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Everything posted by Warren

  1. mIRC 7.42 - versions.txt 15.Changed script processing method so that Windows no longer thinks mIRC has stopped responding during long loops. I went to make a whilefix dll of my own, but it turns out, mIRC doesn't really need it as much as it used to. Although mIRC doesn't have any functionality during an intensive loop, it at least won't crash mIRC due to unresponsive behavior. whilefix7.cpp #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <assert.h> #include <string> using namespace std; typedef struct { DWORD mVersion; //!< mIRC Version HWND mHwnd; //!< mIRC Hwnd BOOL mKeep; //!< mIRC variable stating to keep DLL in memory } LOADINFO; typedef struct { HANDLE m_hFileMap; //!< Handle to the mIRC DLL File Map LPSTR m_pData; //!< Pointer to a character buffer of size 900 to send mIRC custom commands HWND m_mIRCHWND; //!< mIRC Window Handle } mIRCDLL; mIRCDLL mIRCLink; void WINAPI LoadDll(LOADINFO * load) { mIRCLink.m_hFileMap = CreateFileMapping( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, 0, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, 4096, "mIRC" ); mIRCLink.m_pData = (LPSTR) MapViewOfFile( mIRCLink.m_hFileMap, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, 0 ); mIRCLink.m_mIRCHWND = load->mHwnd; } int WINAPI UnloadDll( int timeout ) { // DLL unloaded because mIRC exits or /dll -u used if ( timeout == 0 ) { UnmapViewOfFile( mIRCLink.m_pData ); CloseHandle( mIRCLink.m_hFileMap ); return 1; } // Keep DLL In Memory else return 0; } int __declspec(dllexport) __stdcall whilefix7(HWND mWnd, HWND aWnd, char *data, char *parms, BOOL show, BOOL nopause) { MSG msg; PeekMessage(&msg,NULL,0,0,PM_REMOVE); TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); return 1; } whilefix7.def LIBRARY whilefix7 EXPORTS whilefix7 LoadDll UnloadDll whilefix7.mrc alias whilefix7 { var %whilefix7.dll $qt(C:\Mirc\whilefix7\whilefix7.dll) var %i 0 while (%i < 12000) { inc %i titlebar %i echo -s : %i if ($rand(1,10) == 0) { noop $dll(%whilefix7.dll,whilefix7,0) } ; Allows mIRC a chance to breathe. } dll -u %whilefix7.dll } the code used was supposedly used in the past whilefix dll, and i had made my own, which worked well... but it looks like it might not be as relevant now with the upgraded mIRC. whilefix7.zip
  2. i put in an issue on github, and i tried to see if i could debug the issue, but its a bit over my head. If there was some definitive error message i could research it would be one thing, but the way its set up, the issue could be anywhere. another issue is, as much trouble as it was to get a version for this from git, i still don't know if the github's versions are older or newer than the dcx dll's in circulation. its less confusing to just have 1 version. not versions, subversions, and builds. so perhaps github just wasn't updated after the releases.
  3. i put in an issue on github, and i tried to see if i could debug the issue, but its a bit over my head. If there was some definitive error message i could research it would be one thing, but the way its set up, the issue could be anywhere. another issue is, as much trouble as it was to get a version for this from git, i still don't know if the github's versions are older or newer than the dcx dll's in circulation. its less confusing to just have 1 version. not versions, subversions, and builds. so perhaps github just wasn't updated after the releases.
  4. okay, i managed to get it to compile and load in mIRC I installed the DirectX SDK june 2010 update and that seemed to fix the dxsdk issues. its possible that i didn't even need them though, because the real issue was in the Release build. In the Debug build it compiled smoothly, except in pre-build / post-build events, you have to set your mIRC folder. For the Release profile, it still wouldn't run after i compiled it, even with the DirectX SDK. Only after I installed UPX to the parent folder of dcx-master, vs 2012 was able to compile and optimize the DLL, and then mIRC was able to load it. I'm thinking that, the optimization settings might remove some of the spacing for the functions and then mIRC DLL just can't find the symbols, and then using UPX might convert them back to something mIRC can use. i had to install git and clone a repository and build sourcecontrol, seemed like an awful lot of trouble to go through for a version. for additional info: https://github.com/twig/dcxdll/issues/10 --- Now, im having issues with the WebControl, it doesn't seem to be updating the status properly. sending D_ERRORs myDialog error 100 webctrl none DcxWebControl::Invoke() Unable to get object state: 1065353216 I'm going to look into this, just curious now why the other versions of DCX never did this.
  5. I was wanting to modify the DCX dll from its source, using VS C++ 2012 I had to make 3 changes in order for it to compile. 1. Removed: #ifdef DCX_USE_DXSDK #include <Dxsdkver.h> Reason: fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'Dxsdkver.h': No such file or directory I read that this wasn't required: 2. Since I don't have github installed, i couldn't run the batch file to get the version numbers, so i set them from #define DLL_VERSION GIT_DESCRIBE #define DLL_BUILD GIT_HASH #define DLL_DEV_BUILD 24 to: #define DLL_VERSION "2.0.1120" #define DLL_BUILD 1 #define DLL_DEV_BUILD 24 didn't figure this would make a difference. 3. post-build events, removed $UPX packager in previous directory. It compiles successfully. i did a file comparison on the dependencies from PE explorer and they are identical. when I try to load the dll, i get: /dll: unable to open file any ideas on how i might go about fixing this?
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