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Everything posted by ElMataReyes

  1. Hi gentleman, how are you?. Thanks for answering. I tell him. My friends and I are on a mIRC server .. We know very little about Scripting .. And in our spare time we remember the golden age of MSN Chat: D .. And we can play with scripts. The code we need is for fun with friends.. No bad intention. Just remember old times. Help me with that?
  2. I need code: massive kick + ban . kick first (Moderators @), then kick ban users. I need it with "timer", because there are 1,000 Users to kicker, and I'm afraid miRC will disconnect. Thanks Forum.. TechGear007 is Best!
  3. You are a genius. I liked the menu. Thank you very much for your help
  4. err0r Thank you. I know it. Sorry, maybe I don't know well. I have this menu: menu * { Font Color .Negrita: { if (!%Negrita) { set %Negrita 1 halt } unset %Negrita } .Color de Texto ..0 Blanco: set %SelectFont 0 ..1 Negro: set %SelectFont 1 ..2 Azul: set %SelectFont 2 ..4 Rojo suave: set %SelectFont 4 ..5 Marrón: set %SelectFont 5 ..6 Purpura: set %SelectFont 6 ..7 Naranja: set %SelectFont 7 ..9 Verde agua: set %SelectFont 9 ..10 Celeste: set %SelectFont 10 ..12 Azul suave: set %SelectFont 12 ..13 Rosa: set %SelectFont 13 ..14 Gris: set %SelectFont 14 } on *:input:#: { set %ColorFuente $+ %SelectFont if (%Negrita) { set %ColorFuente $+ %ColorFuente } msg $chan %ColorFuente $+ $strip($1-) halt } Everything works perfect. What I need is "change the INPUT", for the following: on *:INPUT:*: { if ($left($1,1) != /) { haltdef if $active ischan { var %n = $iif($me !isreg $chan,$left($nick($chan,$me).pnick,1),$chr(240)) var %echo.text = $+(4[,$chr(2),$chr(3),$+($replace(%n,@,4@,&,4&,%,14%,~,4~,+,5+,$chr(240),15),$chr(32),1),$me,$chr(2),$chr(3),4 ]) 1: $1- } else { var %echo.text = $+(4[,$chr(2),$chr(3),$+($replace(%n,@,4@,&,4&,%,14%,~,4~,+,5+,$chr(240),15),$chr(32),1),$me,$chr(2),$chr(3),4 ]) 1: $1- } echo -tm $active %echo.text .msg $active 1 $1- } } Let me change the text color in the "INPUT"
  5. I know that you know a lot. I do not know. I just need someone to adapt the "input" with the "color text"
  6. Hi. I could already make the menu color + bold. Now .. How do I adapt it to the input? menu * { COLOR DE FUENTE .Negrita: { if (!%Negrita) { set %Negrita 1 halt } unset %Negrita } .Color de Texto ..0 Blanco: set %SelectFont 0 ..1 Negro: set %SelectFont 1 ..2 Azul: set %SelectFont 2 ..4 Rojo suave: set %SelectFont 4 ..5 Marrón: set %SelectFont 5 ..6 Purpura: set %SelectFont 6 ..7 Naranja: set %SelectFont 7 ..9 Verde agua: set %SelectFont 9 ..10 Celeste: set %SelectFont 10 ..12 Azul suave: set %SelectFont 12 ..13 Rosa: set %SelectFont 13 ..14 Gris: set %SelectFont 14 } on *:INPUT:*: { if ($left($1,1) != /) { haltdef if $active ischan { var %n = $iif($me !isreg $chan,$left($nick($chan,$me).pnick,1),$chr(240)) var %echo.text = $+(4[,$chr(2),$chr(3),$+($replace(%n,@,4@,&,4&,%,14%,~,4~,+,5+,$chr(240),15),$chr(32),1),$me,$chr(2),$chr(3),4 ]) 1: $1- } else { var %echo.text = $+(4[,$chr(2),$chr(3),$+($replace(%n,@,4@,&,4&,%,14%,~,4~,+,5+,$chr(240),15),$chr(32),1),$me,$chr(2),$chr(3),4 ]) 1: $1- } echo -tm $active %echo.text .msg $active 1 $1- } }
  7. Is everything ok then? That good !. Thank you. = D. It has given me a good idea, I thank you
  8. How are they. I would like to be told if the Dialogue is ok, or if I have to accommodate something? Thank you dialog Conex { title "Conex to a new Server" size -1 -1 210 150 option pixels button "Conectar", 2, 13 108 70 25 button "Cancelar", 3, 93 108 70 25, cancel edit "", 4, 55 17 150 20 text "Servidor:", 5, 8 19 46 15 text "Puerto:", 7, 9 41 39 15 edit "", 8, 55 39 50 20 text "Default: 6667", 9, 110 41 90 15 edit "", 10, 55 62 100 21 text "Canal:", 1, 9 64 39 15 edit "", 6, 55 86 100 21 text "Nick:", 11, 10 89 39 15 } on *:DIALOG:Conex:init:0: { did -a Conex 10 %channel did -a Conex 4 %server did -a Conex 8 %port did -a Conex 6 %nickname } on *:DIALOG:Conex:sclick:2: { if (!$did(Conex,4)) { did -a Conex 4 Necesitas ingresar un Servidor! } else { if ($did(Conex,8)) { if ($did(Conex,10).state == 1) { /server -mp $did(Conex,4) $did(Conex,8) } else { /server -p $did(Conex,4) $did(Conex,8) } else { /server -p $did(Conex,4) 6667 } } } %nickname = $did(Conex,6) %server = $did(Conex,4) %port = $did(Conex,8) %channel = $did(Conex,10) dialog -x Conex } on *:connect: { /nick %nickname | /join %channel }
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