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Everything posted by Pyscho

  1. I'm not too sure about the auth but some scripters have made bots for it. I recently downloaded FlashCon from ww.moschino.org.uk. You can check it and it may help you on how the bot is connecting. I think there's another one called Napalm Bv2 somewhere too. And at the moment I can't seem to join their helpdesk, it is on invite or something.
  2. Pysch, haven't you tried it without all the UTF encoding stuff? Just sending "PRIVMSG %#TESTROOM :S Tahoma;0 First Line" & Chr(239) & "Second Line" works fine here.
  3. Wrong. What you need to do is this: "PRIVMSG %#TESTROOM :S Tahoma;0 First Line" & Chr(239) & "Second Line" He is not wanting to send a crlf, but rather to make the next line appear on a new line in an msn web chatroom.
  4. .timerblah 1 5 msg $!chr(37) $!+ $mid($chan, 2) hello
  5. floydfan i think the profile manager is in the full version try it and check it out
  6. i did /window -c "status window" in one of the servers statuses and it closed..
  7. alias c.test { var %x 1 while (%x <= $scon(0)) { if ($scon(%x).server == Msn) { scid $scon(%x).cid | scid $scid(%x) | scon %x | window -c "status window" } inc %x } } If I have about 5 Msn servers open, and i do /c.test I want it to close them all, but the above alias isnt working. any help anyone?
  8. I switched to version 6.16 and this error only seems to happening in 6.16. it's the $bfind, for e.g.. if ($bfind(&x, 1-,Authentication-Info:)) { blah blah } gives the error: * Invalid parameters: $bfind (line 26, script3) I get the same error on all my $bfind, but the code actually works, just that the error is very annoying. Any suggesstions anyone?
  9. Pyscho


    Hm, thanks for the reply. Looks like I'll just stick with $sockname anyway. Ps: good to see you cleric, dunno if you remember me, but I used to be MasterVulcan.
  10. Pyscho


    Hm, thanks for the reply. Looks like I'll just stick with $sockname anyway. Ps: good to see you cleric, dunno if you remember me, but I used to be MasterVulcan.
  11. Pyscho


    Yep i knew about $sockname thanks, but wanted to know if $regml(1) returns this too.. , any suggesstions anyone?
  12. Pyscho


    Lets say I have a sockopen event of this sort: on $*:SOCKOPEN:/blah|hii|heyy/g:{ Â sockwrite -n $sockname $auth.i } would $regml(1) return the socketname? e.g.. on $*:SOCKOPEN:/blah|hii|heyy/g:{ Â if ($regml(1) = blah) { do stuff here for the blah socket etc } Â sockwrite -n $sockname $auth.i } Would that work? Any suggesstions anyone?
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