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The Gate Keeper

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Everything posted by The Gate Keeper

  1. i think he is building a full script
  2. looks good. I like your dialog designs, reminds me so much of GD5. Features are good, and the information is explained like expected. Are you using dcx? I'm guessing so, for the resizing capabilities.
  3. hehe... it went down because i visited the site a few days ago Inside joke with a few people here.
  4. it seems very unlikely. Just based on what i can see, it appears to be a flash type chat interface. Can you explain the website's chat system? As in, does it look like IRC? Or does it use some other protocol? There are a few questions that need to be answered before we can help, and most of us don't use dating services, so we are not aware as to how they go about with their chatrooms. I see that it has features like audio and video support, so that would mean that it would most likely not be an IRC based system, or if it is, it would be a greatly modified version. So yea, it is a long shot. You should take it up with the webmasters of person.com, they should be able to help you in the way of the take overs.
  5. Does that mean you don't? You yourself are a scripter are you not? I am, err0r, ozzy, and countless others are all scripters. Are we all without integrity? There are a select few that choose to attack, rather than protect, but the majority of us, all wish to help, than cause the need for help. We all have our part to play. Without the attackers, servers would never improve, without them, we wouldn't of had the amount of fun in script on msn. As one improves, so does the other. Without one, the other will not advance.
  6. i'm like err0r, i miss the challenge more than anything.
  7. what python version are you basing your code off? 2.3.x? 2.4.x? 2.5.x? I'm not too sure if you need any additional help with coding stuff, or even if you wanna run the paces through me on some old stuff just to see if i would be of any help, but aye, i would love to give assistance on pyRCx to expand my python knowledge, and to give a few ideas of what i have as well.
  8. i do agree spooky as well. I never saw any of these "up and coming" servers be able to hold the place that MSN did. Though many showed a dislike for MSN, it was still one of the biggest and most used chat services around. With it's shutdown, it took the chat generation to it's end i believe. What is left is merely the smoldering heap at the end. Ohh well, life goes on...
  9. i personally wouldn't mind getting in on the action. I've been working on python throughout 2007 when we were taught it at uni, and i have started my own project, but i think that i can expand my knowledge if i can offer help by writing snipplets or two here and there for python projects. But aye, i donno if i should even chase it up because i've only got a bit over a month before uni heads back.
  10. editted my code to suite IRCd. If i knew it was looked and saw IRCd, i wouldn't be trying work arounds . But the code i have above should work now.
  11. based on "MSN Servers", the text "Access Ban set for ... minutes" was actually manually added to the kick message. This means that it could be easily changed, and especially with bots/scripts, they didn't need to tell you that you were banned for a specific time, they just did so. If you are using IRCx related chat servers, when they use /access, they can set the ban time, you will most likely not see the ban being set, even if you are owner of the room. Pretty much you would need to use these lines of code... on *:KICK:#: { if ($knick == $me) { .timerkicked $+ $chan 0 15 join $chan } } on me:*:JOIN:#: .timerkicked $+ $chan off
  12. you may as well use something like vsixc to be truthful. And use the SDK. If you want to be specific to the point of having what already exists, you may as well use their SDK. Save you a lot of time and even money.
  13. yea, the bigger N is, the faster it could work, and the more memory it could take. Ultimately, you'll find that depending on the particular job at hand, different processes will have different effects. And mIRC has so many ways of processing information that at times, the things you think are slowest, but be just as effective, and less memory consuming. You must remember that resources are a limitation, you cannot just think about speed as an indepedent variable, it is dependant on the capability of the computer, how much it can store, both in it's memory and in it's drives. This is something you especially need to consider when dealing with public release scripts, where you'll get people with all different computers using the same process. If you get into object orientated programming, and perhaps even data structures, you'll understand that different data structures can yield in different methods of searching, and these different methods should result the same, but at varying speeds. I'm not sure what method mIRC uses, but if you google things like "binary search tree", "heaps", "treaps", you'll begin to get an idea of the actual theory behind it all. And not just quickly say... this method is better than the other, without knowing the actual processes behind it.
