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Everything posted by LATIN

  1. shagman you dont make any since at all lmao and people pay for bottled water not just cause of the water its cause its filtrated thinks you been smoking to much man Agrees with Yahoo on that ^^^^^^^ LOL
  2. buzzen chatter will love this chat for one there is no ocx that they need to download most chatters have problems with the chat ocx it either gets corrupted while the download or something happends and then they start witching that they cant get into chat with this it takes out that problem most chatter want something simple like error said back in this post 90% of the chatter wont give a i flying f if its an ocx or what ever as long as its easy to use and the design of the webchat works for them and is pleasent on the eyes that is why msn was such a hit from alot of the chat servers well one of the reasons there are alot more reasons to it to but anyways and like error said the 10% of people that will critisize well the the computer savy. my self i think it is coming along real nice and theres been alot of work put into it you can tell its not easy to come up with something original like they have but ofcourse thats my opinion. Cheers To all
  4. ya might want to look at this it happends when it gets to the end of the play list * /splay: invalid parameters (line 64, mp3.mrc) and just a sugestion maybe have the list loaded so ya dont have to go to options and have to click on load list other than that nice work for ya mp3 player
  5. Whosvoiced { set %Regs $nick($active,0) set %voiced $nick($active,0,v) set %devoived $calc(%Regs - %voiced) echo There is %voiced Voiced and devoiced %devoived in $active } there something simple should serve what you need put it in Aliases and put this devoice/voiced:Whosvoiced in popups hope that helps
  6. LATIN

    mIRC probs

    Open your script up and Press Alt+B mIRC Address Book will popup. click colors Tab then click add you can add colors by mode theres 3 Methods 1.Message & listbox: will show the color you chose on the nicklist and chat sceen 2.Message: Will show on the screen example: < nick >: blah blah 3.Listbox:meaning the nicklist will have the color you chose for say if nick has a certian mode like +v for voice you could make it red and the would show on the nick list if the dont have another mode there nick as red for being voiced in the room. hope that kind of explains how you can add colors to the nick list
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