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Posts posted by chain

  1. Ok im not going to say or bad mouth anyone as im friends with all, but really why bring Wes into this as everyone tries to. 

    And as of Daniel i have no clue what your on about I don't decoy shit i say it as i see it. many disagree but im not a Hypocrite and talk behind backs and never will. So whatever your saying has no sense to me. Wes is a friend and what Wes dose is his bussiness. hes a big boy and can handle himself quite well!! and if thats the case with Buzzen so what thats not my problem all i said was i agree with err0r and you decide to start shit. why? have I offended and if i did too bad get over it. And i dont have an account Daniel 1962 for your info been chain and i use chainscript_Bot on my site. So what pic you have good for you as i never used Daniel1962 in my life. 

    And as always ain't got nothing to hide brother 🤪


  2. I have to agree with err0r on this if you dont know whats done behind the developement on running or creating a chat site. then dont trash those places as for Buzzen and SPCN and other chat sites they open a chat site to have people who want to continue to chat and talk to friends around the globe is a great thing. and if you think IRC is banging with people talking and etc well thats bullshit too all chat networks have a time when there are people chatting and etc. 

    I've tried for years to get people to come on our IRC server and too no avail. Social networks have made it easy for people to hang out and chat. 

    I myself have been thinking of getting into buying a ircwx chat server just for my personnal use and fun. I've been in chat for years and have continued to be in it. I have huge and great friends from chat, I cannot leave it as its in my blood and yes things have changed, but its great once in awhile to have that place to go and just chat. 


    Keep chatting and have fun!!  


  3. Wow things have really changed, I remember a time everyone use to go on website wish all a christmas and a happy New years and etc.

    Now nothing its like no one has the time to even wish there friends or plain wish anything. Shows you what is happening to the world as we move forward. No time for anything and no time for nothing!!

    But hey Ill wish you all a Happy Easter!!


  4. A new ident module with oidentd support
    The listen command now takes an optional IP; allowing you to listen on multiple IPs at the same time
    ISUPPORT / RAW 005 parsing is now possible. There is still work to be done in the future to automatically integrate some of these values into how Eggdrop interacts with the server, but for now they are available for you to use via the Tcl interface

    A significant change from RC1 based on feedback: What was previously the addserver/delserver Tcl command in RC1 (used to, surprisingly, add and delete a server from the server list in lieu of the historical "set server" method) is has been refactored to 'server add' and 'server remove'. This mirrors the 'channel add/remove' syntax and allows us to extend the syntax in the future if needed.

    We also want to make sure we thank our unofficial test force/guinea pigs Lord255, PeGaSuS, and WildCraze- they were instrumental in helping us test new features, identify bugs, and by providing feedback on general approaches. Thank you! (Want to help out? Ask in #eggdrop on Freenode!)

    As this is an RC, we're depending on you to help us find those last few bugs before we declare 1.9.0 as stable. Please use it and report any bugs you find to https://github.com/eggheads/eggdrop/issues or via the Freenode #eggdrop channel. We plan on leaving this comment period for this RC open for 2-3 weeks. If everything remains calm for the duration, we'll officially release 1.9.0 at that time. Or another time.

    We HIGHLY recommend you read NEWS for a full summary of all the changes made; it's not a terrible read, we promise and you may just find something useful tucked away in there.

    This is a RELEASE CANDIDATE, so we highly appreciate any testing and bug reporting we can get. You can expect a follow-up release candidate if necessary soon, or the final release of this version.

    Please report bugs by visiting us on #eggdrop on the Freenode IRC Network or by using https://github.com/eggheads/eggdrop/issues.



  5. Getting Ready

    We recommend that use you use a *unix system to run CloudBot in production, or Vagrant when developing CloudBot. However, it is possible to install natively on Windows.

    First, make sure you have Python 3.6 or higher installed. It can be downloaded at python.org.

    Next, you need to install pip.

    You can usually install pip via the following python command in cmd:

    python3 -m ensurepip

    If that doesn't work, follow this guide and then run easy_install pip in cmd.


    Download CloudBot from https://github.com/TotallyNotRobots/CloudBot/archive/main.zip.

    Unzip the resulting file, and continue to read this document.

    Installing Dependencies

    Before you can run the bot, you need to install a few Python dependencies. All of CloudBot's dependencies are stored in the requirements.txt file.`

    These can be installed with pip (The Python package manager) by running the following command in the bot directory:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

    Because installing lxml can be quite difficult on Windows (you may get errors running the command above) due to it requiring compilation, you can find a pre-built distribution at http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#lxml

  6. Sometimes you have to let things out and say what has to be said. 

    But once its all out then we can say ok enough is enough!! 

    I can understand Paige & agree but things need to be said and let them go. 👀

  7. So today is Sunday 

    I've been sitting on mega servers for quite some time now. Not that it matters how many , but a lot 🤣 and to be honest it's getting boring at some point being on all these servers and looking for a place to chat, or even seeing people chat. I'm on  a server in a room with 669 people and hell not one has chat since 1 week ago 😲 Now im being to wonder if those are chatters or just scripts from one user or server user's. The one server that dose talk or chat is Koach.com and they chat most every day. What makes a good place that will allow people to come in and actually chat not just idle? I'm wondering why do we have all these range of server's at our finger tips but yet no one chats. 

    And don't get me wrong its just not IRC server's it mainly all chats over the world or globe as you want to call it. Even mirc on freenode is dead or any scripter rooms from various chats are not as they use to be. Has social Media really killed this or we just dont like communicating with humans anymore. What's your input on this top

  8. So I have been spending time on many server on IRC
    I came across IRCNOw which is a server that relies on the users to help and maintain it. What a brilliant idea i thought, get users to learn how to run a server and get others to advertise and market and so on. I dont really know if it is a good idea but it seems to be working for IRCNOw.

    They happen to be on quite a few other servers with there room called #ircnow & #ircnow-team.

    Was just a heads up and keeping you all aware what servers are popping up and etc.

    Read full article @ https://www.ircnow.org
  9. From all of us at TG007 we like to take this time to wish all members and their families a great and Happy New year we hope the new year brings better things to come. err0r, Ozzy10, chain, Eyecu

  10. I like to Take this time to wish all a Members of TechGear & there Families a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year & stay safe as these are very difficult times with the Covid-19 & all. We look forwarding to seeing you all back in the New Years with more scripts & coding and continue to have fun in chatrooms and all chat server's. Its been a pleasure helping and being a part of your scripting & chat life. So with that all said MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL!!
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