

CallBreak : Multiplayer Card Game for mIRC by manish17xxx

In Category General IRC Posted by Snippets On 12/06/23

Here is my latest game - CallBreak. Its a multiplayer card game, a kind of brain-teaser that you would probably enjoy playing. For rules, please type !cbrules. It is a 4-player game and AI players will join if enough players aren't available.

!cbrules - Show the rules to the player.
!callbreak - Start the game of CallBreak
!bet - Call your bet ( only possible during 15 seconds before game actually starts )
!change : Change an inactive player with an AI player.
!stopcb - Stops the game.
!throw : Throw a card at the specified position.
##       CallBreak - Multiplayer Cards Game      ##
##       Version: 1.0              ##
##       By: manish17               ##
##   #LunarIRC #LunarGames   User - manish  
  Follow my blog : ##
on *:TEXT:!callbreak*:#: {
  if ( %call != 1 ) && (%ongoing == $null) { 
    set %ongoing CallBreak
    set %chan $chan
    set %AInames Deegee.TallGah.RayAurous.Lunaleh 
    set %call 1
    msg $chan 9 A Game Of 5CallBreak 9has been started by $nick . To join the game, type !join . For rules of the game, type !cbrules .
    set %players $null
    timer 1 10 msg %chan 6 20 seconds remaining! 
    timer 1 20 msg %chan 9 10 seconds remaining. AI players will join if enough players aren't there. 
    timer 1 30 joinlimit
on *:TEXT:!join*:#: {
  if ( %call == 1 ) && ($findtok(%players,$nick,1,46) == $null) {
    set %players $addtok(%players,$nick,32)
    msg $chan 13 $nick has joined the game. 
    if ( $numtok(%players,32) == 4 ) {
      timers off

on *:TEXT:!cbrules*:#: { 
  notice $nick Call Break is a Four player card game and played with a single deck of 52 cards. Each player gets 13 cards and game begins with each player calling their possible winnable hands, or bets.
  notice $nick Your bet must be at least 1. In each round, the starter can throw any card, and the next player throws a higher card of the same suit to win. In case the player does not have a card of that suit, he can throw a trump card to win the hand, which is any card of Spades.
  notice $nick If even trump cards are not present, then the player may throw any card, but they won't win the hand. At the end of 13 rounds, score is evaluated. 

alias -l joinlimit { 
  timers off
  if ( %players == $null ) { 
    msg %chan 5 Well, looks like nobody joined! Stopping the game! 
  else {
    timer 1 1 getai
    timer 1 3 msg %chan 5 AI Players have joined the game. Get ready....
    timer 1 5 start

alias -l getai { 
  var %i = 1
  while ( %i <= 3 ) { 
    set %ai $gettok(%AInames,%i,46) 
    set %players %players %ai 
    inc %i 
  set %players $gettok(%players,1-4,32)  

alias -l endcall {
  timers off
  unset %call %begin %thr %curcard %chan %ongoing %players %AInames %ai %pl1 %pl2 %pl3 %pl4 %bets %nos %ccard %deck %suits %cards %bet %round %turn %tplayer %starter %wins %thrown %tc %checkcard %cursuit %colored %lolimit %hilimit %win %winner %cd %lu %toreturn %highest %checker %fs %ffs 

alias -l start {
  unset %pl1 %pl2 %pl3 %pl4
  timers off
  timer 1 1 msg %chan 11 The players are: %players
  timer 1 3 distcards
  set %bets
  timer 1 5 set %bet 1
  timer 1 5 msg %chan 6 The bets are set to 3 by default. You may change your bet by typing !bet <your bet>.
  timer 1 7 msg %chan 3 Game will start in 15 seconds. You cannot change your bet after that.
  timer 1 11 aibet
  timer 1 22 finalstart

alias -l aibet { 
  if ( $istok(%AInames,$gettok(%players,1,32),46) == $true ) { 
    setbet 1
  if ( $istok(%AInames,$gettok(%players,2,32),46) == $true ) { 
    setbet 2
  if ( $istok(%AInames,$gettok(%players,3,32),46) == $true ) { 
    setbet 3
  if ( $istok(%AInames,$gettok(%players,4,32),46) == $true ) { 
    setbet 4

alias -l setbet { 
  if ( $1 == 1 ) { set %tc %pl1 } 
  elseif ( $1 == 2 ) { set %tc %pl2 } 
  elseif ( $1 == 3 ) { set %tc %pl3 } 
  elseif ( $1 == 4 ) { set %tc %pl4 } 

