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Trivia Auto Stop


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:oops: iv got a question and was wondering if it would be possible to put an auto stop in the trivia i.e after 10 questions and no one answers the trivia questions it will auto stop as iv found that some people start the trivia and dont stop the trivia and leave the trivia running when they leave the room the code is below and im not good enough to alter a code like this :( I also know im asking a lot and maybe its too much to take on so I will understand .... as always nais tuke for any comments on this one :D


:o forgot the trivia is for SPCN Chat.


;Replace the font here to change the font used by the trivia script, but Tahoma is the best one for
;displaying all the chatters nicknames correctly.
on *:TEXT:*:*:{
  if (%trivia.status.bot == 0) { return }
  if (!hof isin $1) { msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.trivia.hof $+  }
  if (!row isin $1) { notice $nick $msg.trivia.record.row }
  if (!fast isin $1) { notice $nick $msg.trivia.record.time }
  if (!records isin $1) { notice $nick $msg.trivia.records }
  if (!wins isin $1) { notice $nick $msg.trivia.wins }
  if (!champ isin $1) { notice $nick $msg.trivia.champs }
  if (!rank isin $1) { notice $nick $msg.trivia.rank }
  if (!version isin $1) { notice $nick $msg.trivia.version }
  if (!add isin $1) { notice $nick $msg.trivia.thanks | write %trivia.additions $nick $2- }
  if (!report isin $1) { notice $nick $msg.trivia.thanks | write %trivia.report $nick $2- }
  if ($chan != %trivia.channel) { return }
  if (!helptrivia isin $1) { givehelp }
  if ($nick isop $chan) || (%trivia.status.oponly == 0) {
    if (!trivia isin $1) { $trivia($2) }
    if (!giveup isin $1) { $trivg }
    if (%trivia.status.cur == 0) { return }
    if (!strivia isin $1) { if ((%trivia.teammode == 0) || ($isop($nick))) { strivia } }
  if (%trivia.status.cur == 0) { return }
  if (!join isin $1) && (%trivia.teammode == 1) { $setteam($nick, $2) }
  if (%trivq.question == $null) { return }
  if (!hint isin $1) && ($question.time >= %trivia.lag.hintallow) { msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.question.hint $+  }
  if (!!hint isin $1) && ($question.time >= %trivia.lag.hintallow) { msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.question.hint2 $+  }
  if (!vowels isin $1) && ($question.time >= %trivia.lag.hintallow) { msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.question.vowels $+  }
  if (!bighint isin $1) && ($question.time >= %trivia.lag.hintallow) { msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.question.bighint $+  }
  if (!repeat isin $1) { notice $nick $msg.question.current }
  var %i = 2
  while (%i <= $tokq) {
    if ( (($fix($tok(%i)) isin $fix($1-) ) && ( $len( $1- ) <= $calc(3 * $len( $tok(%i) )) ) )) { answered }
    inc %i

