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Posts posted by chain

  1. Yeah was talking to bench last night or day about him stopping the work on chatcore, it is a sad day when someone makes great use of there talents and has other things in mind. Chatcore was brilliant and with both Nathan and Bench working on it ..couldnt stop them. So yes its sad, but hey what ever bench will do next I guarentee it will be awsome. Good luck my friend and look to the future and your goals.
  2. Today, to help observe National Missing Children’s Day, we’re launching a new version of our Child ID App built specifically for Android mobile phones. The application can be downloaded for free from the Android Apps section of Google Play.

    The Child ID App, first released in August 2011 for iPhones, provides parents with an easy way to electronically store pictures and vital information about their children in case they go missing—whether it’s a toddler wandering away at the mall or a teen who has been snatched by a stranger.

    Using the app, you can show pictures of your kids and provide physical identifiers such as height and weight to security or police officers on the spot. You can also quickly and easily e-mail the information to authorities with a few clicks. The app also includes tips on keeping children safe as well as specific guidance on what to do in those first few crucial hours after a child goes missing.

    To date, the iPhone version of the app has been downloaded more than 121,000 times.

    - Download the Android app on Google Play

    - Download the iPhone app on iTunes

    - More on the Child ID App


    Source: http://www.fbi.gov/news/news_blog

  3. I haven't tried it but hear a lot of mix feelings about it. I have to say I myself like window's 7 and wouldnt change it for anything, so dose my window's 7 mobile phone. so dose my HTC 3D EVO as far as i can say window 7 was the best that microsoft produced that was well lets say not a f%$#@* up :angel:

