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Posts posted by Dippy

  1. Three blondes died and are at the pearly gates of heaven. St. Peter tells them that they can enter the gates if they can answer one simple question.


    St. Peter asks the first blonde, "What is Easter?" The blonde replies, "Oh, that's easy! It's the holiday in November when everyone gets together, eats turkey, and are thankful..."


    "Wrong!," replies St. Peter, and proceeds to ask the second blonde the same question, "What is Easter?" The second blonde replies, "Easter is the holiday in December when we put up a nice tree, exchange presents, and celebrate the birth of Jesus."


    St. Peter looks at the second blonde, shakes his head in disgust, tells her she's wrong, and then peers over his glasses at the third blonde and asks, "What is Easter?"


    The third blonde smiles confidently and looks St. Peter in the eyes, "I know what Easter is." "Oh?" says St. Peter, incredulously. "Easter is the Christian holiday that coincides with the Jewish celebration of Passover. Jesus and his disciples were eating at the last supper and Jesus was later deceived and turned over to the Romans by one of his disciples. The Romans took him to be crucified and he was stabbed in the side, made to wear a crown of thorns, and was hung on a cross with nails through his hands. He was buried in a nearby cave which was sealed off by a large boulder."


    St. Peter smiles broadly with delight.


    The third blonde continues, "Every year the boulder is moved aside so that Jesus can come out... and, if he sees his shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter."


    St. Peter looks at the third blond with disgust.


    Happy Easter All :0)

  2. ok I Have a update in the update area it a Internet Explorer Update to 8

    The thing is I already got IE8 Which makes me think it could be a virus or something ?


    Here what I got in The Update Details


    Internet Explorer 8 for Windows Vista
    Download size: 15.6 MB
    You may need to restart your computer for this update to take effect.
    Update type: Important
    Internet Explorer 8 is the latest version of the familiar Web browser that you are most comfortable using.  Internet Explorer 8 helps you get everything that you want from the Web faster, easier, and more privately and securely than ever. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer. This update is provided to you and licensed under the Windows Vista License Terms.
    More information: 
    Help and Support: 


    What I got already


    Version 8.0.6001.18372

    Cipher Strength: 256-bit

    Update versions: Release Candidate 1


    What you think?

  3. Is It Rip Funny I don't Even Know you Or Your Work lol

    Just Because I got some thing that got maybe 5 lines the same as you I would't call rip

    Two where your Work I never seen it until u post it lol


    I guess who behind this


    Travis I always say ur a little *****

    But now your just a baby who goes too far lol


    Maybe TG is Not A Place for me anymore since things like this can get away with Travis always rude to people PUTTING PEOPLE DOWN Not me in general but u look at some of the post then he goes looking for trouble and bring it here