dialog options {
  title "Trivia Settings"
  size -1 -1 182 133
  option dbu
  tab "General", 1, 0 -2 181 133
  box "General Settings", 10, 2 13 177 101, tab 1
  text "Room", 40, 6 22 30 8, tab 1
  text "Questions", 50, 6 34 30 8, tab 1
  text "Additions", 60, 6 46 30 8, tab 1
  text "Report", 70, 6 58 30 8, tab 1
  text "Delimiter", 80, 6 70 30 8, tab 1
  text "Directory", 90, 6 81 30 8, tab 1
  edit [ %trivia.channel ], 45, 35 21 140 10, tab 1 autohs
  edit [ %trivia.questions ], 55, 35 33 140 10, tab 1 autohs
  edit [ %trivia.additions ], 65, 35 45 75 10, tab 1 autohs
  edit [ %trivia.report ], 75, 35 57 75 10, tab 1 autohs
  edit [ %trivia.delimiter ], 85, 35 69 75 10, tab 1 autohs
  edit [ %trivia.dir ], 95, 35 81 140 10, tab 1 autohs
  text "!hint = Standard Hint", 13, 6 92 67 8, tab 1
  text "!!hint = Bigger Hint", 15, 6 102 67 8, tab 1
  text "!vowels = Vowels", 16, 98 92 58 8, tab 1
  text "Modified for Hybrid", 33, 5 119 52 8, disable tab 1
  text "!helptrivia = Commands", 34, 99 101 77 8, tab 1
  tab "Defaults", 2
  box "Time Settings in seconds:", 12, 2 51 114 63, tab 2
  text "Before Start", 130, 5 59 37 7, tab 2
  text "Between Questions (answered)", 140, 5 68 78 7, tab 2
  text "Given to Answer", 150, 5 76 43 8, tab 2
  text "Before Auto-Hint", 160, 5 85 47 7, tab 2
  text "Between Question (timed-out)", 170, 5 93 77 7, tab 2
  text "Before '!hint' allowed", 181, 5 101 54 7, tab 2
  edit [ %trivia.lag.start ], 135, 96 58 16 9, tab 2
  edit [ %trivia.lag.answered ], 145, 96 67 16 9, tab 2
  edit [ %trivia.lag.timedout ], 155, 96 75 16 9, tab 2
  edit [ %trivia.lag.hint ], 165, 96 84 16 9, tab 2
  edit [ %trivia.lag.timed ], 175, 96 93 16 9, tab 2
  edit [ %trivia.lag.hintallow ], 186, 96 102 16 9, tab 2
  box "Question Settings", 14, 2 13 59 37, tab 2
  text "Default Round", 200, 4 22 38 7, tab 2
  text "Champ Goal", 210, 4 35 34 7, tab 2
  edit [ %trivia.default ], 205, 40 21 19 10, tab 2 limit 4
  edit [ %trivia.reset ], 215, 40 34 19 10, tab 2 limit 4
  check "Auto-Hint", 225, 66 37 47 9, tab 2 left
  check "Champ Mode", 235, 66 29 47 9, tab 2 left
  check "On/Off Op-Only", 245, 66 21 47 9, tab 2 left
  box "Modes", 6, 62 13 54 37, tab 2
  box "Commands:", 35, 117 13 63 101, tab 2
  text "!hof: Hall of Fame.", 36, 119 20 59 7, tab 2
  text "!row: Streak record.", 37, 119 26 59 7, tab 2
  text "!fast: Fast nick", 38, 119 32 59 7, tab 2
  text "!records: All 3 records.", 39, 119 38 59 7, tab 2
  text "!wins: Most wins.", 41, 119 44 59 7, tab 2
  text "!champ: Current champ.", 42, 119 50 59 7, tab 2
  text "!rank: Your rank.", 43, 119 56 59 7, tab 2
  text "!version: Trivia version.", 44, 119 62 59 7, tab 2
  text "!add: Add a question.", 46, 119 68 59 7, tab 2
  text "!report: Report error.", 47, 119 74 59 7, tab 2
  text "!helptrivia: Help.", 48, 119 80 59 7, tab 2
  text "!trivia: Begin trivia.", 49, 119 86 59 7, tab 2
  text "!strivia: Stop trivia.", 51, 119 92 59 7, tab 2
  text "!join: Join a team.", 52, 119 98 60 7, tab 2
  text "!repeat: Repeats ?.", 53, 119 104 60 7, tab 2
  tab "Teams", 3
  text "Team 1 name", 180, 5 22 23 7, tab 3
  text "Team 2 name", 190, 5 38 24 7, tab 3
  edit [ %trivia.team.1 ], 185, 29 21 90 10, tab 3 autohs
  edit [ %trivia.team.2 ], 195, 29 37 90 10, tab 3 autohs
  text "Tied Message", 300, 5 62 36 7, tab 3
  text "Team 1 Wins", 310, 5 77 35 7, tab 3
  text "Team 2 Wins", 320, 5 92 35 7, tab 3
  edit [ %trivia.team.0.victory ], 305, 38 61 139 10, tab 3 autohs
  edit [ %trivia.team.1.victory ], 315, 38 76 139 10, tab 3 autohs
  edit [ %trivia.team.2.victory ], 325, 38 91 139 10, tab 3 autohs
  box "Team Names", 7, 2 13 177 40, tab 3
  box "Messages", 8, 2 54 177 60, tab 3
  tab "Awards", 4
  box "Row Messages", 400, 2 13 177 52, tab 4
  box "Score Messages", 401, 2 66 177 48, tab 4
  text "50 wins", 410, 4 74 21 7, tab 4
  text "100 wins", 420, 4 84 21 7, tab 4
  text "150 wins", 430, 4 94 21 7, tab 4
  edit [ %trivia.award.score.50 ], 415, 25 73 152 10, tab 4 autohs
  edit [ %trivia.award.score.100 ], 425, 25 83 152 10, tab 4 autohs
  edit [ %trivia.award.score.150 ], 435, 25 93 152 10, tab 4 autohs
  text "3 row", 440, 4 21 20 6, tab 4
  text "5 row", 450, 4 32 20 6, tab 4
  text "10 row", 460, 4 43 20 6, tab 4
  text "15 row", 470, 4 53 20 6, tab 4
  edit [ %trivia.award.row.3 ], 445, 25 20 151 10, tab 4 autohs
  edit [ %trivia.award.row.5 ], 455, 25 31 151 10, tab 4 autohs
  edit [ %trivia.award.row.10 ], 465, 25 42 151 10, tab 4 autohs
  edit [ %trivia.award.row.15 ], 475, 25 53 151 10, tab 4 autohs
  text "* becomes winners nick. ^ becomes number of streak/score.", 480, 13 104 152 7, tab 4
  tab "Status", 5
  text "Trivia Script version:", 500, 5 20 75 10, tab 5
  text [ $msg.trivia.version ], 501, 92 20 75 10, tab 5
  text "Trivia bot is currently:", 503, 5 33 75 10, tab 5
  text [ $trivon ], 504, 92 33 40 10, tab 5
  text "Current mIRC version is:", 505, 5 46 75 10, tab 5
  text [ $version ], 506, 92 46 40 10, tab 5
  text "Current Trivia directory exists:", 507, 5 59 75 10, tab 5
  text [ $trivia.dir ], 508, 92 59 40 10, tab 5
  text "Currently in Trivia Channel:", 509, 5 72 77 10, tab 5
  text [ $trivia.dir ], 510, 92 72 40 10, tab 5
  text "Question file in Trivia Directory:", 511, 5 85 80 10, tab 5
  text [ $trivia.dir ], 512, 92 85 40 10, tab 5
  text "Number of questions:", 513, 5 98 81 10, tab 5
  text [ $numq ], 514, 92 98 75 10, tab 5
  box "General Infomation", 9, 2 13 177 101, tab 5
  button "OK", 100, 71 117 40 12, flat ok