  4. Emoticon flood prot by molson & Ice


    1  #emoticon on
    2  on *:TEXT:*:#: {
    3	if ($nick == $me) || ($nick isop $chan) || ($nick isowner $chan) { return 10 }
    4	else {
    5	  var %t $strip($1-) , %t2 $remove(%t,+1) , %c $emoche(%t2) , %l $gdcheck , %l2 $bantime , %l3 $banmessage
    6	  if (%c > %l) { /access $comchan($nick,1) add deny $ial($nick).addr %l2 : emo flood kick <img src='http://www.tg007.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' /> | /kick $comchan($nick,1) $nick %l3 (Access Ban: %l2 minutes) }
    7	}
    8  }
    9  #emoticon end
    11 menu * {
    12   • Emoticon Flood Protection •
    13   .$iif($group(#emoticon) == on,$style(2),$style(0)) Turn On: { .enable #emoticon | echo -at $color(red) Emoticon Enabled. | echo -at $color(green) This addon will kick a user for useing anymore then the allowed emoticon given. | echo -at $color(green) It doesn't matter if the emoticon is the same all or different. }
    14   .$iif($group(#emoticon) == off,$style(2),$style(0)) Turn Off: { .disable #emoticon | echo -at $color(red) Emoticon Disabled. }
    15 }
    17 alias emoche {
    18   var %x = $remove($1-,1)
    19   %x = $replace(%x,$chr(40) $+ brb $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ yn $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ h5 $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ ci $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ ? $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ % $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ e $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ xx $+ $chr(41),+1,:^ $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ tu $+ $chr(41),+1,8-|,+1,$chr(316) $+ $chr(314) $+ O $+ $chr(297),+1,$chr(299) $+ o $+ $chr(296),+1,$chr(40) $+ R $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(296) $+ $chr(291) $+ $chr(297),+1,$chr(40) $+ g $+ $chr(41),+1)
    20   %x = $replace(%x,$chr(40) $+ A $+ $chr(41),+1,:@,+1,:-@,+1,8o|,+1,$chr(40) $+ so $+ $chr(41),+1,: $+ $chr(91),+1,:- $+ $chr(91),+1,$chr(40) $+ B $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ U $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ $chr(124) $+ $chr(124) $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ ^ $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ P $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ au $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ @ $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ 0 $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ pl $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ F $+ $chr(41),+1,: $+ $chr(40),+1,:- $+ $chr(40),+1,^o $+ $chr(41),+1,:-*,+1)
    21   %x = $replace(%x,$chr(40) $+ C $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ co $+ $chr(41),+1,:S,+1,:-S,+1,$chr(40) $+ H $+ $chr(41),+1,:' $+ $chr(40),+1,$chr(40) $+ 6 $+ $chr(41),+1,:|,+1,:-|,+1,$chr(40) $+ & $+ $chr(41),+1,:-#,+1,: $+ $chr(36),+1,:- $+ $chr(36),+1,8- $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ ~ $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ S $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ 8 $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ T $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ pi $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ ap $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ al $+ $chr(41),+1)
    22   %x = $replace(%x,$chr(40) $+ x $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ $chr(125) $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ Z $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ $chr(123) $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ L $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ I $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ ip $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ K $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ li $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ D $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ M $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ mp $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ mo $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ o $+ $chr(41),+1)
    23   %x = $replace(%x,$chr(40) $+ bah $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(124) $+ - $+ $chr(41),+1,: $+ $chr(41),+1,:- $+ $chr(41),+1,<img src='http://www.tg007.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />,+1,:-D,+1,<img src='http://www.tg007.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohmy.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':o' />,+1,:-O,+1,<img src='http://www.tg007.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':P' />,+1,:-P,+1,$chr(40) $+ sn $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ * $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ st $+ $chr(41),+1,*- $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ N $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ Y $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ um $+ $chr(41),+1,$chr(40) $+ W $+ $chr(41),+1,; $+ $chr(41),+1,;- $+ $chr(41),+1)
    24   var %y = $remove(%x,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,$chr(32),$chr(33),$chr(34),$chr(35),$chr(36),$chr(37),$chr(38),$chr(39),$chr(40),$chr(41),$chr(42),$chr(44),$chr(45),$chr(46),$chr(47),$chr(58),$chr(59),$chr(60),$chr(61),$chr(62),$chr(63),$chr(64),$chr(91),$chr(92),$chr(93),$chr(94),$chr(95),$chr(96),$chr(123),$chr(124),$chr(125),$chr(126),$chr(127),$chr(128),$chr(129),$chr(130),$chr(131),$chr(132),$chr(133),$chr(134),$chr(135),$chr(136),$chr(137),$chr(138),$chr(139),$chr(140),$chr(141),$chr(142),$chr(143))
    25   %y = $remove(%y,$chr(144),$chr(145),$chr(146),$chr(147),$chr(148),$chr(149),$chr(150),$chr(151),$chr(152),$chr(153),$chr(154),$chr(155),$chr(156),$chr(157),$chr(158),$chr(159),$chr(160),$chr(161),$chr(162),$chr(163),$chr(164),$chr(165),$chr(166),$chr(167),$chr(168),$chr(169),$chr(170),$chr(171),$chr(172),$chr(173),$chr(174),$chr(175),$chr(176),$chr(177),$chr(178),$chr(179),$chr(180),$chr(181),$chr(182),$chr(183),$chr(184),$chr(185),$chr(186),$chr(187),$chr(188),$chr(189),$chr(190),$chr(191),$chr(192),$chr(193),$chr(194),$chr(195),$chr(196),$chr(197),$chr(198),$chr(199))
    26   %y = $remove(%y,$chr(200),$chr(201),$chr(202),$chr(203),$chr(204),$chr(205),$chr(206),$chr(207),$chr(208),$chr(209),$chr(210),$chr(211),$chr(212),$chr(213),$chr(214),$chr(215),$chr(216),$chr(217),$chr(218),$chr(219),$chr(220),$chr(221),$chr(222),$chr(223),$chr(224),$chr(225),$chr(226),$chr(227),$chr(228),$chr(229),$chr(230),$chr(231),$chr(232),$chr(233),$chr(234),$chr(235),$chr(236),$chr(237),$chr(238),$chr(239),$chr(240),$chr(241),$chr(242),$chr(243),$chr(244),$chr(245),$chr(246),$chr(247),$chr(248),$chr(249),$chr(250),$chr(251),$chr(252),$chr(253),$chr(254),$chr(255))
    27   var %z = $calc(%y)
    28   return %z
    29 }
  5. here also.


