } ;local o halted elseif ($readini(data\gaop.ini,lhalted,#)) && ($me isop #) && ($readini(data\haop.ini,#,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { /msg # 4L12l4O12b4a12l4 8+o 12F4o12U4n12D4 12A4s $buzz.decode($nick) 12 $readini(data\gaop.ini,global,$ial.addr) :12Halted /access # add voice $ial($nick).addr .timer1 1 3 mode $!chr(37) $!+ $right(#,-1) +v $nick } } #global end alias gqmade { var %x $chan, %z 1 msg $chan 12S4c12a4n 12G4l12o4b12a41 8Owner 12W4i12t4h 12m4a12d4e 12m4a12d4e 4S12t4a12r4t12e4d12in $chan while (%z <= $nick(%x,0)) { if ($readini(data\gaop.ini,global,$ial($nick(%x,%z),1).addr) != $null) { msg $chan 4G12lob4al 8+q12F4o12U4n12D4 $nick(%x,%z) $+ $chr(160) $+ $readini(data\gaop.ini,global,$ial($nick(%x,%z).addr)) | mode $chan +q $readini(data\gaop.ini,global,$ial($nick(%x,%z),1).addr) } inc %z } msg $chan 1,12All Who In Global Owner Got +q From Scan Owner Made Scan Complete in $chan } alias gqscan { var %x $1, %d $iif(10 // %x, 1300, 2) if (!%x) { msg $chan 12S4c12a4n 12G4l4o12b4a121 8Owner 4S12t4a12r4t12e4d12in $chan } if (%x >= $nick(#,0)) { msg $chan 1,12+q For +q Global Owner Scan Complete in $chan | return } inc %x if ($readini(data\gaop.ini,global,$ial($nick(%x,%z),1).addr) != $null) { msg $chan 4G12lob4al 8+q12F4o12U4n12D4 $nick(%x,%z) $+ $chr(160) $+ $readini(data\gaop.ini,global,$ial($nick(%x,%z).addr)) } .timer -m 1 %d gqscan %x } alias lqscan { var %x $1, %d $iif(10 // %x, 1300, 2) if (!%x) { msg $chan 12S4c12a4n 12L4o12c4a12l 8Owner 4S12t4a12r4t12e4d 12in $chan } if (%x >= $nick(#,0)) { msg $chan 1,12+q For +q Local Owner Scan Complete in $chan | return } inc %x if ($readini(data\gaop.ini,#,$ial($nick(#,%x)).addr)) { msg # 12L4o12c4a12l 8+q $nick(#,%x) } .timer -m 1 %d lqscan %x } alias ghmade { var %x $chan, %z 1 msg $chan 12S4c12a4n 12G4l12o4b12a4l 5Host 12W4i12t4h 12M4a12d4e 4S12t4a12r4t12e4d 12in $chan while (%z <= $nick(%x,0)) { if ($readini(data\haop.ini,global,$ial($nick(%x,%z),1).addr) != $null) { msg $chan 4G12lob4al 5+o12F4o12U4n12D4 $nick(%x,%z) $+ $chr(160) $+ $readini(data\haop.ini,global,$ial($nick(%x,%z).addr)) | mode $chan +o $readini(data\haop.ini,global,$ial($nick(%x,%z),1).addr) } inc %z } msg $chan 1,12All Who In Global Host Got +o From Scan Host Made Scan Complete in $chan } alias ghscan { var %x $chan, %z 1 msg $chan 12S4c12a4n 12G4L12o4b12a4L 5Host 12S12t4a12r4t12e4d 12in $chan while (%z <= $nick(%x,0)) { if ($readini(data\haop.ini,global,$ial($nick(%x,%z)).addr) != $null) { msg $chan 4G12l4o12b4a12l 5+o 12F4o12U4n12D4 $buzz.decode($nick)(%x,%z) } inc %z } msg $chan 1,12+o For +o Gloabl Host Scan Complete in $chan } alias lhscan { var %x 0 msg $chan 12S4c12a4n 4L12o4c12a4L 5Host 12S12t4a12r4t12e4d 12in $chan while (%x < $nick(#,0)) { inc %x if ($readini(data\haop.ini,#,$ial($nick(#,%x)).addr)) { msg # 4L12o4c12a4L 5+o 12F4o12U4n12D4 $nick(#,%x) } } msg $chan 1,12+o For +o Local Host Scan Complete in $chan } alias doaop { if ($1 == GO) { if ($4 == +q) && (!$nick($3,$5,' .)) { .raw mode $3- } elseif ($4 == +o) && (!$nick($3,$5,@)) { .raw mode $3- } } if ($1 == GH) { if (!$ishost($5,$3)) && (!$nick($3,$5,' .)) { .raw mode $3- } } if ($1 == CO) { if ($4 == +q) && (!$nick($3,$5,' .)) { .raw mode $3- } elseif ($4 == +o) && (!$nick($3,$5,@)) { .raw mode $3- } } if ($1 == CH) && (!