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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Thanks guys - it works great
  2. I have no need for a decoded nicklists as I have not used MSN chat in close to 3-4 years.
  3. For my custom nicklist (Which I'm considering scrapping) I Would like to remove my own nickname from the list but have come up against a brickwall. Below is my alais to retrieve the names of people in the channel. The aliases down the bottom are for which icons to place with each nick and Host?owner etc titles. g3tnicks { roomcount if ($chr(35) isin $active) { did -r side.bar 2 var %x 1 who $active while (%x <= $nick($active,0)) { ;;;; if ($nick($active,%x) = $me) { return $shorten } ;;;;;;;if ($nick($active,%x) = $me) { $remtok($nick($active,%x),$me) } did -a side.bar 2 0 + $ic0n($nick($active,%x)) $nick($active,%x) $shorten($nick($1,%y)) $w0rd($nick($active,%x)) inc %x } } } Any help would be great. Thank you.
  4. Lol Josh', I was going to do the same thing Still need to get the ' out of "Extras"
  5. Perhaps you could try & redisgn certain aspects of your dialog. My comments are are only that, comments. PLease don't take any offense to what I say. Is it really necessary to have the VSIXc logo on top of the dialog? If the add on is made for your server alone then you may not need to advertise that fact. Using a check box to enable/disable using colours would be much easier & give the dialog a neater appearance. Extras doesn't need the apostrophe. I hope you take no offense to my comments. They are nothing more than suggestions If interested there is also a dll named colorcombo.dll that puts all the colours into a handy little drop-down combo box. This would remove the need for the edit box telling you what colour you have chosen.
  6. Simon


    On an unrelated topic but hos.dll nonetheless, is it just me or does it take 10+ seconds for other people's docked dialogs on start? I'm just using to remove the XP theme from status bars but it hardly seems worth it given the load time.
  7. The dialog's alignment is ok but there is no need for two check boxes to Enable or Disbale the protection. One will suffice.
  8. I see no image displayed, IRCx.
  9. EDIT- Fixed and it is working. Thank you. I could have had this working all along lol but a simple piece of logic escaped me! Thanks again
  10. Nopers I think I had tried that some time ago to no avail. I think it would need to be some sort of loop but I can't figure it out Thank you anyway, err0rbob
  11. Hello, I'm trying to get a code that will display in a docked dialog what serevr I am currently using. Normally I use: did -ra $dname $server When I connect to a server, but, lately I've been using up to 3 servers at a time. HOw can I make it so that when I toggle between servers it w ill display the current server in my dialog? Thanks in advance PS - I tried a lame loop but had to keep hitting ctrl/break
  12. Looks great, hixxy. Nice & simple
  13. Indeed. I Like it. Ilike it alot!! PS - for anyone who may (or may not) of noticed I have not been online for some time due to some personal issues. I hope to have them resolved soon
  14. Just posted this on another site but thought I'd double my chances of a reply by having it here too. I've some experience with dialogs and the use of dlls to spice things up a bit. However, I have just now, for the first time tried to put icons into a combo box & am having a tad of trouble. dll $mdx SetControlMDX $dname 10 ComboBoxEx drop > $vdll did -i $dname 10 1 iconsize small did -i $dname 10 1 seticon 0, $+ ico\globe2.ico did -a $dname 10 1 1 0 0 City Chats did -a $dname 10 1 1 0 0 Computing did -a $dname 10 1 1 0 0 Entertainment did -a $dname 10 1 1 0 0 General did -a $dname 10 1 1 0 0 Health & Medicine did -a $dname 10 1 1 0 0 Interests did -a $dname 10 1 1 0 0 Lifestyle did -a $dname 10 1 1 0 0 Music did -a $dname 10 1 1 0 0 News did -a $dname 10 1 1 0 0 Peers did -a $dname 10 1 1 0 0 Religion did -a $dname 10 1 1 0 0 Romance did -a $dname 10 1 1 0 0 Teens did -c $dname 10 5 1 The icon is displaying no problem at all but when I actually click on the combo it is not dropping down to show the menu. Can anyone esle see what obvious thing I am missing here? Thanks in advance
  15. Seriously, who would spend $15, 000 on a computer? It's impressive but you could put a deposit on a house with that sort of money...
  16. D'oh I'm such an idiot - I had the same thing only I was using it on the wrong event :$ I feel like an idiot. Thanks David
  17. I sometimes chat on multiple servers and for my GUI have the name of the server displayed in an edit box on a docked dialog using on connect did -ra $dname <id> %sel.serv etc etc. I'm trying to use a loop to capture the server name and display it to the dialog ID when I toggle between servers. Can someone help me clean up this snippet please? alias con.list { %r = 1 while %r = ($server(%r)) { .did -ra bottom 4 Server: $server(%r) } inc %r } Thanks in advance
  18. It looks nice and clean, Clerix. Nice icons too. Are they from a particular icon pack? I also noticed that you have the ability to see user's colours and what looks likes thier font. Nice touch.
  19. I still think Tim was ripped off. He deseerved to win more so than Greg. If Tim had been up against Vesna for the final two, I believe he would of won.
  20. You know way too much, matty lol
  21. Simple way to test would be to add someone to your notify list then run /debug @raw in your mIRC then check to see what raws are working when ppl on your list join the server. My above example is directly from my crappy theme and works great on cusa. Dunno, try and try again lol
  22. I actually thought notify works on RAW 600 etc. Example: RAW 600:*: { splay notice.wav set %cop $2 if (%turbs == on) { $charm } if (%noodles == on) { $notlist } echo $color(KICK) $active 14 $+ $asctime(hh:nn:ss) $+ $str($chr(160),10) $chr(149) $2 is now online. haltdef } RAW 601:*: { splay notice.wav echo $color(KICK) $active 14 $+ $asctime(hh:nn:ss) $+ $str($chr(160),10) $chr(149) $2 logged off on $asctime $+ . haltdef } RAW 604:*:{ echo $color(CTCP) $active 14 $+ $asctime(hh:nn:ss) $+ $str($chr(160),10) $chr(149) $2 is online or present. haltdef } RAW 605:*:{ echo -s 14 $+ $asctime(hh:nn:ss) $+ $str($chr(160),10) $chr(149) $2 is not online or present. haltdef } I have both morph & Oz in my notify list and know in advance when Morph is about to enter the room
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