

TCL channels and user list on web page by Aktarus

In Category General IRC Posted by Snippets On 12/04/23
Tags: tcl eggdrop aktarus 

Small tcl script for eggdrop.
Copy the script to a TXT file and save it as chweb.tcl
After that, set it to your liking. operation is quite simple, put it in the "script" folder
Put the following string in your eggdrop.conf: source scripts / web.tcl
The script is used to send the channels and the number of connected users to a web page.
You need to give all eggdrop write permissions on src / html

Snippets by AkTaRuS
# Source by AKTaRuS             #
# Sito xeb :      #
# chweb.tcl v.1.0               #
bind time - "* * * * *" web_users

# Path to save html page.
set webusers_file "/var/www/html/index.html"

proc web_users {min hour day month year} {
    global webusers_file
    set fh [open "$webusers_file" "a+"]
    set fh [open "$webusers_file" "w+"]
    puts $fh "<body style=background-color:grey>"
    puts $fh "<h1><font color=red>SET TITLE H1 </font></h1>"
    puts $fh "<h1><font color=yellow><marquee align=middle behavior=scroll direction=left scrolldelay=40>Numero Utenti presenti nei canali di IRCserveR Italia.</marquee></font></h1>"
    puts $fh "<BODY>"

        foreach chan [lsort [channels]] {
        set users [chanlist $chan]<BR/>
        puts $fh "<h2><font color=yellow>$chan:</font><BR/><font color=red>[llength $users] users:</font></h2> [join $users {, }]<BR/>"
    puts $fh "<h1><font color=yellow><marquee align=middle behavior=scroll direction=left scrolldelay=40><h1>IRCserveR Italia IRC Network.</marquee></font></h1>"
    puts $fh "<h5><a YOUR SITE>VISIT MY SITE</a></h5><h6>by AkTaRuS</h6>"
    puts $fh "<h6>IRCserveR Italia</h6>"
    puts $fh "</BODY></HTML>"
    close $fh

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