

Simple ASL Script for mIRC Bots by Nienqster

In Category General IRC Posted by Snippets On 12/04/23
Tags: asl mirc nienqster 

Just a simple ASL script for mIRC bots!

People still have the tendency to ask another persons ASL - so this script is made to set your ASL and the BOT will tell everyone your ASL whenever you join the channel!

alias -l asl return $readini(asl.ini, asl, $1)

on *:join:#: {
  if ($chan == #blabberbots) { halt }
  if ($nick ison $chan(#teenzone)) {
    /kick $chan $nick You are on TeenZone. $chan is for ADULTS ONLY!
  halt }

  if ($nick == $me) { halt }
  if ($nick == Robo-John) { halt }
  elseif (!$asl($nick)) {    
    msg $chan $nick $+ $chr(58)4 : Please set your ASL. You can do so by typing in 4!ASL SET Age / Sex / Location
    /msg $nick Please set your ASL by typing 4!ASL SET <Your Age, Sex, Location> in the channel.    
    /msg $nick .......
    closemsg $nick
  elseif ($asl($nick)) {
    if ($right($nick, 1) == $chr(115)) {
      msg $chan $nick $+ $chr(39) ASL is $chr(2) $+ $asl($nick) $+ $chr(2) $+ $chr(46)
    else {
      msg $chan $nick $+ $chr(39) $+ $chr(115) ASL is $chr(2) $+ $asl($nick) $+ $chr(2) $+ $chr(46)


on 1:NICK: {
  if $chan == #blabberbots { halt }
  var %on = $nick
  var %nn = $newnick
  if (%nn == $me) { halt }
  if ($asl(%nn)) { halt } 
  if (!$asl(%on)) { halt }  
  elseif ($asl(%on)) { var %nnasl = $readini(asl.ini, asl, %on)
  writeini asl.ini asl %nn %nnasl }  

on *:text:asl*:#: {
  if ($2) {
    if ($2 == set) {     
      if ($3) { /msg # $nick $+ , to set your ASL, type 4!ASL SET $3- } 
      elseif (!$3) /msg # $nick $+, to set your ASL, type 4!ASL SET <Age/Sex/Location>
    elseif ($2 ison $chan) { /msg # $nick $+ , to get $2 $+ 's ASL, type !ASL $2 }
    elseif ($2 == help) { aslhelper }

on *:text:!asl*:#: {
  if (($2 == set) && ($3)) {
    if (!$isfile(asl.ini)) {
      write asl.ini
    writeini asl.ini asl $nick $3-
    msg $chan $nick $+ $chr(58) your ASL has been set to $chr(2) $+ $3- $+ .

  elseif ($2 == del) {
   if (!$3) {
    if (!$isfile(asl.ini)) {
      msg $chan $nick $+ $chr(58) The ASL database is empty, thus I don't have your asl set. Type $chr(2) $+ /msg $me ASL HELP $+ $chr(2) for more help on setting your ASL.
    elseif (!$asl($nick)) {
      msg $chan $nick $+ $chr(58) You have not set your ASL, type $chr(2) $+ /msg $me ASL HELP $+ $chr(2) for more help on setting your ASL.
    elseif ($asl($nick)) {
      remini asl.ini asl $nick
      msg $chan $nick $+ $chr(58) your asl has been removed from my records.
   else {
    if ($nick !isop $chan) {
     if ($nick !ishop $chan) { /msg $chan $nick $+ , removal of ASL records is reserved to OPS and Half-OPS only! }                            
    else {

    if (!$isfile(asl.ini)) {
      msg $chan $nick $+ $chr(58) The ASL database is empty, thus I don't an asl for $3.
    elseif (!$asl($3)) {
      msg $chan $nick $+ $chr(58) There is no ASL Record for $3.
    elseif ($asl($3)) {
      remini asl.ini asl $3
      msg $chan $nick $+ $chr(58) $3 $+ 's asl has been removed from the records.

  elseif ($2 ison $chan) {
    if ($asl($2)) {
      if ($right($2, 1) == $chr(115)) {
        msg $chan $2 $+ $chr(39) ASL is $chr(2) $+ $asl($2) $+ $chr(2) $+ $chr(46)
      else {
        msg $chan $2 $+ $chr(39) $+ $chr(115) ASL is $chr(2) $+ $asl($2) $+ $chr(2) $+ $chr(46)
    elseif (!$asl($2)) {
      msg $chan $nick $+ $chr(58) I have no record of $2 $+ $chr(39) $+ $chr(115) ASL.
  elseif (!$2) {
    if ($asl($nick)) {
      msg $chan $nick $+ $chr(58) From wot the Voices tells me, your ASL is $chr(2) $+ $asl($nick) $+ $chr(2) $+ .
    elseif (!$asl($nick)) {
      msg $chan $nick $+ $chr(58) You have not set your ASL! Type 4!ASL SET Age/Sex/Location 1to set.

alias aslhelper {
  msg $nick +- ASL Help -+
  msg $nick ==============
  msg $nick !ASL           - Returns your current ASL
  msg $nick !ASL <nick>    - Returns <nicks> ASL if they have it set
  msg $nick !ASL SET <ASL> - Saves your ASL as <ASL>
  msg $nick .
  msg $nick You don't need to set an ASL for every nick that you use, as I
  msg $nick will keep track of the ASL you use with the nick you use to join
  msg $nick the channel, and set it automatically whenever you change your
  msg $nick nickname. Once you have set your first ASL, it will be stored
  msg $nick in my ASL database.
  msg $nick .
  msg $nick The ASL records are interchangeable between #truth-or-dare and
  msg $nick #tist
  msg $nick .
  msg $nick Failure to set your ASL will result in you getting kicked from the
  msg $nick channel. It is the one rule that MUST be followed.
  msg $nick .
  msg $nick Please note that these commands only work in the channel, and not in DCC Chats
  closemsg $nick

on *:text:*asl*:?: {
  if $2 == set { /msg Sorry, you can only set your ASL in the channel, not in a private message to me. }
  else { aslhelper }
  closemsg $nick

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