on *:dialog:options:sclick:100:{
  %trivia.channel = $did(45)
  %trivia.questions = $did(55)
  %trivia.additions = $did(65)
  %trivia.report = $did(75)
  %trivia.delimiter = $did(85)
  %trivia.dir = $did(95)
  %trivia.lag.start = $did(135)
  %trivia.lag.answered = $did(145)
  %trivia.lag.timedout = $did(155)
  %trivia.lag.hint = $did(165)
  %trivia.lag.timed = $did(175)
  %trivia.lag.hintallow = $did(186)
  %trivia.team.1 = $did(185)
  %trivia.team.2 = $did(195)
  %trivia.default = $did(205)
  %trivia.reset = $did(215)
  %trivia.status.autohint = $did(225).state
  %trivia.status.champ = $did(235).state
  %trivia.status.oponly = $did(245).state
  %trivia.team.0.victory = $did(305)
  %trivia.team.1.victory = $did(315)
  %trivia.team.2.victory = $did(325)
  %trivia.award.score.50 = $did(415)
  %trivia.award.score.100 = $did(425)
  %trivia.award.score.150 = $did(435)
  %trivia.award.row.3 = $did(445)
  %trivia.award.row.5 = $did(455)
  %trivia.award.row.10 = $did(465)
  %trivia.award.row.15 = $did(475)