    2 alias emotcount {
    3   var %l1 /<img src='http://www.tg007.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />-?)[\$pds@><\|\)\(\[]|:-[#\*]|8-[\)\|]|\([a-ik-prtuw-z680@#%\^&\*\?\{\}]\)/gi
    4   var %l2 /\((S|pi|ci|au|so|sn|bah|mp|ap|co|mo|ip|um|yn|h5|tu|brb|xx|st|li|pl|al|\|\|)\)|(:\^|\*-|\^o|\|-|;|;-|<<img src='http://www.tg007.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohmy.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':o' />)\)|(\+o|:')\(|<img src='http://www.tg007.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />-?)[oO]/g
    5   return $calc($regex($1-,%l1)+$regex($1-,%l2))
    6 }
  6. I had this one in a script.


    2  ;Emoticon Kicker By The Gate Keeper and Petertje
    3  ;Basically works as is, fill out the amout of emots allowed,
    4  ;the kick message and ban time, and enable it, and it will work fine
    6  ;code begins here
    7  menu * {
    8    -
    9    Emoticon Kicker
    10   .$iif(%emotkick == on,$style(2)) Turn On : set %emotkick on
    11   .$iif(%emotkick != on,$style(2)) Turn Off : unset %emotkick
    12   .-
    13   .Amount of Emots allowed [ $+ %emotcount $+ ]
    14   ..Change : set %emotcount $$?="Enter the max amount of emoticons allowed before kick is activiated"
    15   .Kick Message
    16   ..View : echo -at Emoticon Kick Message $chr(44) %emotmsg
    17   ..Change : set %emotmsg $$?="Enter message for emotion kicker"
    18   .Ban Time [ $+ %emotban $+ ]
    19   ..Change : set %emotban $$?="Enter the ban time for emoticon kicker"
    20 }
    22 on @*:TEXT:*:*: emotkick $1-
    23 on @*:ACTION:*:#: emotkick $1-
    24 on @*:NOTICE:*:*: emotkick $1-
    25 alias emotkick {
    26   if (%emotkick == on) {
    27	 if ($emotcount($1-) > $iif(%emotcount,%emotcount,10)) {
    28	   access $iif($chan ischan,$chan,$comchan($nick,1)) add deny *! $+ $ial($nick).addr $iif(%emotban,%emotban,60) : Emoticon Kicker
    29	   kick $iif($chan ischan,$chan,$comchan($nick,1)) $nick %emotmsg (Access ban set for %emotban minutes)
    30	 }
    31   }
    32 }
    33 alias emotcount {
    34   var %emolist /<img src='http://www.tg007.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />-?)(p|d|s|@|>|<|\||\)|\(|\[)|:-#|8-(\)|\|)|\((a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|k|m|n|o|p|l|s|u|w|t|x|y|z|0|6|8|@|\?|\^|\}|\{)\)/gi
    35   var %emolist2 /\((pi|ci|au|so|sn|bah|mp|ap|co|mo|ip|um|yn|h5|tu|brb|xx|st|li|pl|al|\|\|)\)|(\*-|\^o|\|-|;|;-|<)\)|(\+o|:')\(|:\^\)|\*-\)|-?)o|-?)O/g
    36   return $calc($regex($1-,%emolist)+$regex($1-,%emolist2))
    37 }
  7. Well as all of you know, I've been bugging Snerf the creator of Ice Chat to make a plugin for Buzzen. As of today i got the beta plugin and was happy to see that i was easily connected to Buzzen. Now the only thing is the font issues, when you join the room the topic and etc no issues but when someone chats huge issue.


    [10:29.52] <'inføвøт> [style ff:Arial;co:#000000;]mIRC Topic Update: Stuck on readini and return the result. - http://tinyurl.com/d5otcnw - by sparta [/style] <---thats the only issue i see at the moment!! other then that its a great addon to Ice chat.


    Posted Image

  8. Well this is turning out to be a slow process as we have to wait for the domain to be transferred over to site5 so we can reset the dns for the new IRC hosting setup. The network is up and running as of now but no dns is working so the irc.irchainscriptz.net chi.il.us.irchainscriptz.net, los.ca.us.irchainscriptz.net and mon.gb.ca.irchainscriptz.net do not work. For the time being until the dns is up and running you can use the following to connect to the irc network.


    East Coast /server

    West Coast /server

    European /server


    Once we get the dns up and running I will post all the new information for the network. Thanks for the patience

  9. Mozilla has released version 10 of its Firefox browser as part of its accelerated six-week build cycle, and has also included a pack of developer tools aimed at simplifying life for website operators.

