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Everything posted by biohazard

  1. hey err0r is there a fix for the Ish & Sims connection it will not connect to buzzen
  2. this is what it post to look like http://www.tg007.net/file-1434 here is what i see in my script tho [07:41.p] 1You0,4Tube 2Video3:12 <title>Tripper Getem - Grave Digger (Official Music Video) - YouTube</title><link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" href="http://www.youtube.com/opensearch?locale=en_US" title="YouTube Video Search<link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://s.ytimg.com/yts/img/favicon-vfldLzJxy.ico" type="image/x-icon <link rel="icon" href="//s.ytimg.com/yts/img/favicon_32-vflWoMFGx.png" sizes="32x32<link rel="canonical" href=" rel="alternate" media="handheld" href=" rel="alternate" media="only screen and (max-width: 640px)" href=" rel="shortlink" href=" Tripper Getem - Grave Digger (Official Music Video) so what is going on that i need to fix ?? menu menubar { - .· $chr(32) = Youtube-Bot = Echo-( $+ $group(#Youtube1) $+ ) Room-( $+ $group(#Youtube) $+ ) ..$iif($group(#Youtube1) == on,$style(2)) · $chr(32) = Turn Youtube-Bot Echo Broadcast On =: { .enable #Youtube1 | .disable #Youtube | echo $active 1You0,4Tube12-Bot Echo Broadcast Has Been Turned 4ON 1... } ..$iif($group(#Youtube1) == off,$style(2)) · $chr(32) = Turn Youtube-Bot Echo Broadcast Off =: { .disable #Youtube1 | echo $active 1You0,4Tube12-Bot Echo Broadcast Has Been Turned 4OFF 1... } ..- ..$iif($group(#Youtube) == on,$style(2)) · $chr(32) = Turn Youtube-Bot Room Broadcast On =: { .enable #Youtube | .disable #Youtube1 | echo $active 1You0,4Tube12-Bot Room Broadcast Has Been Turned 4ON 1... } ..$iif($group(#Youtube) == off,$style(2)) · $chr(32) = Turn Youtube-Bot Room Broadcast Off =: { .disable #Youtube | echo $active 1You0,4Tube12-Bot Room Broadcast Has Been Turned 4OFF 1... } } - on *:load { echo -sat 1You0,4Tube3-Bot Has Now Been 4Loaded 1... echo -sat 3By Default The 1You0,4Tube3-Bot Room Broadcast Is Enabled, This Will Broadcast The Video Title In Any Room Someone Posts A 1You0,4Tube3 Video Link In. You Can Disable This Feature And Enable The 1You0,4Tube3-Bot Echo Broadcast Option Under The Menu Bar 1... } on *:unload { echo -sat 1You0,4Tube3-Bot Has Now Been 4Unloaded 1... } #youtube off on *:SOCKOPEN:youtube:{ ; connection sockwrite -n $sockname GET %tmpyoutubex HTTP/1.1 ; Write Connection Details sockwrite -n $sockname Host: www.youtube.com sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: IRCSpider/mIRC $version sockwrite -n $sockname Accept: *.*, */* sockwrite -n $sockname Referer: $server sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: Keep-Alive sockwrite -n $sockname Content-Type: text/html sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf } on *:SOCKREAD:youtube:{ sockread %mirc.temp if (<meta name="title" content=" isin %mirc.temp) { if (%d == 1) { } else { privmsg %tmp.chanyoutube [style ff:Tahoma;co:black;]You[/style][style ff:Tahoma;bgco:red;co:white;]Tube[/style] [style ff:Tahoma;co:blue;] Video[/style][style ff:Tahoma;co:red;b;]: [/style] $remove(%mirc.temp,<meta name="title" content=","> ) echo -t %tmp.chanyoutube 1You0,4Tube 2Video3:12 $remove(%mirc.temp,<meta name="title" content=","> ) inc %d } } } on *:SOCKCLOSE:youtube:{ /noop } on *:TEXT:*:#:{ set %tmp.chanyoutube $chan unset %d var %i 1 while ([ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ]) { if (youtube.com/watch?v= isin [ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ]) { sockclose youtube | xconnection [ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ] } inc %i } } on *:ACTION:*:#:{ set %tmp.chanyoutube $chan unset %d var %i 1 while ([ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ]) { if (youtube.com/watch?v= isin [ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ]) { sockclose youtube | xconnection [ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ] } inc %i } } on *:AWAY:*:#:{ set %tmp.chanyoutube $chan unset %d var %i 1 while ([ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ]) { if (youtube.com/watch?v= isin [ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ]) { sockclose youtube | xconnection [ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ] } inc %i } } #youtube end #youtube1 off on *:SOCKOPEN:youtube:{ ; connection sockwrite -n $sockname GET %tmpyoutubex HTTP/1.1 ; Write Connection Details sockwrite -n $sockname Host: www.youtube.com sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: IRCSpider/mIRC $version sockwrite -n $sockname Accept: *.*, */* sockwrite -n $sockname Referer: $server sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: Keep-Alive sockwrite -n $sockname Content-Type: text/html sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf } on *:SOCKREAD:youtube:{ sockread %mirc.temp if (<meta name="title" content=" isin %mirc.temp) { if (%d == 1) { } else { echo -t %tmp.chanyoutube 1You0,4Tube 2Video3:12 $remove(%mirc.temp,<meta name="title" content=","> ) inc %d } } } on *:SOCKCLOSE:youtube:{ /noop } on *:TEXT:*:#:{ set %tmp.chanyoutube $chan unset %d var %i 1 while ([ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ]) { if (youtube.com/watch?v= isin [ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ]) { sockclose youtube | xconnection [ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ] } inc %i } } on *:ACTION:*:#:{ set %tmp.chanyoutube $chan unset %d var %i 1 while ([ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ]) { if (youtube.com/watch?v= isin [ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ]) { sockclose youtube | xconnection [ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ] } inc %i } } on *:AWAY:*:#:{ set %tmp.chanyoutube $chan unset %d var %i 1 while ([ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ]) { if (youtube.com/watch?v= isin [ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ]) { sockclose youtube | xconnection [ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ] } inc %i } } #youtube1 end
  3. don't make the second account as a admin
  4. can i use it error and when yal going to relase the multi conn ?
  5. i know i might catch hell about this can someone help me convet a @window room list for buzzen over to sparkpea it was made my error to don't know if he would mind but if you do error i will stop trying
  6. like how not for sure how to do this
  7. i want to be able to call 1 mirc to another and make it join the room that i called it from like this say mirc1 is in testing and i want to call mirc2 to make it start up mirc2 and make it join where i called it from
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