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  1. RayK


    Hey all, sorry but I didn't see any IRCx boards, lol. Well, ok here's my issue. I need a code to add to remotes as an on *:JOIN:* command. I need it to have 5 ranks on it, and you'll understand what I mean after reading. Admin Owner Host Allowed Regular I need the script to kick anyone NOT ASSIGNED to a rank (regular). Anyone assigned to Allowed, Host, Owner and Admin (me) I want it to just halt. It's been a while since I've been with IRCx after taking a break so I apologize. Here's what I have and it has nothing to do with the ranks, so they have to be added. #onjoin off on *:JOIN:* { if ($nick != $me) { ban $chan $nick kick $chan $nick Permission Denied - You're not allowed in the host room without host access! Please contact Sysop_RayK for more information. } } #onjoin end
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