

Aliases to handle note_file by gennarino

In Category General IRC Posted by Snippets On 12/04/23

I wrote some aliases for my scripts. They might be of any use for some of you so I decided to post them here. You can install them just as any other mirc script: ALT-R for remote, NEW_FILE, past the following code and SAVE.
Now you have a few aliases to handle your notes.

To test the functions you can use the additional alias test_note or just type /note.h for the help.
Hope the best for you all!
;       - -_##_------------------------------------------------_##_-
;       -  ( ") Merry Christmas and happy 2021 to all of you   (" )
;       - \/ .\-  Respect others and enjoy your stay on IRC.  -/. \/
;       - (  : )----------------------------------------------( :  )

; ----------> <----------
alias note.h /echo 8 -a note.h=This-help ; note.w=write (append) ; note.i=insert ; note.d=delete ; note.t=total lines ; note.r=readline (random) ; note.l=readline num. ; note.s=search ; note.a=searchAll ; note.c=clear-file 

; ----------> note.write line (append) <----------
alias note.w //write note.txt $$1- | //echo 4 -a write: $lines(note.txt) lines           

; ---------->  note.delete line_num
alias note.d //write -dl $+ $$1 note.txt | //echo 4 -a delete: $lines(note.txt) lines

; ----------> line(random)
alias note.r //echo 4 -a $read(note.txt, n)                                              

; ----------> line @ specific row
alias note.l //echo 4 -a $read(note.txt, n, $$1)                                         

; ----------> 1st occurrency
alias note.s //echo 4 -a $read(note.txt, nw, $+(*,$1-,*))  

; ----------> note.all = search all occurrencies
alias note.a //while ($read(note.txt, nw, $+(*,$$1-,*), $calc($readn + 1))) echo 8 -a $v1  

; ----------> note.insert @line
alias note.i //write -il $+ $$1 note.txt $$2- | echo 4 line $1 inserted                                      

; ----------> note.clear file (empty)
alias note.c //write -c note.txt | //echo 4 -a $lines(note.txt) lines             

; ----------> note.t = total number of lines
alias note.t //echo 4 -a $lines(note.txt) lines total 

alias test_note {
  note.w this is 1st line
  note.w this is 2nd line
  note.w this is last line
  note.i 2 this is a new 2nd line
  note.s 2nd
  note.a 2nd
  note.a *

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