on *:dialog:options:init:*:{
  if (%trivia.status.autohint == 1) { did -c options 225 }
  if (%trivia.status.champ == 1) { did -c options 235 }
  if (%trivia.status.oponly == 1) { did -c options 245 }
menu menubar,channel {
  .Start Trivia
  ..Unlimited Game:$trivia(unlimited)
  ..Team Game:$trivia(team)
  ..Specify round:{ $trivia($$?="How many question in the trivia round?") }
  .Stop Trivia:strivia
  .Force Question:ask
  ..Records:msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.trivia.records $+ 
  ..HoF:msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.trivia.hof $+ 
  ..Fast:msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.trivia.record.time $+ 
  ..Repeat:msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.question.current $+ 
  ..Questions:if $exists(%trivia.dir $+ / $+ %trivia.questions) { run %trivia.dir $+ / $+ %trivia.questions }
  ..Additions:if $exists(%trivia.dir $+ / $+ %trivia.additions) { run %trivia.dir $+ / $+ %trivia.additions }
  ..Report:if $exists(%trivia.dir $+ / $+ %trivia.report) { run %trivia.dir $+ / $+ %trivia.report }
  .Set Room:%trivia.channel = $chan
  .Set Directory:set %trivia.dir $mircdir
  .~Options~:dialog -mh options options
  .Trivia [ $trivon ] $+ :%trivia.status.bot = $calc((%trivia.status.bot - 1) * -1)
alias trivon { 
  if (%trivia.status.bot == 1) { return On }
  else { return Off }
alias trivia.chan { 
  if (%trivia.channel !ischan) { return No }
  else { return Yes }
alias trivia.dir { 
  if ($isdir(%trivia.dir) == $false) { return No }
  else { return Yes }
alias trivia.file { 
  if ($isfile(%trivia.dir $+ \ $+ %trivia.questions) == $false) { return No }
  else { return Yes }

alias msg.answer.correct { return $nick got the answer: %trivq.answer $+ . In: %question.time secs. Streak: %trivia.row $+ . $msg.trivia.wins $+ ! $msg.trivia.rank }
alias msg.question.current { return %trivia.status.question $+ . $tok(1) $+ ? }
alias msg.question.hint { return Here's a hint: $left(%trivq.answer, $int($calc(($len(%trivq.answer) / 3) + 1 ))) }
alias msg.question.hint2 { return Here's a hint: $left(%trivq.answer, $int($calc(($len(%trivq.answer) / 3) + 2 ))) }
alias msg.question.bighint { return Here's a big hint: $left(%trivq.answer, $int($calc(($len(%trivq.answer) / 3) + 5 ))) }
alias msg.question.vowels { return Vowels are: $get.vowels }
alias msg.trivia.stopped { return Stopping the trivia. }
alias msg.trivia.victory { return The game has been beaten by %trivia.lastwinner all hail the new champ whose name shall reign supreme! }
alias msg.trivia.started { return Starting the trivia. }
alias msg.trivia.times_up { return Times up! The answer was: %trivq.answer }
alias msg.trivia.give_up { return You've given up!!! The answer was: %trivq.answer $+ . Better luck next time. }
alias msg.trivia.record.row { return Record streak: %record.row held by, %record.name }
alias msg.trivia.record.time { return Record time: %record.time held by, %record.time.name }
alias msg.trivia.record.champ { return Current champ: %trivia.hof.champ $+ ... }
alias msg.trivia.hof { return $msg.trivia.record.champ %hof1.name is leading the pack: $hofscore(1) wins $highscores $+ ! }
alias msg.trivia.records { return $msg.trivia.hof $+ . $msg.trivia.record.row $+ . $msg.trivia.record.time $+ . }
alias msg.trivia.rank { return You rank number: $getrank($nick) $+ ! }
alias msg.trivia.thanks { return Thank you for your contribution! }
alias msg.trivia.version { return Hybrid Trivia Workin' Trivia 1.1 }
alias msg.trivia.wins { return Current wins $score($nick) }
alias msg.team.start { return Team Trivia: ' $+ !join 1 $+ ' or ' $+ !join 2 $+ ' to add to a team. }
alias msg.team.add { return Team: %add.team has a new member: %add.name }
alias msg.team.joinover { return I am sorry no more people can join/change at this time. }
alias msg.team.score { return %trivia.team.1 has %team.score.1 points. %trivia.team.2 has %team.score.2 points. }
alias highscores {
  var %temp 
  var %i = 2
  while (($hofscore(%i) != $null) && (%i <= 10)) {
    %temp = %temp; %i $+ ) $+ $chr(32) $+ % [ $+ hof $+ [ %i ] $+ .name ] $+ $chr(32) $+ - $+ $chr(32) $+ $hofscore( %i )
    inc %i
  return %temp
alias msg.trivia.champs {
  var %temp $msg.trivia.record.champ
  var %i = 1
  while (%i <= %trivia.hof.champ.size) {
    %temp = %temp %trivia.hof.champ. [ $+ [ %i ] ]
    inc %i
  return %temp