    TG used to be good used about helping not putting poeple down

  4. Well I throught I post the code



    alias localwrite sockwrite -tn sock.local $1-
    on *:start:sconnect
    alias sconnect {
      if ($sock(sock.local))  sockclose sock.*
      var %p $r(1000,9999)
      while (!$portfree(%p)) var %p $r(1000,9999)
      socklisten init.connection %p
      server localhost %p
    on *:sockclose:sock.server:{
      echo -a 4* Server disconnected. Retrying.
      sockclose sock.local
    on *:socklisten:init.connection:{
      sockaccept sock.local
      sockclose $sockname
      sockopen sock.server 6667
    on *:sockclose:sock.server:{
      echo -a 4* Server disconnected. Retrying.
      sockclose sock.local
    on *:sockread:sock.local:{
      var %r | sockread %r | tokenize 32 %r
      if ($1 = NICK) || ($1 = USER) halt
      elseif ($2-) .sockwrite -n sock.server $1-
    on *:sockopen:sock.server:{
      if ($sockerr) { sockclose sock.local | .timer 1 5 sconnect | halt }
      var %pass = %password, %l
      if ($len(%pass) != 32) %pass = $md5(%pass)
      sockwrite -n $sockname AUTHTYPE IRCWX1
      sockwrite -n $sockname LOGINH %Email %pass
      sockwrite -tn $sockname USER $me $me $me :BLUE CONNECTION VERSON 1.0
      sockwrite -n $sockname CLIENTMODE cd2
    on *:sockread:sock.server:{
      var %r | sockread %r | tokenize 32 %r
      if ($window(@debug)) echo @debug $+(,$sockname,: $1-)
      if ($1 == PING) .sockwrite -n $sockname PONG $2-
      if ($raw == 401) { .echo -s $color(info2)  $+(Error,$clr($raw),:) No such nick $clr($2) | halt }
      if ($raw == 403) { .echo -s $color(info2) $+(Error,$clr($raw),:) No such channel $clr($2) | halt }
      if ($raw == 404) { .echo -s $color(info)  $+(Error,$clr($raw),:) You cant talk in $2 | halt }
      if ($raw == 412) { .echo $2 $color(info)  $+(Error,$clr($raw),:) $2- | halt }
      if ($raw == 421) { .echo -s $color(info2)  $+(Error,$clr($raw),:) Unknown Command $clr($2) | halt }
      if ($raw == 432) { .echo -s $color(info2)  $+(Error,$clr($raw),:) Bad nick | halt }
      if ($raw == 433) { .echo # $color(info2)  $+(Error,$clr($raw),:) Nick in use | halt }
      if ($raw == 442) { .echo -s $color(info2)  $+(Error,$clr($raw),:) Your not on that channel | halt }
      if ($raw == 485) { .echo $2 $color(info2)  $+(Error,$clr($raw),:) You are not a channel owner. | halt }
      if ($raw == 482) { .echo $2 $color(info2)  $+(Error,$clr($raw),:) You are not op in this channel. | halt }
      if ($raw == 510) { .echo -a $color(info)  $+(Error,$clr($raw),:) $2- | halt }
      if ($raw == 471) { .echo -s $color(info2) -> Knock: Cannot join $2 $clr(Room is Full) | halt }
      if ($raw == 473) { .echo -s $color(info2) -> Knock: Cannot join $2 $clr(Invite Only) | halt }
      if ($raw == 474) { .echo -s $color(info2) -> Knock: Cannot join $2 $clr(Ban) | halt }
      if ($raw == 475) { .echo -s $color(info2) -> Knock: Cannot join $2 $clr(Need Key) | halt }
      if ($2 == 353) { $remove($4-,=,:) }
      if ($raw == 366) { haltdef }
      if ($raw == 002) { haltdef }
      if ($raw == 003) { haltdef }
      if ($raw == 005) { haltdef }
      if ($raw == 251) { haltdef }
      if ($raw == 265) { haltdef }
      if ($raw == 315) { haltdef }
      if ($raw == 801) { haltdef }
      if ($raw == 802) { haltdef }
      if ($raw == 803) { haltdef }
      if ($raw == 820) { haltdef }
      if ($raw == 915) { haltdef }
      if ($raw == 903) { haltdef }
      if ($raw == 908) { haltdef }
      if ($raw == 914) { haltdef }
      if ($raw == 908) { echo 4 -t $active No permission to perform command | haltdef }
      if ($raw == 914) { haltdef }
      if ($2 == 818) { echo 4 -a * $mid($remove($1-,818,FlashIrcServer.1,$me,$chr(35),$chr(37),$chr(58),,)$1-,12,60) | halt }
      elseif ($2 == PRIVMSG) {
        var %msg = $gettok($gettok($remove($4-,[br]),2-,93),$calc($numtok($gettok($remove($4-,[br]),2-,93),91)-1),91) 
        if ($numtok($4-,91) < 2) { %msg = $gettok($1-,2-,58) } 
        elseif ($numtok($4-,91) >= 2) { %msg = $findtext($right($4-, -1)) } 
        if (!%msg) { %msg = $3- } 
        .sockwrite -n sock.local $chr(58) $+ $replace($right($gettok($1,1,33),-1),>,Guest_) $+ ! $+ $gettok($1,2,33) $2-3 $+(:, $+ %msg)
      else sockwrite -n sock.local $1-
    raw 352:*: { if (G isin $7) && ($me ison $2) { cline -l $color(Blue) $2 $6 } }
    raw 366:*: { 
      var %chan = $2 | if ($eval(% $+ WhoChan. $+ %chan,2)) { .unset $eval(% $+ WhoChan. $+ %chan,1) | var %i = 1,  %nick
        while ($nick(%chan,%i)) { %nick = $v1 | if (%nick != $me) { who %nick } | inc %i } 
    alias findtext {
      var %in, %out, %a, %b, %c, %d, %f, %g, %l 
      %in = $remove($replace($1-,$chr(32),$chr(160)),$chr(91) $+ /style $+ $chr(93),$chr(91) $+ br) $+ ]
      %a = 1 
      %b = $numtok(%in,91) 
      %c = $numtok(%in,93)
      inc %a 
      if (%a > %c) { %out = $replace(%d,$chr(160),$chr(32)) | return %out }
      %out = $gettok(%in,%a,93) 
      if (style !isin $gettok(%out,1,91)) %d = %d $+ $gettok(%out,1,91)
      goto top

  5. Well u wont see me using Soulfly


    Nor will I send anyone to Soulfly


    Travis Your Rude shit I rember you from MSN days where you "HACKED"(open Back Doors) to Take Other People Accounts and Flood Rooms


    Yeh I rember


    So it would't surprize me if there where Back doors

    But as I said I wont use it and I would't Send one to get it and would Warn Anyone who use it

  6. From Error


    Here is something i put together in a few minutes. It uses an access list that zan made and the export import from vincula.


    it worked for me in a buzzen test room. It has no frills and really should be worked on to better it's usage. I'm very rusty when it comes to scripting but you should be able to modify this to suit your needs. If anyone wants to improve it be my guest as it's not really my code lol.




    I'm sure someone will have something better soon.

  7. alias nav {
      window -p @Explorer
      echo -a $dll(dll\nHTMLn_2.95.dll,attach,$window(@Explorer).hwnd) 
      echo -a $dll(dll\nHTMLn_2.95.dll,navigate,$1-)
    menu @Explorer {
      Close: { window -c $active }
      join Channel:join $$gettok($sline(@Explorer,1),1,9)
    .Buzzen Chat List: $nav(http://www.buzzen.net/roomslist.aspx?cat=gn)


    This is what I come up with but am unable to get the custom menu options, as specified in the Code, are not shown, but rather the default options for whichever browser system is set to use by default.


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