

irccloud / mibbit / kiwiirc by psykoo

In Category General IRC Posted by Snippets On 12/06/23

This will remove any wide ban matching multiple irccloud/mibbit/kiwiirc clients and replace it with ident ban

This version includes the unresolved IPs

Original post by simo
Special thanks to Ouims@freenode for helping with regex
;                 WebClient Ban Subsitution                                   ;
;                                                                             ;
; This script works in two phases:                                            ;
; 1) - Detect when a site ban is placed on irccloud/mibbit/kiwiirc.           ;
;    - Unban the site ban that could possibly affect multiple clients.        ;
;    - Set variable and wait for the kick to determine the banned client.     ;
;                                                                             ;
; 2) - After the kick takes place, make sure the variable matches the client. ;
;    - Once verified, place an ident ban for the client who got kicked.       ;
;                                                                             ;
; Author:  psycho                                                             ;
; Network: Undernet /                                        ;
; Channel: #psycho                                                            ;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Credits ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; simo for the original idea                                                  ;
; Ouims for helping with the regex code.                                      ;

on *:LOAD:{
  echo -at You just loaded the irccloud/mibbit/kiwiirc ban replacement script
  echo -at This Script does not require additional configuration
  echo -at Simply load it and wait for the magic to happen.

on *:UNLOAD:{
  echo -at What the hell??
  echo -at Alrighty then!

ON *:BAN:#:{
  if ($nick(#,$me,@%&~)) {
    if ($regex($banmask,/(mibbit|irccloud|kiwiirc||||||||||||||||| { mode $chan -b $banmask | set %webchatc $addtok(%webchatc,$banmask,32) }
    if ($regex($banmask,/([su]id\D|^\*!~?\*@(?:\*$|\?+))/i)) { mode $chan -b $banmask }

ON ^*:KICK:#:{ 
  if ($istok(%webchatc,$address($knick,2),32)) && ($nick(#,$me,@%&~)) {
    mode # +b $+($gettok($address($knick,0),1,64),@*)
    set %webchatc $remtok(%webchatc,$address($knick,2),32)  

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