alias nset { if ( % [ $+ [ $1 ] ] == $null) { % [ $+ [ $1 ] ] = $2- } }
alias init {
  unset %trivia*
  nset { trivia.status.bot 1 }
  nset { trivia.status.champ 0 }
  nset { trivia.status.number 30 }
  nset { trivia.status.autohint 0 }
  nset { trivia.status.oponly 0 }
  nset { trivia.lastwinner Nobody }
  nset { trivia.additions additions.txt }
  nset { trivia.channel #temptrivia }
  nset { trivia.default 1000 }
  nset { trivia.delimiter * }
  nset { trivia.dir $mircdir }
  nset { trivia.lag.answered 10 }
  nset { trivia.lag.hint 10 }
  nset { trivia.lag.start 10 }
  nset { trivia.lag.timed 10 }
  nset { trivia.lag.timedout 40 }
  nset { trivia.lag.hintallow 10 }
  nset { trivia.questions questions2.txt }
  nset { trivia.report report.txt }
  nset { trivia.reset 1000 }
  nset { trivia.team.0.victory There is no winner, you are both losers... }
  nset { trivia.team.1 Blue }
  nset { trivia.team.1.victory The Blue crushed the Red.... }
  nset { trivia.team.2 Red }
  nset { trivia.team.2.victory The Red crushed the Blue.... }
  nset { trivia.award.row.3 gives * a (B) or even a (D) for your ^ win's }
  nset { trivia.award.row.5 you are getting better you clever trivia (6) * , ^ win's }
  nset { trivia.award.row.10 :D Congratulations  * , you're on a roll with them ^ win's }
  nset { trivia.award.row.15 you are intelligent * , with your ^ win's and your still going strong :D }
  nset { trivia.award.score.50 gives you * a (D) you must think its your birthday you trivia buff for getting ^ win's (h5)for them :) }
  nset { trivia.award.score.100 gives you * a special big pat on the back and (h5) for scoring so many ^ win's you are becoming a legend :D }
  nset { trivia.award.score.150 ^ win's you really are the trivia legend * and we will be throwing a big party <:o) for you to celebrate your wins :D }
  %trivia.status.cur = 0
  %trivia.teammode = 0
  %trivia.row = 0
  unset %player*
  unset %record*
  unset %hof*
alias givehelp {
  notice $nick !trivia x - Starts trivia, x can be a number, "unlimited" or "team" for team mode
  notice $nick !strivia - Stops trivia
  notice $nick !hint - Gives a hint ** !!hint - Gives a bigger hint
  notice $nick !vowels - Gives vowels
  notice $nick !repeat - Repeats the question ** !giveup - Ends current question
  notice $nick !wins - Returns your current wins ** !rank - Returns your current rank 
  notice $nick !hof - Displays the hall of fame ** !fast - Displays the record time
  notice $nick !champ - Displays the champ stats ** !row - Displays the record row
  notice $nick !join x - Joins a team, must be in team mode, x can be a 1 or 2
  notice $nick !add - Allows you to add questions ** !report - Lets you report problems with the questions
  notice $nick !version - Displays the version of the bot
alias trivia.fail {
  if (%trivia.status.bot == 0) { echo The trivia bot is off. | return $true }
  if (%trivia.channel !ischan) { echo You are not in the set trivia channel: %trivia.channel | return $true }
  if ($isdir(%trivia.dir) == $false) { echo Trivia Directory Invalid! | return $true }
  if ($isfile(%trivia.dir $+ \ $+ %trivia.questions) == $false) { echo Question file not found | return $true }
  if ($version < 5.9) { echo Please use mIRC 5.9 or later. | return $true }
alias trivia {
  if ((%trivia.status.cur == 1) || ($trivia.fail)) { return }
  if ( ($1 != $null) && ($1 <= $numq ) && ($int($1) > 0) ) { %trivia.status.number = $int($1) }
  else { %trivia.status.number = %trivia.default }
  %trivia.status.question = 0
  %trivia.status.asked = 0
  if ($1 == unlimited) {
    %trivia.status.number = Unlimited
  msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.trivia.started $+ 
  if ( $1 == team ) {
    %trivia.teammode = 1
    %team.score.1 = 0
    %team.score.2 = 0
    msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.team.start $+ 
  %trivia.status.cur = 1
  .timertrivia1 1 %trivia.lag.start trivq
alias strivia {
  if (%trivia.status.cur == 0) { return }
