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Is This Image Racist?


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his religious beliefs really don't matter much to me.. last thing i remember reading about him concerning faith was that he was still trying to find his way in that regard. I'm more interested in his ideas on how to fix things. I don't care what GOD or GODS or trees or stars he worships.. his actions as commander in chief of the United States are what i'm interested in.


People are going to make those stupid cartoons and images. they don't mean anything.. but it won't surprise me much anytime someone says something or does something in a negative way towards obama they will get the racist word thrown at them... would be the same if he was gay.. disagree with him and some will call u a homophobe.. I think that is a very unfair thing to say in most cases. You can disagree with someone and not hate them. but even if you hate them because of color or whatever doesn't always mean the question or statement isn't a valid one.

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:pizza: Way I see it if people make fun of Obama that dosent make them more raciest than making fun of Bush or anyone else, I think it is in what context the joke is about to make it a raciest joke. On top of that repeating a joke dosent make you a raciest. Theres Moran jokes, Blonde jokes, jokes about god, jokes about santa but saying those jokes dosent make you a hater of those groups or individuals.

To be a raciest of anything you have to hate a certian color, religon or at times a certian sex. People since the elections have thrown that word, "Raciest" around too much without understanding what a true raciest is.


Relax & enjoy a good joke

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At the end of this post I have another image for people to think about, as I enjoy conversations such as these.


In regards to an explanation as to what is meant by fascism, I will let the man in my avatar explain it. I would embed it but Im not sure how to do that. Now listen carefully because most find this man to be boring and old, but he makes lots of sense. Closer to the end the anchor is rather disturbed by the fascism statement, but he lets his former presidential candidate guest explain.






Just to show there are others sides that have other thoughts, some say Obama is yet another leader that promised CHANGE, of the three below, two men were very well known socialists also ran on the slogan of CHANGE. At a time when Town Hall meetings are getting all fired up, your can definately see the concern.










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