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Everything posted by Simon

  1. The bottom left hand dialog is a Notify list. It's coming along nicley, morph. I Don't know why everyone feels the need to list uptimes & nicknames on titlebars etc, though lol I'd probably align the nicklist dialog a little more too. Look forward to seeing more PS - Personally speaking, I'd lose the ascii from the << MENU >> bit, sorry :$
  2. I agree, especially since edit boxes are generally used for, well, editing info etc. It looks good, morph. I think there is too much wasted space on your channels dialog and your alighnment on the script in general could be tweaked but all in all I think it's looking good
  3. No no no. Don't ditch the mp3 player, it's fine - just could do with a dialog redesign. I also think you could use better icons in your set-up dialog. Not trying to flame or be critical, just offering my two cents for what it's worth. Keep up the great work
  4. Looking better all the time, Haggis A couple of comments/questions: Not sure about the buttons on the Mp3 player being displayed that way. I can see you've got space restrictions but there could be a better way (imo) to align them. For your chat options dialog - does it only set the font for on input events or are all fonts the same after choosing one? Keep up the great work, I look forward to seeing how your script evolves
  5. Looks great both err0r & Haggis. I always found that lag bars lagged me out too much What doe the A/C check box enable/disable?
  6. Righto then - will do. Thanks
  7. Great work err0r & Haggis! How is it you can you tell who has profiles, who doesn't and who is using mIRC? Not once when being on the cusa server has anyone versioned me to find out if I am using mIRC. I'm on the server now running a debug window to see if any raws are showing for profiles etc and I'm guessing it's similar to MSN somehow? Lastly, would any generous soul like to offer a CUSA icon pack for download somewhere?
  8. Does it use nHTML dll or sockets to gather information?
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