

Words Frequencies by gennarino

In Category General IRC Posted by Snippets On 12/06/23

Words Frequencies using hash table!
I wrote this script to learn hash tables.
Copy the source in your script editor and you get a new menu tab called Words.
The Top10 and Bottom10 aliases where taken from the official mirc documentation
; Collects words and frequencies. Last Modified: January, 19, 2021
;                    By gennarino
; Creates Hash table Words => Frequencies

On *:Start:{
  if (!$hget(Words)) { hmake Words 100 }
  if ($isfile($scriptdir/Words.hsh)) { hload  Words $scriptdir/Words.hsh }

On *:Exit: { if ($hget(Words)) { hsave Words $scriptdir/Words.hsh } }
On *:Disconnect: { if ($hget(Words)) { hsave Words $scriptdir/Words.hsh } }

;End Hash Table handler

on *:TEXT:*:#: {
  if ( http isin $1- ) halt   ; skips sentences containing links
  ;Removes all control codes (bold/underline/italics/color/reverse)
  ;echo 4 -a $1-
  var %sentence = $strip($1-,buricmo)
  ;echo 4 -a %sentence 
  %sentence = $replace(%sentence,#,$chr(32),?,$chr(32),.,$chr(32),!,$chr(32),",$chr(32),',$chr(32),$chr(44),$chr(32),:,$chr(32),$chr(40),$chr(32),$chr(41),$chr(32),/,$chr(32))
  ; echo 4 -a { %sentence }
  var %Lengn = 0
  var %k = 1
  var %aw = $NULL
  set %single $NULL
  tokenize 32 %sentence
  while (  %k <= $0 ) { 
    %aw  = $ [ $+ [ %k ] ]
    %Lengn = $len(%aw)
    if (%Lengn > 3) {           ; Accept only words greater than 3
      if ($hget(Words,%aw)) { 
        hinc Words %aw 1 
      else { 
        hadd Words %aw 1  
        %single = %aw
        ;       echo 8 -a  %single 
    inc %k

menu * {

  ?  --- Words --> 
  .Save Hash Table: .hsave Words $scriptdir/Words.hsh
  .Save Ini File: .hsave -i Words $scriptdir/Words.ini
  .Show Top10: .top10
  .Show Bottom10: .bottom10
  .Show LastUnknown: //echo -a Last single word used:  %single
  .Prune lowest: Wprune $?="Enter Upper limit"
  .Search Word: Wget $?="Enter word: "

  ; .Print All: .print_All_Words  ; Warning: could hang MIRC

Alias print_All_Words {
  var %i = 1
  echo -a Words Table:
  ; iterate over each item
  while ($hget(Words, %i).item) {
    echo -a %i $+ ) $v1 => $hget(Words, $v1)
    inc %i

alias top10 {
  hsave -no Words top10.txt
  filter -ffcteun 1 32 top10.txt top10.txt
  var %i = 1 
  while (%i <= 10) {
    var %top10.item = $hget(Words,$gettok($read(top10.txt,nt,%i),1,32)).item
    set %top10 %top10 %top10.item  ( $+ $hget(Words,%top10.item) $+ )
    inc %i
  echo -a TOP 10: $replace(%top10,$chr(32),$+($chr(44),$chr(32)))
  unset %top10

alias bottom10 {
  hsave -no Words bottom10.txt
  filter -ffctun 1 32 bottom10.txt bottom10.txt
  var %i = 1 
  while (%i <= 10) {
    var %bottom10.item = $hget(Words,$gettok($read(bottom10.txt,nt,%i),1,32)).item
    set %bottom10 %bottom10 %bottom10.item ( $+ $hget(Words,%bottom10.item) $+ )
    inc %i
  echo -a BOTTOM 10: $replace(%bottom10,$chr(32),$+($chr(44),$chr(32)))
  unset %bottom10
alias wdel hdel Words $$1 | echo 4 -a $$1 => deleted
alias wget if ($hget(Words,$$1)) //say The word 4 $$1 has been used 4 $hget(Words, $1) times!

alias Wprune {
  if ( $1 ) var %q = $1
  else var %q = 2
  var %c = 1
  var %p = 0
  var %key = $hget(Words, %c).item
  var %data = $hget(Words, %c).data
  echo -a You have $hget(Words, 0).item items in your hash table
  while ( %key ) {
    if ( %data < %q ) {
      hdel Words %key 
      inc %p 1
    inc %c 1
    %key = $hget(Words, %c).item
    %data = $hget(Words, %c).data
  echo 4 -a Pruned %p entries
  hsave Words $scriptdir/Words.hsh 

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