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Everything posted by Fanfare

  1. Shagman, I've seen it years ago.
  2. Yup, good and evil coexist in this world. There ain't no escapin' from that.
  3. I'm really getting numb seeing these posts about msn clones. It's always back to square one.
  4. Does that mean Deanne will rest her case at last? lol I also agree with Ozzy that this topic promotes Buzzen's publicity even further.
  5. Right now what we are saying here is merely of prediction. I think Buzzen is gonna be okay with their ocx. Their V2 still retains that feel and familiarity of msn chat's ocx. I'd like to look forward to their release and see how it goes with the public preference.
  6. Even if Buzzen had abandoned msn's ocx, there would still people vent about it. And this is just going on and on until your eyeballs pop out.
  7. Talking about Buzzen is like an endless roundabout. We always come back to where we start from.
  8. He looks more dashingly handsome than the movie character from Austin Powers...hehehe
  9. Lmao, you really speak for their heart and soul.
  10. I heard flooding on Buzzen gets you banned automatically. They have this so-called "anti-flood mechanisms" implemented in their chat servers.
  11. Oh, come on now...X-fusion...lol I feel embarrassingly flattered.
  12. Well, at the end of the day, it all comes down to this: it's people's ultimate choice to join a chat site, whether it's legal or not. The purpose of chatting is to have a place where people or friends can get together to communicate and have fun, and that's what counts.
  13. Cut her some slack; nevertheless I will have to bring cheer to Deanne's spirit to vigoriously defend what's right from wrong to this day, in her own right. Her fight against Buzzen is unavoidably here to stay, so why don't we treate it as part of freedom of speech to voice her opinion, instead of calling her names and belittling her in a nasty manner? Let's have some respect for one another. P.S. Thanks X-fusion, this is also aimed at xFrozenx on Deanne's behalf.
  14. Ummm...your point being?
  16. At last, you know what it means to hate. Now you're ready to be a queen.
  17. Deanne, perhaps you can contact a microsoft attorney? The effective way is to bring this matter to court and get it over with.
  18. This post is getting more like U.N. sanctions against North Korea for a nuclear test...lol
  19. I remain interested in seeing how this "legal fiasco" turns out.
  20. Even a 3-year-old knows coal is playing...
  21. Well, Buzzen does outshine in the chat service.
  22. Hence the popularity of Buzzen?
  23. I believe that kid Mohamed was the one who ousted you?
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