    Firefox 10, available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android, includes eight security fixes, but the most noticeable change in upgrading is the way the browser handles add-on software. According to Mozilla, most add-ons will now work by default (after the changes made by Firefox 8), rather than having to be reloaded to suit the new version. HTML5-support APIs for full-screen viewing are also new to the build.

    In addition, Mozilla claims to have fixed the crashable conflicts caused by Java for Mac OS X users of Firefox, and similar stability problems that occurred when trying to shift bookmarks around. Anti-aliasing for WebGL and CSS3 3D-transforms are also included in the new release.



    For developers, Mozilla has added a function dubbed Page Inspector, which allows a website creator to examine the HTML structure and layout of a site without leaving the browser window. Site Inspector gives the ability to edit a page, and to access CSS properties.

    There are, however, still issues. Gmail users will find scrolling a tad slow, and notifications won't work with Growl 1.3 and above. Two-digit browser version numbers can also still cause crashes, and Firefox won't scroll down with some Synaptics touchpads.


    Source: Register

  10. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), a self-proclaimed people's champion in the battlefield of digital rights, has waded into the controversy around the MegaUpload site, hoping to help legit users of the site to recover their 'lawful' content.

    Julie Samuels of EFF says that her organisation is "troubled that so many lawful users of Megaupload.com had their property taken from them without warning".




    The FBI raided the MegaUpload offices in New Zealand on 19 January, taking all of the site's servers offline – effectively confiscating all the material that had been stored on them.

    Yesterday US prosecutors warned that content stored on MegaUpload servers could start facing deletion as early as tomorrow. According to MegaUpload's lawyers, that means that innocent and lawful content such as users' family photos and personal documents will get wiped out along with the suspected copyright-infringing files.

    The EFF has stepped in to condemn the move and has offered to help MegaUpload server hosts Carpathia Hosting to restore legitimate content to its owners through a new website – megaretrieval.com. The EFF hopes to use the site to collect information about the "multitude of innocent users who stored legitimate, non-infringing files on the cloud-storage service [and] were left with no means to access their data".

    EFF can't promise that the data will be retrieved, though, and Carpathia says it has no direct access to the content on the servers.




    Source: Register

  11. Mark Zuckerberg seems to want Facebook's public debut to be as dull as his bluey-grey t-shirts. The dominant social network is widely expected to file regulatory documents with the US Securities and Exchange Commission later today. But the company's CEO is reportedly hoping to play down the whole affair.

    Kara Swisher over at All Things Digital reports that this conservative approach on the road to an IPO is due to Zuck wanting to "minimise a bubble atmosphere around the event".




    In the run-up to what is the most anticipated initial public offering from a tech company since Google's, observers citing those all important people-what-know-stuff-on-the-inside have repeatedly made that bubble awfully big.

    Some suggest that the valuation of Facebook could be as high as $100bn: an impressive figure for a company that Zuckerberg started in his dorm back in 2004 at the tender age of 19.

    Reports in the past few months have pointed at Facebook having raised somewhere in the region of $10bn for its offering.

    According to International Financing Review, the IPO submitted to regulators almost certainly within the next few hours will in fact initially seek to raise $5bn for the offering, with that number increasing if investors pile in.

    As for that $100bn valuation, there's little point in anyone accepting such a bullish figure right now. It is well-imformed guesswork about a privately held company with a userbase of 800 million people that can expect intense scrutiny from its shareholders once it does go public. Only then we will really know if it does indeed make Apple "look really cheap".




    Source: Register

  12. he largest-ever Android malware campaign may have duped as many as 5 million users into downloading infected apps from Google's Android Market, Symantec said today.

    Dubbed "Android.Counterclank" by Symantec, the malware was packaged in 13 different apps from three different publishers, with titles ranging from "Sexy Girls Puzzle" to "Counter Strike Ground Force." Many of the infected apps were still available on the Android Market as of 3 p.m. ET Friday.

    "They don't appear to be real publishers," Kevin Haley, a director with Symantec's security response team, said in an interview today. "These aren't rebundled apps, as we've seen so many times before."