  if ( %trivia.teammode == 1 ) {
    if (%team.score.1 == %team.score.2) { var %temp = %trivia.team.0.victory }
    if (%team.score.1 > %team.score.2) { var %temp = %trivia.team.1.victory }
    if (%team.score.1 < %team.score.2) { var %temp = %trivia.team.2.victory }
    msg %trivia.channel $font $replace($replace(%temp, *t1, %trivia.team.1),*t2, %trivia.team.2) $+ ! $+ 
  unset %trivq.*
  unset %asked.*
  unset %question.*
  if (%trivia.teammode == 0) { msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.trivia.stopped $+  }
  if ((%trivia.teammode == 0) && ( %trivia.status.question >= 10)) { msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.trivia.records $+  }
  unset %team.*  
  %trivia.teammode = 0
  %trivia.status.cur = 0
  .timertrivia* off
alias trivq {
  if (%trivia.status.bot == 0) { echo The trivia bot is off. | strivia }
  if (%trivia.status.cur == 0) { return }
  inc %trivia.status.question
  inc %trivia.status.asked
  if (%trivia.status.asked > $numq) { unset %asked.* | %trivia.status.asked = 1 }
  if (%trivia.ask != $null) { $setask( %trivia.ask ) }
  while ($is_repeat) { $setask( $rand(0, $numq) ) }
  %trivq.question = $read( %trivia.questions, $asked( %trivia.status.asked ) )
  %trivq.answer = $tok(2)
  unset %trivia.ask
  msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.question.current $+ 
  %question.answered = $false
  .timertrivia2 1 %trivia.lag.timedout trivx
  if ( %trivia.status.autohint == 1 ) { .timertrivia3 1 %trivia.lag.hint hint }
  %question.start = $ticks
  echo 4 %trivia.channel -> %trivq.answer -> $asked( %trivia.status.asked )
alias get.vowels {
  var %vowels
  set %voweltmp $regsub(%trivq.answer,/([^aeiouAEIOU ])/g,_,%vowels)
  return %vowels
alias is_repeat { 
  if ($asked( %trivia.status.asked ) == $null) { return $true }
  if ($read(%trivia.questions, $asked(%trivia.status.asked)) == $null) { return $true }
  var %i = 1
  while (%i < %trivia.status.asked) {
    if ( $asked( %i ) == $asked( %trivia.status.asked ) ) { return $true }
    inc %i
  return $false
alias asked { return % [ $+ asked. $+ [ $1 ] ] }
alias setask { % [ $+ asked. $+ [ %trivia.status.asked ] ] = $1 }
alias trivg {
  if (%question.answered == $false) {
    msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.trivia.give_up $+ 
    %trivia.row = 0
  .timertrivia* off
  unset %trivq.*
  if (($score($nick) >= %trivia.reset) && (%trivia.status.champ == 1)) { 
    unset %hof*
    unset %player.*
    unset %record.*
    inc %trivia.hof.champ.size
    %trivia.hof.champ. [ $+ [ %trivia.hof.champ.size ] ] = %trivia.hof.champ
    %trivia.hof.champ = %trivia.lastwinner
    msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.trivia.victory $+ 
  if (%trivia.status.number != unlimited) && ( %trivia.status.question >= %trivia.status.number ) { strivia }
  var %temp.lag
  if (%question.answered) { %temp.lag = %trivia.lag.answered }
  else { %temp.lag = %trivia.lag.timed }
  .timertrivia1 1 %temp.lag trivq
  unset %question.*
alias trivx {
  if (%question.answered == $false) {
    msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.trivia.times_up $+ 
    %trivia.row = 0
  .timertrivia* off
  unset %trivq.*
  if (($score($nick) >= %trivia.reset) && (%trivia.status.champ == 1)) { 
    unset %hof*
    unset %player.*
    unset %record.*
    inc %trivia.hof.champ.size
    %trivia.hof.champ. [ $+ [ %trivia.hof.champ.size ] ] = %trivia.hof.champ
    %trivia.hof.champ = %trivia.lastwinner
    msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.trivia.victory $+ 
  if (%trivia.status.number != unlimited) && ( %trivia.status.question >= %trivia.status.number ) { strivia }
  var %temp.lag
  if (%question.answered) { %temp.lag = %trivia.lag.answered }
  else { %temp.lag = %trivia.lag.timed }
  .timertrivia1 1 %temp.lag trivq
  unset %question.*
alias answered {
  if (( %trivia.teammode == 1 ) && ( $teamname( $nick ) == $null)) { return }
  %question.time = $question.time
