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The Gate Keeper

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Everything posted by The Gate Keeper

  1. that code would kick anyone that joined...
  2. do you still get the error line too long problem with the webpages?
  3. yea ozzy would be able to work it out. i don't use mIRC anymore so i can't exactly test.
  4. ok... and the issue with my code is most likely the use of $dname. Seeing as it gets called from a signal, i believe this is the problem. try this... alias -l rem.chan { if ($input(Are you sure you want to delete the channel %select.chan from your favourites list?,qcyd,Confirm)) { splay clear.wav write -dl $+ $calc($did(favourites,2).sel + 1) Engine/Text/favourites.txt } chan.list }
  5. very nice. looks like ozzy is coming back
  6. can you put the code properly together? Where does "rem.chan" fit into it? Also, can you tell me what teach of the tokenize shows? as in, after each token method, do an echo with a no to identify. Sometimes you may not be getting the right token information.
  7. well, just some confirmation, the list is actually id 2? If not, then this could be the issue...
  8. i see what happened... your "write -dl" was incorrect. This should now do the trick. My gues is "chan.list" loads up the channel list? if this is so, then hopefully it will work now. alias -l rem.chan { ;;;tokenize ($did($dname,2).text,32) if ($input(Are you sure you want to delete the channel $+ %select.chan from your favourites list?,qcyd,Confirm)) { splay clear.wav write -dl $+ $calc($did($dname,2).sel + 1) Engine/Text/favourites.txt did -r $dname 2 } chan.list }
  9. Firstly, you are true that MDX uses the first line as a header, so what you need to do is add 1 to the select count, not 2, as you were thinking of doing. Furthermore, when doing a command like $input, you don't need to set variables or have an "else" statement... it can be simply done as... alias -l rem.chan { ;;;tokenize ($did($dname,2).text,32) if ($input(Are you sure you want to delete the channel $+ %select.chan from your favourites list?,qcyd,Confirm)) { splay clear.wav write -dl $+ $readn $calc($did($dname,2).sel + 1) $read(Engine/Text/favourites.txt) } chan.list }
  10. we don't allow guests to be post. the reason it says "guest" is because the member account has been removed.
  11. that wont solve the issue as far as i'm aware, because the focus will still be attracted to it as far as i'm aware. as for solving it... i'm not too sure. check the focus options in /dialog.
  12. if it is just that room, and not the whole koach network, it would most likely be that some mode has been set in the room (such as invite only), or a ban has been put in place for some reason blocking access to the room.
  13. for starters... http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=82148 get the help file download . as for the rest, wouldn't have a clue.
  14. is that picwin based? if not, put your computer's theme back to standard.
  15. mIRC remains strong, but people have other priorities as well. I'm just glad to see some of the folk that i admire back in the game for a bit.
  16. on multi line you shouldn't lose that line down the center of nickname and text. I still think the time stamp stands out too much, but its up to you. Maybe just time stamp when the time is different (i've seen it on a few mIRCscripts.org screenshots), and not every time someone posts. Not sure which would look better. An idea you can play with perhaps? Sorry if i'm being "picky", but hopefully it helps.
  17. yea, the time stamp is what doesn't suit most in my opinion. In my opinion, the time stamp should follow the theme overall, not take an inverse of it.
  18. did you use nhtml for the whispers as well? if not, maybe do so as well?
  19. yea... then anyone can do it. that's why its a bad idea to do what chain gave.
  20. what is your user system? Can you copy/paste a working code for a user command that is just for you?
  21. provided you are using the standard level system... on admin:TEXT:!join *:#: { msg $chan Joining $2 now... | join $2 } on admin:TEXT:!leave *:#: { if ($2 ischan) { part $2 | msg $chan I have now left $2 } else { msg $chan I am not in $2 } } Something like that... then use !join #roomname and !leave #roomname
  22. are you doing this in popups.ini or are you making a remote file? I know a method around this, but just need to know what you are doing it in so that i can give you the correct instructions.
  23. i'm not too sure but try this... $iif(!$did(side.bar,10).visible,Open MP3):{ .timerscript -m 1 1 load.mp3.data did -vf side.bar 10 did -h side.bar 3 } $iif($did(side.bar,10).visible,Open Nicklist): did -vf side.bar 1,3 This removes the need for the variable as it checks to see whether or not one of the ids are hidden or not. Though i may have gotten the syntax wrong cause i don't have the mIRC help file and i'm just basing it off what i remember. But others may be able to correct it to get it working.
  24. basically, when you release scripts (if you don't want to include mIRC exe), release it all with the mIRC ini in the location mIRC would be.
  25. if that is really on the bigpond server, why not use mIRC's auto join feature instead of creating your own? The works all there and done, you just need to utilize it.
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