    Haley was referring to a common tactic by Android malware makers to repackage a legitimate app with attack code, then re-release it to the marketplace in the hope that users will confuse the fake with the real deal.

    Symantec estimated the impact by combining the download totals -- which the Android Market shows as ranges -- of the 13 apps, arriving at a figure between 1 million on the low end and 5 million on the high. "Yes, this is the largest malware [outbreak] on the Android Market," said Haley.

    Android.Counterclank is a Trojan horse that when installed on an Android smartphone collects a wide range of information, including copies of the bookmarks and the handset maker. It also modifies the browser's home page.

    The hackers have monetized the malware by pushing unwanted advertisements to compromised Android phones.

    Although the infected apps request an uncommonly large number of privileges -- something that the user must approve -- Haley argued that few people bother reading them before giving their okay.

    "If you were the suspicious type, you might wonder why they're asking for permission to modify the browser or transmit GPS coordinates," said Haley. "But most people don't bother."

    Android.Counterclank is a minor variation on an older Android Trojan horse called Android.Tonclank that was discovered in June 2011.

    Some of the 13 apps that Symantec identified as infected have been on the Android Market for at least a month, according to the revision dates posted on the e-store. Symantec, however, discovered them only yesterday.

    Users had noticed something fishy before then.

    "The game is decent ... but every time you run this game, a 'search icon gets added randomly to one of your screens," said one user on Jan. 16 after downloading "Deal & Be Millionaire," one of the 13. "I keep deleting the icon, but it always reappears. If you tap the icon you get a page that looks suspiciously like the Google search page."


    Posted Image


    All 13 suspected apps are free for the downloading.

    Symantec's researchers have told Google of their discovery, said Haley. Google, however, did not immediately reply to questions and a request for confirmation on the security firm's claims.

    Haley said Symantec's researchers are still "peeling back the layers of the onion," and added that the company would publish more information on the threat as it unearthed details. "What's interesting here is that instead of taking legitimate apps, [malware authors] have created apps similar to legitimate ones," said Haley. "That, and the big numbers of downloads, of course."

    Symantec has published a list of the 13 infected apps on its website.


    Source: Register

  13. Three high school juniors have been arrested after they devised a sophisticated hacking scheme to up their grades and make money selling quiz answers to their classmates.

    The students are accused of breaking into the janitor's office of California's Palos Verdes High School and making a copy of the master key, giving them access to all the classrooms. They then attached keylogging hardware to the computers of four teachers, and harvested the passwords needed to access the central files of the school network.

    They then used that access to change their grades slightly, nudging them up by increments so that all three got As. At the time they were caught, keyloggers were found on three other teachers' systems, indicating the group was expanding its efforts.


    "They were pretty smart," Palos Verdes Estates police Sgt. Steve Barber told the Daily Breeze. "They knew exactly what to do with the computers. The scores wouldn't go up a whole lot, but enough to change their grade. They didn't want to make it real apparent something was going on."

    The three didn't just confine themselves to computer hacking. They're also accused of using the master key to pilfer around 20 tests before they were given – they then worked out the answers and sold them to other students. This scam only came to light when another student heard of the offer and snitched to the school principal.

    "They were very bright kids," said Principal Nick Stephany. "They were in AP and honors classes. Am I shocked? Yeah. Definitely by the extent of it. None of these kids had any real trouble before."

    Two students have been expelled over the incident, and others are to be disciplined for receiving stolen goods. The school has also upgraded its security and has advised teachers to change their passwords.


    Source: Register

  14. Mozilla developers have given the green light to ship Firefox 10 on Tuesday.

    Notes from a Mozilla meeting last week said that the upgrade was on for Jan. 31, the next ship date in the every-six-week schedule that the company adopted last year.

    The new version includes one of the first components of Firefox's planned silent update mechanism: The browser automatically disables incompatible add-ons and marks all others as compatible.

    Add-ons that work with Firefox 4 or later will be marked as compatible in Firefox 10, Mozilla said.



    Complaints about incompatible add-ons have been common since Mozilla shifted to the faster release schedule, as add-on developers have been slow to revamp their code or at least mark their extensions as suitable for the newest browser.

    Mozilla began automatically marking add-ons as compatible back in March 2011 when it launched Firefox 4, but limited that move to extensions distributed through its own website; the new feature in Firefox 10 does the same for all add-ons, including those not available from Mozilla.