  var %k = 1 
  var %l = 0
  var %m = 0
  var %n = 0
  while ( %k <= 52 ) { 
    if ( $istok(%tc,%k,46) ) { 
      if ( %k // 13 ) { inc %l } 
      elseif ( %k >= 50 ) { inc %l }
      elseif ( %k > 44 ) { inc %n }
      elseif ( $calc(%k + 1) // 13 ) { inc %n }
    inc %k
  var %nb = $calc(%l + $floor( %n * 1.22 / 3 ))
  if ( %nb == 0 ) { var %nb = 1 }
  msg %chan 11 $gettok(%players,$1,32) sets their bet to %nb . 
  set %bets $deltok(%bets,$1,32)
  set %bets $instok(%bets,%nb,$1,46)

alias -l distcards { 
  set %nos
  var %i = 1 
  while ( %i <= 13 ) {
    var %c1 = $gettok(%nos,$rand(1,$numtok(%nos,46)),46)
    set %nos $remtok(%nos,%c1,1,46) 
    set %pl1 $addtok(%pl1,%c1,46)
    var %c2 = $gettok(%nos,$rand(1,$numtok(%nos,46)),46)
    set %nos $remtok(%nos,%c2,1,46) 
    set %pl2 $addtok(%pl2,%c2,46)
    var %c3 = $gettok(%nos,$rand(1,$numtok(%nos,46)),46)
    set %nos $remtok(%nos,%c3,1,46) 
    set %pl3 $addtok(%pl3,%c3,46)
    var %c4 = $gettok(%nos,$rand(1,$numtok(%nos,46)),46)
    set %nos $remtok(%nos,%c4,1,46) 
    set %pl4 $addtok(%pl4,%c4,46)
    inc %i
  set %pl1 $sorttok(%pl1,46,n)
  set %pl2 $sorttok(%pl2,46,n)
  set %pl3 $sorttok(%pl3,46,n)
  set %pl4 $sorttok(%pl4,46,n)
  showcard $gettok(%players,1,32) 1
  showcard $gettok(%players,2,32) 2
  showcard $gettok(%players,3,32) 3
  showcard $gettok(%players,4,32) 4

alias -l showcard { 
  if ( $istok(%AInames,$1,46) == $false) {
    if ($2 == 1 ) { set %ccard %pl1 } 
    elseif ( $2 == 2 ) { set %ccard %pl2 }
    elseif ( $2 == 3 ) { set %ccard %pl3 }
    elseif ( $2 == 4 ) { set %ccard %pl4 }
    unset %deck 
    var %i = 1 
    while ( %i <= $numtok(%ccard,46) ) {
      set %curcard $gettok(%ccard,%i,46)
      set %deck %deck $card(%curcard)
      inc %i
    notice $1 Your cards are: %deck (Total: $numtok(%ccard,46) )
alias -l card { 
  set %suits 4,0?.4,0?.1,0?.1,0?
  set %cards
  var %n = $1
  var %rv = $calc((%n -1) / 13)
  var %suit = $calc($floor(%rv) + 1)
  if ( $calc(%n % 13) == 0 ) { 
    var %card = 13
  else {
    var %card = $calc(%n % 13) 
  return $gettok(%suits,%suit,46) $+ $gettok(%cards,%card,46)

alias -l suit {
  var %n = $1
  var %rv = $calc((%n -1) / 13)
  var %suit = $calc($floor(%rv) + 1)
  return %suit

on *:TEXT:!bet*:#: {
  if ( %bet == 1 ) { 
    if ( $2 !isnum ) || ( $floor($2) != $2 ) || ( $2 < 1 ) || ( $2 > 13 ) || ($findtok(%players,$nick,1,32) == $null ) {
      notice $nick Invalid choice! Your bet should be a number, at least 1 and less than 14. 
    else { 
      var %k = $findtok(%players,$nick,1,32) 
      set %bets $deltok(%bets,%k,46)
      set %bets $instok(%bets,$2,%k,46) 
      msg $chan 5 $nick changes their bet to $2 . 