$nick($3,$5,' .)) { if (!$nick($3,$5,@)) { .raw mode $3- } } } on *:text:*!join*:#:{ if (!%qtxtfp) && ($readini(data\gaop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { join $replace($chr(37) $+ #$2-,$chr(32),\ msg # 12find 4 $+ $replace($chr(37) $+ #$2-,$chr(32),\ 12Please Wait0.8.4......Room Found And Is Now Open } } on *:text:*`join*:#:{ if (!%otxtfp) && ($readini(data\haop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { join $replace($chr(37) $+ #$2-,$chr(32),\ msg # 12find 4 $+ $replace($chr(37) $+ #$2-,$chr(32),\ 12Please Wait0.1.4......Room Found And Is Now Open } }
  6. thnx mr err0r i will try .thnx bro.
  7. my Script get flood out if i start local or global scan in a room and have much added in the aop i tryd much with some frind it's working but now not working i think this bug coz need sets mirc in options. part. flood. sets :300 ,30, 10 or how much i sets flood
  8. in the aliases section in script no but i have some alias in remotes with codes
  9. not working i test this tow things not working plz my friends give me some help
  10. my aop did not decode the nicks global q unhalted on *:join:#:{ if ($nick != $me) && (!$readini(data\gaop.ini,ghalted,#)) && ($nick($chan,$me,' .)) && ($readini(data\gaop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { /msg # 4G12l4O12b4a12L4 8+Q $buzz.decode($$1) 12F4o12U4n12D4 12A4s $+ 12 $readini(data\gaop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) $+ 4««+q For 8+q4 !join 12To 4Join 12Room»» mode # +qv $nick .timeraop 1 2 doaop GO $gettok($readini(data\gaop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr),2,32) $!chr(37) $!+ $right($chan,-1) $iif($me isowner #,+q) $nick not wrking and not +q some in aop list if i add $ nick $ working but not decode the nicks thnx
  11. thnx so much for your help Mr err0r i will try with thes code and hope wen i finish VaX Script all like my work i work on thes script from long time maybe 2 years Script Loaded 80% Thanks so much
  12. i just want thes codes work on buzzen i scripting all my script for buzzen but just need help in thes code to make thes code work on buzzen server thnx
  13. note: i made script for buzzen and just need some help for other some thing if u can help mr err0r thnx --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias scan.profile { set %scanning on set %achannel $active sockwrite -n $sockfind(%achannel) prop $1 PUID } alias scany { set %scanning on set %achannel $active sockwrite -n $sockfind($active) prop $1 PUID timerloca 1 5 unset %scanning timerloce 1 5 unset %achannel } alias scan { var %snickz = 1 while ($nick($active,%snickz)) { if ($nick(#,%snickz) != $me) { timer 1 2 scan.profile $nick(#,%snickz) } inc %snickz } } raw 818:*:{ if (%scanning == on) { writeini PUID.ini PUID $2 $4 sockopen agekicker. $+ $2 $+ . $+ %achannel members.msn.com 80 halt } } on *:sockopen:agekicker.*:{ sockwrite -n $sockname GET /?mpp=2260~ $+ $readini(PUID.ini,PUID,$gettok($sockname,2,46)) $+ &mid=2260&kpp=3 HTTP/1.1 $+ $crlf $+ Accept: */* $+ $crlf $+ Accept-Language: en-us sockwrite -n $sockname Host: members.msn.com $+ $crlf $+ $crlf } on *:sockread:agekicker.*:{ var %temp sockread %temp if ($len(%temp) < 500) { if (HTTP/1.1 302 Object moved isin %temp) { echo $gettok($sockname,3,46) 4,8/!