    According to the company, extensions offered outside its own download store account for 75% of all add-ons.

    "Add-on compatibility has always been a huge barrier to releasing more often, so it was critical we have a plan that wouldn't leave add-ons or users behind," Justin Scott, who leads Mozilla's add-on team, said in a September 2011 blog post. "For this new [rapid-release] system to work, we wanted a compatibility process that didn't require developers to lift a finger unless their add-on was one of the few broken."

    As Scott hinted, automatic add-on compatibility is one of several features Mozilla is working on so it can offer "silent updates" that upgrade Firefox in the background and without any user interaction. Other parts of the service will debut in future versions of the browser.

    Mozilla's current plans are to complete silent update with Firefox 13, now set to launch on June 5.

    Also on Tuesday, Mozilla will ship Firefox 3.6.26, a security update for that two-year-old browser. This week's update will be followed by two more before Firefox 3.6 is retired from support in late April.

    Firefox 10 will also be the first edition in the Extended Support Release (ESR) line that Mozilla has created for enterprises that cannot -- or will not -- upgrade every six weeks. Firefox ESR will be upgraded every 42 weeks, or seven times slower than the "standard" build of the browser.


    Source: CW

  15. Twitter's move to comply with government requests and block tweets in specific countries could blunt its edge as a political tool, but there may be an upside in helping to unmask censorship, some privacy experts said Friday.

    Twitter now has the ability to remove a tweet from its users' feeds in a particular country, according to a company blog post on Thursday. Twitter said it hasn't done so yet but might act on a government's request. Previously, Twitter could only block a message all over the world.

    After Twitter's role in helping protesters in Egypt and other countries to organize revolts that overthrew dictators, the prospect of the company complying with foreign governments' speech restrictions has alarmed some observers.

    The danger of making Twitter conform to the contours of local expression, as drawn by national governments, is that the very freedom that has made the service such a powerful tool for change in the past may not be there next time, said Craig Newman, an attorney at the New York law firm Richards Kibbe & Orbe.

    "It is going to make it a lot more difficult for people to use Twitter to get information out of countries if that information violates the country's content restrictions," Newman said.

    However, Twitter also said it will notify users when a tweet or account has been blocked and will disclose the source and details of the request on the website of Chilling Effects, a project that tracks constraints on online content.

    Its openness could make the new policy a double-edged sword, according to Newman. "This could create a window into censorship in other countries," he said.

    "It's a mixed bag," said Eva Galperin, an activist at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, an Internet civil rights group that has long advocated for freedom of expression online. EFF helped to establish Chilling Effects, though it's no longer involved in its operation. Twitter's transparency may help to balance out the danger of suppressing voices, she said.

    "By giving activists a way to track Internet censorship on Twitter, they are giving us a tool with which to go after the real culprits, which are the governments that have these censorship laws," Galperin said.

    On Friday, Twitter defended the new steps in an update to its blog post.

    "In short, we believe the new, more granular approach to withheld content is a good thing for freedom of expression, transparency, accountability -- and for our users. Besides allowing us to keep Tweets available in more places, it also allows users to see whether we are living up to our freedom of expression ideal," Twitter said.



    EFF encouraged Twitter to start disclosing that information last year. The company follows in the footsteps of Google, which notifies users when it has blocked a search term in response to a legal request. Some other social media companies, such as Facebook, don't mark where information has been removed.

    "Most companies approach this issue by preventing certain content from being shown to users in the countries where it is illegal. That is our approach as well," Facebook said in a statement sent via email Friday.

    Twitter already removes some tweets in response to requests based on copyright issues. It now provides the text of those requests on a Twitter section of the Chilling Effects site.

    Twitter's expansion into other countries, with actual operations on the ground, is at the heart of the issue, according to Newman and Galperin. Twitter currently has operations in the U.S., the U.K. and Japan.

    "Once Twitter starts opening offices in other countries, it is bound by their laws, including their somewhat different ideas about what you can and can't publish online," Galperin said. Once the company has employees in a given country, defying the government could put their employees at risk, she said.

    "This creates a hugely difficult ethical question for Twitter and for Internet companies in general," Newman said.


    Source: CW

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