alias -l finalstart { 
  timers off
  set %round 1
  set %bet 0
  set %turn 1 
  set %tplayer $gettok(%players,1,32)
  msg %chan 3 It's %tplayer  $+ 's turn to start the 1st round. 
  notice %tplayer You may throw any card by specifying !throw <card position>
  unset %thrown
  set %begin 1
  set %starter 1
  set %wins
  if ( $istok(%AInames,%tplayer,46)) { 
    timer 1 3 aistuff 


alias -l validate { 
  if ( %turn == 1 ) { set %tc %pl1 }
  elseif ( %turn == 2 ) { set %tc %pl2 } 
  elseif ( %turn == 3 ) { set %tc %pl3 }
  elseif ( %turn == 4 ) { set %tc %pl4 } 

  set %checkcard $gettok(%tc,$1,46)

  if ( $suit(%checkcard) == %cursuit ) { return $true } 

  elseif ( $suit(%checkcard) == 4 ) { 

    var %startcheck = $calc(13 * %cursuit - 12)
    var %endcheck = $calc(%startcheck + 12)
    var %holder = 0
    while ( %startcheck <= %endcheck ) {
      if ( $istok(%tc,%startcheck,46) ) { 
        inc %holder
      inc %startcheck 
    if ( %holder > 0 ) { return $false } 
    else { return $true } 

  else { 

    var %startcheck = $calc(13 * %cursuit - 12)
    var %endcheck = $calc(%startcheck + 12)
    var %holder = 0
    var %looper = 40
    while ( %startcheck <= %endcheck ) {
      if ( $istok(%tc,%startcheck,46) ) { 
        inc %holder
      inc %startcheck 
    while ( %looper <= 52 ) { 
      if ( $istok(%tc,%looper,46) ) {
        inc %holder
      inc %looper 
    if ( %holder > 0 ) { return $false } 
    else { return $true }

alias -l finishround { 
  timers off
  inc %round 

alias -l score { 

  msg %chan 5Current Rounds Won:4  $gettok(%players,1,32)  :10 $gettok(%wins,1,46) 4 $gettok(%players,2,32)  : 10 $gettok(%wins,2,46) 4 $gettok(%players,3,32) :10 $gettok(%wins,3,46) 4 $gettok(%players,4,32)  :10 $gettok(%wins,4,46)
alias -l evaluatewinner { 
  timers off
  if ( %colored == 1 ) { 
    set %hilimit 52 
    while ( %hilimit >= 40 ) { 
      if ( $istok(%thrown,%hilimit,46) == $true ) {
      set %hilimit $calc( %hilimit - 1)
    set %win $findtok(%thrown,%hilimit,1,46)
    set %thr $calc( ( %starter - 1 ) * 4 + %win )
    set %win $gettok(,%thr,46) 
    set %winner $gettok(%players,%win,32)
    msg %chan 11 %winner has won this round, with his card $card(%hilimit) !
    set %starter %win
  else { 
    set %lolimit $calc( %cursuit * 13 - 12 ) 
    set %hilimit $calc(%lolimit + 12 ) 
    while ( %hilimit >= %lolimit ) { 
      if ( $istok(%thrown,%hilimit,46) == $true ) { 
      set %hilimit $calc( %hilimit - 1)
    set %win $findtok(%thrown,%hilimit,1,46) 
    set %thr $calc( ( %starter - 1 ) * 4 + %win )
    set %win $gettok(,%thr,46)
    set %winner $gettok(%players,%win,32)
    msg %chan 11 %winner has won this round, with his card $card(%hilimit) !
    set %starter %win
  if (%round == 14) { timer 1 5 endgame } 

  timer 1 4 score
  timer 1 6 msg %chan 6 It's 10 %winner 5's turn to start the next round!! 
  timer 1 5 showcard %winner %win
  timer 1 2 set %thrown $null
  timer 1 2 set %cd $null
  timer 1 2 set %cursuit $null
  timer 1 2 set %colored $null 
  timer 1 2 set %tplayer %winner
  timer 1 2 set %turn %win
  timer 1 3 changed
  if ( $istok(%AInames,%winner,46) ) { timer 1 8 aistuff }


alias -l changed {
  set %lu $gettok(%wins,%win,46)
  set %wins $deltok(%wins,%win,46)
  set %wins $instok(%wins,$calc(%lu + 1),%win,46)

on *:TEXT:!throw*:#: {
  if ( $nick == %tplayer) && ( %begin == 1) {
    if ( $2 isnum ) && ($floor($2) == $2) && ( $2 > 0 ) && ( $2 <= $calc(14 - %round)) {

