

Simple Blacklist

In Category Sparkpea Posted by err0r On 04/12/10

This is a very simple blacklist. Uses @window for easy management.

Requested by Johnson for Sparkpea. Feel free to edit/improve this.
menu nicklist {
  BlackList Options
  .$iif($me !isop $chan,$style(2)) Blacklist User: { auser Blacklisted $address($$1,1) $$1 | access $chan ADD DENY $address($$1,1) 60 : $$1 Blacklisted | kick $chan $$1 Blacklisted }
  .Manual Add: { var %ba $?="Add Gate To Blacklist" | $iif(%ba != $null,auser Blacklisted %ba) }
  .View Blacklist: { getblacklist }
menu @Blacklist { $iif($sline(@Blacklist,1).ln < 2,$style(2)) Remove Selected: bl.remove }
on Blacklisted:JOIN:#: { if ($me isop $chan) { access $chan ADD DENY $address($nick,1) 60 : $nick Blacklisted | kick $chan $nick Blacklisted } }
alias getblacklist {
  $iif(!$window(@Blacklist),window -blk -t22 +benstx @Blacklist,/window -a @Blacklist)
  clear @Blacklist | aline @Blacklist Gate $chr(9) Nick
  var %f 1
  while ($ulist(*,Blacklisted,%f)) {
    aline @Blacklist $v1 $chr(9) $ulist(*,Blacklisted,%f).info
    inc %f
alias bl.remove {
  var %s 1
  while ($sline(@Blacklist,%s).ln) {
    .ruser Blacklisted $gettok($line(@blacklist,$v1),1,32)
    inc %s

Comments 6

guest - Saturday, 4 September, 2010
thanks a lot error
[::X-System::] - Saturday, 1 May, 2010
you could use on @!*:JOIN:#: the @ in the event means it'll only trigger if u're op'd, now you wont need if ($me isop #) any more wink
Paige - Wednesday, 21 April, 2010
Ya thanks a lot error, i put it in the sparkpea script im remaking.
guest - Monday, 12 April, 2010
This is way better than the one I wouldve submitted as mine was messy lol!!!
err0r - Monday, 12 April, 2010
you are welcome

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