  inc % [ $+ player. $+ [ $nick ] ]
  if (%trivia.lastwinner == $nick) { inc %trivia.row }
  else { %trivia.row = 1 | %trivia.lastwinner = $nick }
  if ((%trivia.row > %record.row) || (%record.row == $null)) { %record.row = %trivia.row | %record.name = $nick }
  if ((%question.time < %record.time) || (%record.time == $null)) { %record.time = %question.time | %record.time.name = $nick }
  msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.answer.correct $+ 
  if ( $getrank(%trivia.lastwinner) == $null ) {
    % [ $+ hof $+ [ $hof.size ] $+ .name ] = %trivia.lastwinner
  if (%trivia.teammode == 1) {
    inc % [ $+ team.score. $+ [ % [ $+ team. $+ [ %trivia.lastwinner ] ] ] ] )
    msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.team.score $+ 
  %question.answered = $true
alias hof.size {
  var %i = 1
  while ($hofname(%i) != $null) {
    inc %i
  return %i
alias sort {
  var %i = 2
  while ($hofname(%i) != $null) {
    var %inserted = $false
    var %j = %i
    while ((%j >= 1) && (%inserted == $false)) {
      if ($hofscore(%j) > $hofscore($calc(%j - 1))) {
        var %temp = $hofname(%j)
        % [ $+ hof $+ [ %j ] $+ .name ] = $hofname($calc(%j - 1))
        % [ $+ hof $+ [ $calc(%j - 1) ] $+ .name ] = %temp
      else { %inserted = $true }
      dec %j
    inc %i
alias award {
  var %temp = % [ $+ trivia.award.score. $+ [ $score($nick) ] ]
  if (%temp != $null) {
    %temp = $replace(%temp,^, $score($nick))
    %temp = $replace(%temp,*, $nick)
    describe %trivia.channel %temp 
  var %temp = % [ $+ trivia.award.row. $+ [ %trivia.row ] ]
  if (%temp != $null) { 
    %temp = $replace(%temp,^, $+ %trivia.row $+ )
    %temp = $replace(%temp,*, $+ $nick $+ )
    describe %trivia.channel %temp 
alias getrank {
  var %i = 1
  while ($hofname(%i) != $null) {
    if ( $1 == $hofname(%i)) { return %i }
    inc %i
alias setteam {
  if (%trivia.status.question >= 2) { notice $nick $msg.team.joinover | return }
  if (($2 == 1) || ($2 == 2)) {
    %add.team = %trivia.team. [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
    %add.name = $nick
    %team. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] = $2
    msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.team.add $+ 
    unset %add.*
alias fix { 
  var %temp = $1-
  %temp = $remove(%temp,',-,`,.,%,the)
  %temp = $replace(%temp,kn,n)
  %temp = $replace(%temp,y,i)
  %temp = $replace(%temp,k,c)
  %temp = $replace(%temp,x,c)
  %temp = $replace(%temp,q,c)
  %temp = $replace(%temp,e,a)
  %temp = $replace(%temp,u,o)
  %temp = $replace(%temp,ph,f)
  %temp = $replace(%temp,m,n)
  %temp = $replace(%temp,ll,l)
  %temp = $replace(%temp,aa,a)
  %temp = $replace(%temp,oo,o)
  %temp = $replace(%temp,cc,c)
  if ($right(%temp, 1) == s) { %temp = $left(%temp, $calc($len(%temp) - 1)) }
  return %temp
alias hint { msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.question.hint $+  }
alias savem { save -rv vars.ini | %trivia.status.save = 0 }
alias savevar { inc %trivia.status.save | if (%trivia.status.save == 5) { savem } }
alias numq { return $lines(%trivia.dir $+ \ $+ %trivia.questions) }
alias tokq { return $numtok(%trivq.question, $asc(%trivia.delimiter)) }
alias question.time { return $calc(($ticks - %question.start) / 1000) }
alias score { if (% [ $+ player. $+ [ $1 ] ] == $null) { return 0 } | return % [ $+ player. $+ [ $1 ] ] }
alias hofname { return % [ $+ hof $+ [ $1 ] $+ .name ] }
alias hofscore { return $score($hofname($1)) }
alias teamscore { return ( % [ $+ team.score. $+ [ % [ $+ team. $+ [ $1 ] ] ] ] ) }
alias teamname { return %team. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] }
alias tok { return $gettok(%trivq.question,$1,$asc(%trivia.delimiter)) }
alias ask {
  var %tempnumber
  if ($1 == $null) { %tempnumber = $?="Force which question (number) to be asked?" }
  else { %tempnumber = $1 }
  if (( %tempnumber < 1 ) || ( %tempnumber > $numq )) { echo Error, invalid | return }
  %trivia.ask = %tempnumber 

