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Everything posted by nullpanther

  1. OK one more time and ill leave tg alone lol I have hyrbid flashbuzzen. We are wanting to just ditch all the hammers in the namelist as somehow we now have a ton of hosts and its intimidating to new people coming in. I have it set now where all of my hosts have some type of access level to the bot to remote command kick ban etc whatever they need to do but i want the script to stop issuing the hammers when they come in but to where they will still have access to the script....I think i made it complicated enuff any help here or a snippet of some sort?
  2. ok somehow i gave the impression i actuall knew what i was doing lol can ya dumb it down cause i just copied the script not write it
  3. I run a buzzen with with another set of people we run multiple scripts mainly hybrid flash and soulfly anywho we have had problems with out chatters issuing hammers without permission i have this snippet here to stop this menu channel { Anti Status .Anti Owner ( $+ $group(#antiowner) $+ ) .$iif($group(#antiowner) == on,$style(2),$style(0)) On: .enable #antiowner | echo -a 0,12Anti-Owner $+ 0,94On .$iif($group(#antiowner) == off,$style(2),$style(0)) Off: .disable #antiowner | echo -a 0,12Anti-Owner $+ 0,4Off .Anti Host ( $+ $group(#antihost) $+ ) .$iif($group(#antihost) == on,$style(2),$style(0)) On: .enable #antihost | echo -a 0,12Anti-Host $+ 0,94On .$iif($group(#antihost) == off,$style(2),$style(0)) Off: .disable #antihost | echo -a 0,12Anti-Host $+ 0,4Off } #antiowner off on *:OWNER:#:{ if ($me isowner $chan) { if ($opnick == $me ) halt { if ($nick == $me) halt { else mode $chan -q $opnick msg $chan Sorry $replace($nick,>,Guest_) $+ , only I set who becomes OWNER in this room access $chan delete OWNER $nick access $chan delete OWNER $address($nick,1) } } } } #antiowner end #antihost off on *:oP:#:{ if ($me isop $chan) { if ($opnick == $me ) halt { if ($nick == $me) halt { else mode $chan -o $opnick msg $chan Sorry $replace($nick,>,Guest_) $+ , only I set who becomes HOST in this room. access $chan delete HOST $nick access $chan delete HOST $address($nick,1) } } } } #antihost end But this has one downfall it will only allow my script to issue hammers and i need it to allow the other two scripts to issue hammers to the chatters along with mine as we all have different hosts lists. Any help? *Edit by X-Fusion -- Code tags added.
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