  14. tg's server farm bones all others!
  15. no x-fusion, it is good to have input internationally in this debate. It is something that will eventually effect all countries. Australia is being somewhat of a pioneer, but a guineapig as well, in that it is trying to do new things, but it's trying it on itself. So who knows how it will go? I don't know a great deal about the prepaid credit card services, but i do not believe there are any restrictions as to being able to purchase it. In Australia they specifically advertise it as a prepaid card for all ages. The advertisement even uses the words "but you're not 18?!" so it clearly shows that age is no significance with prepaid credit cards.
  16. That's not true either. A recent service became available by a company called "bopo" which gives you the ability to have a prepaid credit card. From the website (http://www.bopo.com.au/Home.aspx)... No details are involved what so ever, and it has all the same functionality of a credit card, ability to shop online, pay for things online, etc. There is no need for your details to be given to bepo, merely for you to deposit the money into their system. You can do it cash based, so they don't even have your bank details either. So now that we have that established, what do you think?
  17. isn't this idea somewhat flawed though? How can they really ensure that the viewer is the appropriate age? Sort of like a 50 year old man in a chatroom pretending to be a 15 year old, praying on young ladies. How do you know that the viewer is who they say they are? You can't, not unless you are physically there. Anyone else got an opinion on this?
  18. travis will be able to confirm this but he has asked me (like warrior) for use of code and that. Of course, like i say to everyone, use what you want, just leave credit. At the end of the day, mIRC is open source "SCRIPTING". If you make something and release it, you are doing so expecting others to use it, and learn from it. I know that when i created DogCollar first time around for GD5, i lifted the general structure from Vincula and NuClearMSN. And i'm sure this is what's happened here as well. Basically, because both connections are connecting to the same server, you'd expect there be similar structure to the coding. I mean, how many ways can you connect to a server? Tewl already has the alternative out, but aye, some like their sockets. I know i do . Final word, what you release, expect someone to view your code to learn from it. If they rip it, good on them, and good on you. It means that they acknowledge you are better then they are. Big whoop, life goes on. It's not like they stole your life, unless that's all you do in life, then you need a reality check.
  19. it would be a new room on sparkpea called "mIRC".
  20. This is a "complete" general code. If this doesn't ban the way you want, you will need to change the "mode +b $address($nick,6)" line, to what is appropriate to your server. Hopefully this gets you off on the right path. #autotopiclock on on @!*:TOPIC:#: { if (admin isin $level($address($nick,6)) || ownerlevel isin $level($address($nick,6)) || $nick isowner $chan) halt mode +b $address($nick,6) kick $chan $nick Don't change the topic } #autotopiclock end
  21. it is probably recommended to do it this way for the convention of mIRC scripting... ;/away <messge> - to be set to away with the message ;/away - return from away alias away { $iif($1,tnick $me $+ -away,nick $mnick) | $iif($1,away $1-,away) } Only because in most scripts, if you had a remote command for example, you would automatically do /away <message> to go away, and /away to return. So it is best to continue this convention. But either way, both methods are good...
  22. and things like grammar don't work out too well.
  23. yea that is true. Everything serves a surpose. Like i said, not my flavour, because i was always use to GD5, everything tucked away, alot of automated systems, a "Manager"'s type script, but as you said, it's more of a IRCop script, so yea, bit different.
  24. not really my flavour but if it works for you that's good. I think now a days, it's more what you are use to than anything else. If that is what you use and you like it, good on you. I know that with GD series, there were a few that liked it because of it's capabilities, but a lot that thought it was a bit difficult cause it wasn't as direct display. But pony, as long as you can work with it and it does the job you need, then good job.
  25. while (%x) use... while (%x > 0) Just for structure i guess. If not, if it's floods out, as in, if you get kicked off the server, it is because the use of /whois on ALL nicknames is causing you to flood the server. As in, you send too many commands to the server at once.
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