alias trivon { 
  if (%trivia.status.bot == 1) { return On }
  else { return Off }
alias trivia.chan { 
  if (%trivia.channel !ischan) { return No }
  else { return Yes }

;Do not edit this alias or it will mess up the auto updater
alias hybrid.trvver return 1.0

Edited by JOhnson
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:oops: iv got a question and was wondering if it would be possible to put an auto stop in the trivia i.e after 10 questions and no one answers the trivia questions it will auto stop as iv found that some people start the trivia and dont stop the trivia and leave the trivia running when they leave the room the code is below and im not good enough to alter a code like this :( I also know im asking a lot and maybe its too much to take on so I will understand .... as always nais tuke for any comments on this one :D


:o forgot the trivia is for SPCN Chat.


;Replace the font here to change the font used by the trivia script, but Tahoma is the best one for
;displaying all the chatters nicknames correctly.
on *:TEXT:*:*:{
timerstrivia off
timerstrivia 1 600 strivia
  if (%trivia.status.bot == 0) { return }
  if (!hof isin $1) { msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.trivia.hof $+  }
  if (!row isin $1) { notice $nick $msg.trivia.record.row }
  if (!fast isin $1) { notice $nick $msg.trivia.record.time }
  if (!records isin $1) { notice $nick $msg.trivia.records }
  if (!wins isin $1) { notice $nick $msg.trivia.wins }
  if (!champ isin $1) { notice $nick $msg.trivia.champs }
  if (!rank isin $1) { notice $nick $msg.trivia.rank }
  if (!version isin $1) { notice $nick $msg.trivia.version }
  if (!add isin $1) { notice $nick $msg.trivia.thanks | write %trivia.additions $nick $2- }
  if (!report isin $1) { notice $nick $msg.trivia.thanks | write %trivia.report $nick $2- }
  if ($chan != %trivia.channel) { return }
  if (!helptrivia isin $1) { givehelp }
  if ($nick isop $chan) || (%trivia.status.oponly == 0) {
    if (!trivia isin $1) { $trivia($2) }
    if (!giveup isin $1) { $trivg }
    if (%trivia.status.cur == 0) { return }
    if (!strivia isin $1) { if ((%trivia.teammode == 0) || ($isop($nick))) { strivia } }
  if (%trivia.status.cur == 0) { return }
  if (!join isin $1) && (%trivia.teammode == 1) { $setteam($nick, $2) }
  if (%trivq.question == $null) { return }
  if (!hint isin $1) && ($question.time >= %trivia.lag.hintallow) { msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.question.hint $+  }
  if (!!hint isin $1) && ($question.time >= %trivia.lag.hintallow) { msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.question.hint2 $+  }
  if (!vowels isin $1) && ($question.time >= %trivia.lag.hintallow) { msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.question.vowels $+  }
  if (!bighint isin $1) && ($question.time >= %trivia.lag.hintallow) { msg %trivia.channel $font $msg.question.bighint $+  }
  if (!repeat isin $1) { notice $nick $msg.question.current }
  var %i = 2
  while (%i <= $tokq) {
    if ( (($fix($tok(%i)) isin $fix($1-) ) && ( $len( $1- ) <= $calc(3 * $len( $tok(%i) )) ) )) { answered }
    inc %i




Hi J0hnson


not sure about the after ten questions but if you use this


when text is entered on screen it stops the timer then starts it again and if no other text is said in 10 mins it does strivia to stop the trivia

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Hi J0hnson


not sure about the after ten questions but if you use this


when text is entered on screen it stops the timer then starts it again and if no other text is said in 10 mins it does strivia to stop the trivia


:lmaojump: Haggis tried and tested fella and it works a treat .... all iv done is take the 600 and make it 300 (5mins) :lolwave: I must try this trivia myself I might learn something :P .... as always fella nais tuke = thank you :D

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