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Posts posted by Simon

  1. looks very good man, you thinking of releasing your gear? I'm sure it will go along way.

    I agree with David. Your GUIs look great. How do you make your MDX buttons look llike regualr buttons?

  2. For my custom nicklist (Which I'm considering scrapping) I Would like to remove my own nickname from the list but have come up against a brickwall. Below is my alais to retrieve the names of people in the channel. The aliases down the bottom are for which icons to place with each nick and Host?owner etc titles.

    g3tnicks { 
     if ($chr(35) isin $active) { 
       did -r side.bar 2
       var %x 1 
       who $active
       while (%x <= $nick($active,0)) {
       ;;;;     if ($nick($active,%x) = $me) { return $shorten }
       ;;;;;;;if ($nick($active,%x) = $me) { $remtok($nick($active,%x),$me) }
         did -a side.bar 2 0 + $ic0n($nick($active,%x)) $nick($active,%x) $shorten($nick($1,%y)) $w0rd($nick($active,%x))
         inc %x  

    Any help would be great. Thank you. :)

  3. I'm not sure why, Warrior but it doesn't want to work for me :( It doesn't load the .txt file to the list box nor display the checkboxes. It's doing my head in lol. I really appreciate all your help on this, though :)


    Oddly enough - now it does work lol. No idea why, though one other script (My control panel) has completely crapped itself & didnt want to work. I've isolated the problem but cant for the life of me figure out why exactly.


    Is it possible for mIRC itself to get a bug & do odd things with loaded scripts?

  4. Perhaps you could try & redisgn certain aspects of your dialog. My comments are are only that, comments. PLease don't take any offense to what I say.


    Is it really necessary to have the VSIXc logo on top of the dialog? If the add on is made for your server alone then you may not need to advertise that fact.

    Using a check box to enable/disable using colours would be much easier & give the dialog a neater appearance.


    Extras doesn't need the apostrophe.


    I hope you take no offense to my comments. They are nothing more than suggestions :)


    If interested there is also a dll named colorcombo.dll that puts all the colours into a handy little drop-down combo box. This would remove the need for the edit box telling you what colour you have chosen.

  5. It was off the top of my head since I don't know what this is for.


    Basically it's for storing favourite channels in a text file and displaying them in a list. I'd like the option that if they're ticked it will auto join them upon connect.


    Example (using your code):

    alias fav { 
     splay on.wav
     if (!$dialog(faves)) { dialog -m faves faves }
    dialog faves {
     title "Favourites"
     size -1 -1 98 94
     option dbu
     list 1, 4 4 90 50, size
     button "Add", 2, 4 57 30 10
     button "Delete", 3, 34 57 30 10
     button "Join", 4, 64 57 30 10
     box "", 5, -5 69 106 5
     button "Close", 6, 64 80 30 10, ok cancel
    On *:Dialog:faves:init:*: { 
     dll $mdx SetMircVersion $version 
     dll $mdx MarkDialog $dname
     dll $mdx MarkDialog $dname
     dll $mdx SetControlMDX $dname 1 listview rowselect showsel single grid labeltip report nosortheader checkboxes flatsb > $vdll
     dll $mdx SetBorderStyle 1 staticedge
     did -i $dname 1 1 headerdims 170 
     did -i $dname 1 1 headertext Channel
    alias checked {
     set %checked 1
     if ($gettok($did($1,1,%checked),5,32) == 2) {
       if (!$read(checked.txt,s,$did($1,1,%checked).text)) write checked.txt $did($1,1,%checked).text
     inc %checked
     if (%checked <= $did($1,1).lines) goto next
    On *:Dialog:faves:sclick:1:{ 
     checked $dname
    alias listrooms {
     var %l 1
     did -r faves 1
     if (!$read(Text/favourites.txt,%l)) { did -a faves 1 Directory Empty }
     while (%l <= $lines(Text/favourites.txt)) { did -a faves 1 $read(Text/favourites.txt,%l)
       inc %l 


    EDIT - found two minor bugs I'd left in & am now getting the error message: * /goto: 'next' not found (line 34, faves.mrc)


    Line 34

      if (%checked <= $did($1,1).lines) goto next

    You'll notice the ID is now 1 instead of 172 as I stated earlier. I basically remade the dialog to play around with your coding suggestions & see how it all works :)

  6. Out of curiousity, the code you posted for me to try out - did it work on your end or was it an off the top of your head sort of thing?

  7. Hmmm, ok not sure what I'm doing wrong here. It's writing the %variable "Checked 2" no problem but it's not writing to checked.txt. Also, wouldn't I also need a command in the init to show what's been previously checked when the dialog launches?/

    Thanks again for your help on this one, Warrior. I really appreciate it :)

  8. Thanks guys. So, Warrior, I'd place that alias in the init? Sorry to be such a n00b but I've never thought about using this MDX feature before :)


    EDIT: I've got it in the init and the sclick event for 172 but it's not even writing it to the .txt file :(

  9. I've never used this control with MDX before & find I'm scratching my head a bit on this one. I have a combo that stores servers I use. when I select a specific server name it display in a list all the channels I frequent on that particular server. Using MDX I've added check boxes to each channel. I want it so that if I tick a certain channel it will auto join when I connect. NAturally, the auto join part is no problem, but, how do I record & store the checked info exactly?


    The list box ID is 172


    Thanks guys & gals for taking the time to read this. :)

  10. On an unrelated topic but hos.dll nonetheless, is it just me or does it take 10+ seconds for other people's docked dialogs on start? I'm just using to remove the XP theme from status bars but it hardly seems worth it given the load time.

  11. I'm glad this topic has come up as it gives me a chance to address a question I've often thought about. Using bars.mdx to populate a list with icons on a toolbar, is it possible to have an icon as a %var that can change on certain events?


    Example: I have an icon that is a nice shiny, green circle. I click it, and I connect to the last IRC server I was on. Upon connection the green icon is replaced with a shiny red circle icon. If I then click on the icon (button) it disconnects me from the server & becomes the green icon (button) again?



  12. protection dialog

    IPB Image


    its just a start , still thinking about what to add


    when dialogs are done i'll spruce ( with mdx ) them up lol



    The dialog's alignment is ok but there is no need for two check boxes to Enable or Disbale the protection. One will suffice. :)

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