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Posts posted by Eyecu

  1. Haven't tried any of the ocx chats but i've tested spartan on buzzen and it runs fine no issues what so ever. I will test it on an ocx chat at some point this week and see what it's like or if it will even run the ocx.

  2. All depends services are pretty much a personal preference and really now adays depends on what you want the services to do, do you want them to integrate nickserv with your sites database, then anope over atheme. Atheme does have some advantages over anope and vice versa. Myself i've personally used anope for years and trust it and wont switch from it.

  3. Over the year I've run servers both from home and hosted, By far hosted servers are well worth the money (next to staminus and azure) lol. Residential connections just are not stable enough for irc servers to be run from. Back the first time I had a hosted server i was paying over 200 a month for it. Now you can get a server with 20x the power for 1/4 of the price.

  4. Using flash I would suggestion inspircd and lightirc. you can find them at the following



    As for setting them up alot would depend on the environment you looking at. Are you wanting to host the ircd on your home connection, or get hosting for it. Linux vs Windows is also needed to know to better help you.

    As for lightirc it's pretty straight forward to install on your website host and its pretty well documented for the basic setup.

  5. Depends on what exactly your looking for. Linode is a very good provider of vps's that work well for ircd hosting, I've used them in the past myself and not one issue with them. Really depends on what your requirements are as to what you need though. If you looking to setup a couple ircd's i would go with vps's you get more for your dollar that way. If you only looking to setup 1 server/services either a vps or dedicated is good. Dedicated hosting for ircd your going to pay extra for though as most datacenters don't allow irc as the inherit risk of ddos attacks against irc networks are greater.

    linode.com (vps)

    budgetvm.com (vps)
    ovh.com/ca (dedicated) need to register your irc with them though.
    quadranet.com (dedicated)

  6. That was actually something built into the servers that mapped the kill/gline command to a service bot. I use to have one designed for mirc that worked on IRCd but i don't know if i have it anymore I will see what i can find and go from there.

  7. Main difference between UnrealIRCd and InspIRCd is unreal pretty much groups all the commands and modules into the commands.so or dll and everything gets loaded period. InspIRCd is more modular in design and you have to load every command/module you want. I do know Unreal is planning on changing this in the near future and make it more modular which is good. As i said before I'm still a huge fan of Unreal and always will be. Just at this time I find InspIRCd more suit to our network. At the end of the day it's not a matter of what is better when your talking about the IRCd, it's more a matter of preference. Don't get me wrong your not going to want to use an IRCd that hasn't had any development in years and has known security risks. Right now I would have to say there are 3 main IRCd's in use. Unreal, Insp and charybis. All of them are extremely good in their own rights and serve the purpose they were designed for.


    As a network admin you constantly have to evaluate what is best for the network and it's users. What features users want/don't want and adjust accordingly in my opinion. It's just one of those hidden headaches no one ever thinks about when starting a network.

  8. Yes but go through each one slowly. The main two you will be dealing with are the inspircd.conf and the modules.conf.example.


    But don't forget to edit the opers.conf.example and make sure you set your opers block correctly. I actually edited mine to have 5 oper levels




    also make sure that in the inspircd.conf that the paths are right to all the config files. Myself i just left them with the .example on the end instead of renaming each one. But you can rename them if you wish just make sure the paths match in the main config. Inspircd is alot harder to configure just because theirs so many options but that is one of the reasons i like it so much you can configure just about every aspect of the server to suit your needs.

  9. Never run the windows version so I don't know the exact way it works but configuration wise should be just like it is for linux based. As for your virus scanner throwing up a warning, mine did the same when i just tried to download it. Im positive it's safe but i'm going to report it to them just so their aware.

  10. Groovy, if your looking for something more "msn" like look at inspircd. it has the ability out of the box to prefix opers with it's own prefix that will show them higher in the nicklist then even a room owner. Plus inspircd is more configurable on what you can/can't load.


    Unrealircd is still one of my favourite IRCd's out there I used it a great many years but I find Inspircd more configurable. Choice is yours of course just my two cents

  11. Depends on the setup your using. Anope services will do this with the /cs set persist and /cs set noexpire command. Eggdrop is your next best bet to perform this, as they are meant to be run from a shell and would have a constant connection. You wouldn't want to use an mirc bot to do this as that would be unreliable for this purpose.

  12. These are not done through the css. There done through params.useUserListIcons and then uploading the desired icons to the icons folder using the same format as the ones already there eg. default.png, voice.png, halfop.png, operator.png, admin.png and owner.png

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