      if ( %thrown == $null ) || ( $validate($2) == $true ) { 
        if ( %turn == 1 ) { 
          set %cd $gettok(%pl1,$2,46)
          set %pl1 $remtok(%pl1,%cd,1,46)
        elseif ( %turn == 2 ) { 
          set %cd $gettok(%pl2,$2,46)
          set %pl2 $remtok(%pl2,%cd,1,46)
        elseif ( %turn == 3 ) { 
          set %cd $gettok(%pl3,$2,46)
          set %pl3 $remtok(%pl3,%cd,1,46)
        elseif ( %turn == 4 ) { 
          set %cd $gettok(%pl4,$2,46)
          set %pl4 $remtok(%pl4,%cd,1,46)
        if ( $suit(%cd) == 4 ) { set %colored 1 } 
        if (%cursuit == $null) { set %cursuit $suit(%cd) }
        set %thrown $addtok(%thrown,%cd,46) 
        msg $chan 10 $nick throws the card $card(%cd) . 
        inc %turn
        if ( %turn > 4 ) { set %turn 1 } 
        set %tplayer $gettok(%players,%turn,32)
        if ( %turn == %starter ) { 
          timer 1 3 finishround 
        if ( %turn != %starter ) { 
          timer 1 2 msg %chan 9 It's 10 %tplayer 5's turn to continue the game!! 
          showcard %tplayer %turn
        if ( $istok(%AInames,%tplayer,46)) { 
          timer 1 5 aistuff 
      else {
        notice %tplayer Invalid choice! Make sure that you throw a card of the same suit as the first card in this round. In case, you do not have a card of that suit, you must throw any card of Spades. 
    elseif ( $2 !isnum ) { notice $nick Please enter the position of the card in your deck, i.e, an integer number. }
    elseif ( $2 > $calc(14- %round)) { notice $nick You have selected card number $2 , but you have only $calc(14 - %round) cards. } 
    elseif ( $2 <= 0 ) { notice $nick The position of the card must be a natural number, i.e, greater than 0. } 
    elseif ( $floor($2) != $2 ) { notice $nick You must enter a natural number. }
alias -l purify { 
  set %toreturn $1
  var %m = 40
  if ( %colored != 1 ) { 
    while ( %m <= 52 ) { 
      set %toreturn $remtok(%toreturn,%m,1,46)
      inc %m 
  set %toreturn $sorttok(%toreturn,46,nr)
  return $gettok(%toreturn,1,46) 

alias -l aistuff { 
  timers off
  if ( %turn == 2 ) { set %tc %pl2 } 
  elseif ( %turn == 1 ) { set %tc %pl1 }
  elseif ( %turn == 3 ) { set %tc %pl3 }
  elseif ( %turn == 4 ) { set %tc %pl4 }

  if (%cursuit == $null) { 
    var %x = $numtok(%tc,46)
    set %cd $rand(1,%x)
    set %cd $gettok(%tc,%cd,46)
    set %tc $remtok(%tc,%cd,1,46)

  else {
    set %highest $purify(%thrown)
    set %lolimit $calc( %cursuit * 13 - 12 ) 
    set %hilimit $calc(%lolimit + 12 ) 

    if ( %hilimit == %highest ) { throw 1 } 
    elseif ( $istok(%tc,%hilimit,46) || $istok(%tc,$calc(%hilimit-1),46) ) { throw 2 } 
    elseif ( $calc(%hilimit - %highest) <= 3 ) && ( $istok(%tc,%highest,46) ) { throw 2 } 
    elseif ( $calc(%hilimit - %highest) <= 3 ) { throw 1 } 
    elseif ( $calc(%highest - lolimit) <= 8 ) { throw 2 } 
    else { throw 2 }  


  if ( $suit(%cd) == 4 ) { set %colored 1 }
  if (%cursuit == $null) { set %cursuit $suit(%cd) }
  set %thrown $addtok(%thrown,%cd,46) 
  msg %chan 10 %tplayer decides to throw the card $card(%cd) . 

  if ( %turn == 2 ) { set %pl2 %tc } 
  elseif ( %turn == 1 ) { set %pl1 %tc }
  elseif ( %turn == 3 ) { set %pl3 %tc }
  elseif ( %turn == 4 ) { set %pl4 %tc }

  inc %turn 
  if ( %turn > 4 ) { set %turn 1 } 
  set %tplayer $gettok(%players,%turn,32)
  if ( %turn == %starter ) { timer 1 4 finishround } 
  if ( %turn != %starter ) { 
    timer 1 3 msg %chan 9 It's 10 %tplayer 5's turn to continue the game!! 
    showcard %tplayer %turn