\ $msn.decode($gettok($sockname,2,46)) $text.effects(15have adult profile!) | sockclose $sockname } if (HTTP/1.1 302 Moved isin %temp) { echo $gettok($sockname,3,46) 4,9/!\11,1 $msn.decode($gettok($sockname,2,46)) $text.effects(15have no profile!) | sockclose $sockname } tokenize 13 %temp wmsnlog $sockname %temp if (<B>Age</B></nobr><br> isin $1-) { var %x = $mid($1-,$pos($1-,<B>Age</B></nobr><br>,1),$len($1-)),1,$len($1-)) if ($int($remove($remove($mid($right(%x,-21),1,$calc($pos($right(%x,-21),</td>,1) - 1)), )," ")) < 18) && ($int($remove($remove($mid($right(%x,-21),1,$calc($pos($right(%x,-21),</td>,1) - 1)), )," ")) != 0) { if ($ial($gettok($gettok($sockname,2,46),2,32)) != $null) && ($me isop $gettok($sockname,3,46)) { sockwrite -n $sockfind($gettok($sockname,3,46)) access $gettok($sockname,3,46) add deny $ial($gettok($sockname,2,46)).addr 0 :4[1Underage User4] } elseif ($ial($gettok($gettok($sockname,2,46),2,32)) == $null) { sockwrite -n $sockfind($gettok($sockname,3,46)) access $gettok($sockname,3,46) add deny $ial($gettok($sockname,2,46)).addr 0 :4[1Underage User4] } sockwrite -n $sockfind($gettok($sockname,3,46)) kick $gettok($sockname,3,46) $gettok($sockname,2,46) : $+ Underage .. 4( $int($remove($remove($mid($right(%x,-21),1,$calc($pos($right(%x,-21),</td>,1) - 1)), )," ")) 4) echo $gettok($sockname,3,46) 14 $+ *7 $msn.decode($gettok($sockname,2,46)) $text.effects(0age was) $int($remove($remove($mid($right(%x,-21),1,$calc($pos($right(%x,-21),</td>,1) - 1)), )," ")) ... } elseif ($int($remove($remove($mid($right(%x,-21),1,$calc($pos($right(%x,-21),</td>,1) - 1)), )," ")) > 18) { echo $gettok($sockname,3,46) 14 $+ *7 $msn.decode($gettok($sockname,2,46)) $text.effects(0age is) $int($remove($remove($mid($right(%x,-21),1,$calc($pos($right(%x,-21),</td>,1) - 1)), )," ")) } if ($int($remove($remove($mid($right(%x,-21),1,$calc($pos($right(%x,-21),</td>,1) - 1)), )," ")) == 0) { echo $gettok($sockname,3,46) 14 $+ *7 $msn.decode($gettok($sockname,2,46)) $text.effects(0age is Undisclosed) } } } } ------------------------------------------------------------------- #checkprofile on on *:JOIN:#:{ if ($nick != $me) && (%profile1 != $true) && ($me isop #) && ($nick != %botnick) { if (%pcheck == on) { sockwrite -n $sockfind(#) PROP $nick MSNPROFILE } sockwrite -n $sockfind(#) prop $nick PUID | set %currprofchan # | set %profile.ticks $ticks } set -u6 %profile1 $true } #checkprofile end raw 818:*:{ if (%scanning != on) { if ($group(#checkprofile) == on) { if ($3 == PUID) { getprofile $2 %currprofchan $4 halt } } } } alias getprofile { var %ext = $rand(11111,99999) set %profilekick. [ $+ [ %ext ] ] $2 $1 sockopen profile. $+ %ext members.msn.com 80 sockmark profile. $+ %ext $sock($sockname).mark set %profile. [ $+ [ %ext ] ] /default.msnw?mpp= $+ $3- } on *:sockopen:profile.?????:{ var %prof = GET %profile. [ $+ [ $right($sockname,5) ] ] HTTP/1.1 $crlf %prof = %prof $+ Accept: */* $+ $crlf %prof = %prof $+ Accept-Language: en-us $lf Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate $+ $crlf %prof = %prof $+ User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) $+ $crlf %prof = %prof $+ Host: members.msn.com $+ $crlf %prof = %prof $+ Connection: close $+ $crlf %prof = %prof $+ Cookie: $sock($sockname).mark $+ $crlf sockwrite $sockname %prof $+ $crlf } on *:sockread:profile.?????:{ var %data sockread %data if ($len(%data) < 500) { if (HTTP/1.1 302 Object moved isin %data) { echo %currprofchan 4[12 $+ $msn.decode($gettok(%profilekick. [ $+ [ $right($sockname,5) ] ],2,32)) $+ 4]:8 Have Adult Profile } if (HTTP/1.1 302 Moved isin %data) { echo %currprofchan 4[12 $+ $msn.decode($gettok(%profilekick. [ $+ [ $right($sockname,5) ] ],2,32)) $+ 4]:8 Have Adult Profile } tokenize 13 %data if (<font class=viewName> isin $1-) { echo %currprofchan 4[12Nickname4]:12 $mid($mid($1-,$calc($pos($1-,<font class=viewName>,1) + $len(<font class=viewName>)),$len($1-)),1,$calc($pos($mid($1-,$calc($pos($1-,<font class=viewName>,1) + $len(<font class=viewName>)),$len($1-)),</font>,1) - 1)) } if (<B>Name</B><br> isin $1-) { var %x = $mid($1-,$pos($1-,<B>Name</B><br>,1),$len($1-)),1,$len($1-)) echo %currprofchan 4[12RealName4]:12 $remove($mid($right(%x,-15),1,$calc($pos($right(%x,-15),</td>,1) - 1)), ) } if (<B>Age</B></nobr><br> isin $1-) { var %x = $mid($1-,$pos($1-,<B>Age</B></nobr><br>,1),$len($1-)),1,$len($1-)) if ($int($remove($remove($mid($right(%x,-21),1,$calc($pos($right(%x,-21),</td>,1) - 1)), )," ")) < 18) && ($int($remove($remove($mid($right(%x,-21),1,$calc($pos($right(%x,-21),</td>,1) - 1)), )," ")) != 0) { if ($ial($gettok(%profilekick. [ $+ [ $right($sockname,5) ] ],2,32)) != $null) { sockwrite -n $sockfind(%currprofchan) access %currprofchan add deny $ial($gettok(%profilekick. [ $+ [ $right($sockname,5) ] ],2,32)).addr 0 :4[12Underage User4] } elseif ($ial($gettok(%profilekick. [ $+ [ $right($sockname,5) ] ],2,32)) == $null) { sockwrite -n $sockfind(%currprofchan) access %currprofchan add deny $ial($gettok(%profilekick. [ $+ [ $right($sockname,5) ] ],2,32)).addr 0 :4[12Underage User4] } sockwrite -n $sockfind(%currprofchan) kick %profilekick. [ $+ [ $right($sockname,5) ] ] : $+ Underage .. 4( $int($remove($remove($mid($right(%x,-21),1,$calc($pos($right(%x,-21),</td>,1) - 1)), )," ")) 4) echo %currprofchan 4[12Age4]:12 $int($remove($remove($mid($right(%x,-21),1,$calc($pos($right(%x,-21),</td>,1) - 1)), )," ")) } elseif ($int($remove($remove($mid($right(%x,-21),1,$calc($pos($right(%x,-21),</td>,1) - 1)), )," ")) > 18) { echo %currprofchan 4[12Age4]:12 $int($remove($remove($mid($right(%x,-21),1,$calc($pos($right(%x,-21),</td>,1) - 1)), )," ")) } elseif ($int($remove($remove($mid($right(%x,-21),1,$calc($pos($right(%x,-21),</td>,1) - 1)), )," ")) != 0) { echo %currprofchan 4[12Age4]:12 Undisclosed } } if (<B>Location</B><br> isin $1-) { var %x = $mid($1-,$pos($1-,<B>Location</B><br>,1),$len($1-)),1,$len($1-)) echo %currprofchan 4[12Location4]:12 $remove($mid($right(%x,-19),1,$calc($pos($right(%x,-19),<br>,1) - 1)), ) } } } on *:sockclose:profile.?????:{ echo %currprofchan 4[12Ticks4]:12 $calc($calc($ticks - %profile.ticks) / 1000) Sec unset %profile1 unset %currprofchan unset %profilekick. [ $+ [ $right($sockname,5) ] ] unset %profile. [ $+ [ $right($sockname,5) ] ] unset %profile.ticks }
  14. Thnx Brother And Hope All Liked
  15. Thnx Mr err0r For Helping me To fix This broblim And i Work on codes. soon Will B Come In VaX ScripT V1.0 For Buzzen Network Thnx Brother
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