  if ( $istok(%AInames,%tplayer,46)) { 
    timer 1 5 scon 1 aistuff

alias -l throw { 
  unset %checker
  if ( $1 == 1 ) { 

    while ( %hilimit >= %lolimit ) { 
      if ( $istok(%tc,%hilimit,46)) { set %checker %hilimit } 
      set %hilimit $calc(%hilimit - 1)
    if ( %checker == $null ) { 
      var %mc = 40 
      while ( %mc <= 52 ) { 
        if ( $istok(%tc,%mc,46)) { 
          set %checker %mc 
        inc %mc
    if ( %checker == $null ) { 
      var %pc = $rand(1, $numtok(%tc,46) )
      set %checker $gettok(%tc,%pc,46)
  elseif ( $1 == 2 ) { 
    while ( %lolimit <= %hilimit ) { 
      if ( $istok(%tc,%lolimit,46)) { set %checker %lolimit }
      inc %lolimit
    if ( %checker == $null ) { 
      var %mc = 40 
      while(%mc <= 52 ) { 
        if ( $istok(%tc,%mc,46)) { 
          set %checker %mc 
        inc %mc
    if ( %checker == $null ) { 
      var %pc = $rand(1, $numtok(%tc,46) )
      set %checker $gettok(%tc,%pc,46)

  set %cd %checker
  set %tc $remtok(%tc,%cd,1,46)


alias -l modify { 
  if ( $1 < 0 ) { return 0 } 
  else { return $1 } 

alias -l endgame { 
  timers off
  unset %fs
  var %l = 1
  while ( %l <= 4 ) { 
    if ( $gettok(%wins,%l,46) < $gettok(%bets,%l,46) ) { 
      set %fs $instok(%fs,$calc(-1 * $gettok(%bets,%l,46) * 10),%l,46 )
      if ($istok(%AInames,$gettok(%players,%l,32),46) == $false ) { coins $gettok(%players,%l,32) $modify($gettok(%fs,%l,46)) }
    else { 
      set %fs $instok(%fs,$calc( $gettok(%bets,%l,46) * 10 + ( $gettok(%wins,%l,46) - $gettok(%bets,%l,46) ) ),%l,46 )
      if ($istok(%AInames,$gettok(%players,%l,32),46) == $false ) { coins $gettok(%players,%l,32) $modify($gettok(%fs,%l,46)) }
    inc %l
  timer 1 1 msg %chan 6 Points earned: 4  $gettok(%players,1,32)  :10 $gettok(%fs,1,46) 4 $gettok(%players,2,32)  : 10 $gettok(%fs,2,46) 4 $gettok(%players,3,32) :10 $gettok(%fs,3,46) 4 $gettok(%players,4,32)  :10 $gettok(%fs,4,46)
  set %ffs $sorttok(%fs,46,nr)
  var %hig = $gettok(%ffs,1,46)
  set %win $findtok(%fs,%hig,1,46)
  set %winner $gettok(%players,%win,32)
  timer 1 3 msg %chan 5 %winner has won the game, with a score of %hig , thus getting %hig coins. Other players have been given their respective coins! 
  timer 1 4 endcall

on *:TEXT:!stopcb*:#: {
  if ( $nick isop %chan ) || ($nick == manish) { 
    msg $chan 4 Game has been stopped by $nick .

on *:TEXT:!change*:#: {
  if ( $nick isop %chan ) { 
    if ( $istok(%AInames,$2,46) ) { notice $nick AIs cannot be replaced. } 
    elseif ( $istok(%players,$2,32) ) { 
      var %i = 1 
      while ( %i <= 4 ) { 
        if ( $istok(%players,$gettok(%AInames,%i,46),32) == $false ) { 
        inc %i 
      msg %chan 10 $gettok(%AInames,%i,46) will be playing in place of $2 now! 
      var %z = $findtok(%players,$2,1,32)
      set %players $remtok(%players,$2,1,32)
      set %players $instok(%players,$gettok(%AInames,%i,46),%z,32)
      if ( %turn == %z ) { 
        set %tplayer $gettok(%AInames,%i,46)

alias -l coins {
  if ($read(coins.txt,w,* $+ $1 $+ *)) {
    set %n $readn $+
    set %data $read(coins.txt,w,* $+ $1 $+ *)
    set %current $gettok(%data,2,32) 
    set %new $calc(%current + $2)
    set %data $replace(%data,%current,%new)
    write -dl $+ %n coins.txt
    write coins.txt %data 
  else { 
    write coins.txt $1 $2

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