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Everything posted by JOhnson

  1. Cheers err0r & Dennie nais tuke ... im going take a good look at them glad yours was a zip err0r ... Dennie yours is a rar file omg here comes winrar
  2. dont know if anyone can help me on this one but iv been pulling my hair out trying to find the old msn emoticon ... iv googled and all I come up with is the new emoticons. If anyone takes a look in spcn at there "Smiley Help" they are the ones im looking for
  3. Instead of starting another topic I though why not ask here ... my friend would like to know what advice members can give to this posting ... remember we are UK ... what server and what browser would you use on your pc ... im with virginmedia and have looked at there postcode and they cannot get virgin ... so any input to this post would be gratefully excepted
  4. iv just had a phone call from my friend and aol have told them that its down to them ... I dont know if aol has a forum or not but it would be nice if they could let customers know that there having problems .. makes me wonder if anyone else has though the same as my friend ... I better do a few days back restore or even worse done a factory restore. Anyways nais tuke = thank you all for your help on this one D
  5. I told them years ago to get rid of aol ... but it fell on deaf ears ... iv rang them and told them that there is not vista issue with IE7 ... I would like to nais tuke all for your swift replies
  6. They have done that and also a restore to factory settings ... I dont know what else to advice them on
  7. I put a plug in for your "Opera" what more do you want
  8. is anyone having problems with there IE7 with Vista as a friend of mine cannot access IE7 since they had a Vista IE7 update. Also is anyone having problems with there aol broadband UK which they also have problems ... I adviced them to download and install opera and they have told me that it starts to installs and then just stops suddenly ? they also told me that they tried firefox with the same results ? any help on this one I would be grateful
  9. Do you ever wonder why you get butterflies in your stomach and your body gets all warm and fuzzy when you meet that special person who makes you feel like you are on top of the world? "YES" Do you ever wonder if that special person that you care deeply for feels the same or will ever feel the same? "YES" Do you ever wonder why life is so damn complicated? "NO"
  10. as you can see from an earlier post on this subject I did you use that way (connect mirc +add #tg007 to fav's) ... but I wanted to know if there was an easier way to connect to koach.com and the room and X-Fusion gave Haggis a code that I am now using
  11. I tried all of them autojoins codes fella's (Haggis [::X-System::]) and im grateful for them and im also grateful for all the help you both gave me ... but ... the "one" that worked was the "one" X-Fusion gave you Haggis ... so nais tuke = thank you X-Fusion fella
  12. nais tuke =thank you Haggis and [::X-System::] for both your codes (untested as yet) I still need to know how it works ? ... ok fellas im more in koach.com & #tg007 than anywhere else these days and the way I connect to koach.com via mirc ... is I go to File / Resent Server / koach.com ... then I have #tg007 in my Favorites and that is how I join the room
  13. this is the one I was looking at what I got from hawkee which iv pasted into my mirc remote ... I hope im allowed to do this ... question time lol when I go to "AutoJoin Wizard" I get a drop down menu with "Active" then "Configure" then "Add This Channel" so what I did was I clicked on "Active" and it put a tick at the side of it ... then I clicked "Configure" and in "Channels" I put #tg007 and in "Specific Network" I put koach.com ... I then did the same again this time I added #chainconn to "Channels" and buzzen.net to "Specific Network" my next question is how does this work ... many thanks to the quick reply err0r alias -l ajwiz.rem remini $ajwiz.ini $1- alias -l ajwiz.write writeini $ajwiz.ini $1- alias -l ajwiz.i return $ini($ajwiz.ini,$1,$2) alias -l ajwiz.ini return $qt($scriptdirajwiz.ini) alias -l ajwiz.selnet return $did(ajwiz,3,$did(ajwiz,3).sel) alias ajwiz dialog - $+ $iif($dialog(ajwiz),a,m ajwiz) ajwiz alias -l ajwiz.selchan return $did(ajwiz,2,$did(ajwiz,2).sel) alias -l ajwiz.selcmd return $did(ajwiz,12,$did(ajwiz,12).sel) alias -l ajwiz.read if ($isfile($ajwiz.ini)) { return $readini($ajwiz.ini,$1,$2) } alias -l ajwiz.load.channels { var %i = $ajwiz.i(channels,0), %a = did -a ajwiz 2 did -r ajwiz 2 did -b ajwiz 7 while (%i) { %a $ajwiz.i(channels,%i) dec %i } did -b ajwiz 3,8,9,10,12,14,15,16 did -r ajwiz 3,12 } alias -l ajwiz.select.network { var %net = $did(ajwiz,3,$did(ajwiz,3).sel) if (%net) { did -e ajwiz 8,10 ajwiz.write $ajwiz.selchan $+ Nets %net $did(ajwiz,3,$did(ajwiz,3).sel).cstate } } alias -l ajwiz.select.command { var %cmd = $ajwiz.selcmd if (%cmd) { did -e ajwiz 14,15 ajwiz.write $ajwiz.selchan $+ Cmds $replace(%cmd,$chr(32),½,",µ) $did(ajwiz,12,$did(ajwiz,12).sel).cstate } } alias -l ajwiz.add.channel { var %i = $iif($1,$1,$input(Enter the name of a channel that you would like to add to the AutoJoin list. $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ (ie: #Blah),eio,Create New Entry)), %c if (%i) { %c = $remove($iif($left(%i,1) == $chr(35),%i,$chr(35) $+ %i),$chr(32)) ajwiz.write Channels %c 1 ajwiz.write %c $+ Nets All 1 if ($dialog(ajwiz)) { ajwiz.load.channels } } } alias -l ajwiz.del.channel { if ($input(Are you sure that you want to remove this channel?,wy,Confirm Delete Channel)) { var %c = $ajwiz.selchan, %r = ajwiz.rem %r Channels %c %r %c $+ Nets %r %c $+ Cmds ajwiz.load.channels } } alias -l ajwiz.add.network { if ($input(Please enter a network mask to autojoin $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ (ie: *.dal.net or *.chatscape.net) $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ Try not to specify too many parameters unless you are sure of the entire network name.,ioe,Add New Network Mask)) { ajwiz.write $ajwiz.selchan $+ Nets $remove($v1,$chr(32)) 1 ajwiz.load.networks } } alias -l ajwiz.del.network { ajwiz.rem $ajwiz.selchan $+ Nets $ajwiz.selnet ajwiz.load.networks if ($did(ajwiz,3).lines == 0) { did -b ajwiz 8 } } alias -l ajwiz.clear.networks { if ($input(Are you sure that you want to completely uncheck all of the networks?,wy,Confirm Network Clear)) { var %c = $ajwiz.selchan, %i = 1, %m = $ajwiz.i(%c $+ Nets,0), %a = did -l ajwiz 3, %aj while (%i <= %m) { %aj = $ajwiz.i(%c $+ Nets,%i) %a %i ajwiz.write %c $+ Nets %aj 0 inc %i } did -b ajwiz 8,10 } } alias -l ajwiz.load.networks { var %c = $ajwiz.selchan, %i = 1, %m = $ajwiz.i(%c $+ Nets,0), %a = did -a ajwiz 3, %k = did -s ajwiz 3, %aj did -r ajwiz 3 if (%m) { did -e ajwiz 8 } while (%i <= %m) { %aj = $ajwiz.i(%c $+ Nets,%i) %a %aj if ($ajwiz.read(%c $+ Nets,%aj)) { %k %i } inc %i } did -e ajwiz 3,9 did -b ajwiz 10 } alias -l ajwiz.load.commands { var %c = $ajwiz.selchan, %i = 1, %m = $ajwiz.i(%c $+ Cmds,0), %a = did -a ajwiz 12, %k = did -s ajwiz 12, %aj did -r ajwiz 12 if (%m) { did -e ajwiz 15 } while (%i <= %m) { %aj = $ajwiz.i(%c $+ Cmds,%i) %a $replace(%aj,½,$chr(32),µ,") if ($ajwiz.read(%c $+ Cmds,%aj)) { %k %i } inc %i } did -e ajwiz 12,16 did -b ajwiz 14 } alias -l ajwiz.add.command { if ($input(Enter a command you want to do once you've joined this channel:,ioe,Add New Command)) { ajwiz.write $ajwiz.selchan $+ Cmds $replace($v1,$chr(32),½,",µ) 1 ajwiz.load.commands } } alias -l ajwiz.del.command { ajwiz.rem $ajwiz.selchan $+ Cmds $replace($ajwiz.selcmd,$chr(32),½,",µ) ajwiz.load.commands if ($did(ajwiz,12).lines == 0) { did -b ajwiz 15 } } alias -l ajwiz.clear.commands { if ($input(Are you sure that you want to completely uncheck all of the commands?,wy,Confirm Commands Clear)) { var %c = $ajwiz.selchan, %i = 1, %m = $ajwiz.i(%c $+ Cmds,0), %a = did -l ajwiz 12, %aj while (%i <= %m) { %aj = $ajwiz.i(%c $+ Cmds,%i) %a %i ajwiz.write %c $+ Cmds $replace(%aj,$chr(32),½,",µ) 0 inc %i } did -b ajwiz 14,15 } } alias -l connected.check.channels { var %c = $ajwiz.i(channels,0), %i = 1 while (%i <= %c) { connected.check.nets $ajwiz.i(channels,%i) inc %i } } alias -l connected.check.nets { var %c = $1, %m = $ajwiz.i(%c $+ Nets,0), %i = 1, %h while (%i <= %m) { %h = $ajwiz.i(%c $+ Nets,%i) if ($ajwiz.read(%c $+ Nets,%h)) { if ((%h iswm $server) || (%h == All)) { join %c } } inc %i } } alias -l joined.channel.check.perform { var %c = $1, %m = $ajwiz.i(%c $+ Cmds,0), %i = 1, %h while (%i <= %m) { %h = $ajwiz.i(%c $+ Cmds,%i) if ($ajwiz.read(%c $+ Cmds,%h)) { $replace(%h,½,$chr(32),µ,") } inc %i } } dialog ajwiz { title "mIRC AutoJoin Wizard" size -1 -1 198 210 option dbu box "Channels", 1, 3 3 78 183 list 2, 7 11 69 153, size hsbar vsbar button "Add...", 6, 7 166 27 15 button "Delete", 7, 48 166 27 15 box "Specific Networks", 4, 84 3 111 94 list 3, 88 13 102 60, size hsbar vsbar check button "Add Mask", 9, 89 78 27 15 button "Delete", 10, 121 78 27 15 box "", 5, 156 77 1 15 button "Clear All", 8, 164 78 27 15 box "Commands To Perform On Join", 11, 84 100 111 86 list 12, 88 111 102 54, size hsbar vsbar check box "", 13, 156 166 1 15 button "Delete", 14, 121 167 27 15 button "Clear All", 15, 164 167 27 15 button "New...", 16, 89 167 27 15 button "Close", 17, 154 190 42 15, ok check "Enable The AutoJoin Wizard", 18, 3 192 75 12 } ON *:DIALOG:ajwiz:*:*: { var %d = $dname, %e = $devent, %i = $did if (%e == init) { if ($group(#ajwiz).status == on) { did -c %d 18 } ajwiz.load.channels } if (%e == sclick) { if ((%i == 2) && ($did(2).sel)) { ajwiz.load.networks | ajwiz.load.commands | did -e %d 7 } if ((%i == 3) && ($did(3).sel)) { ajwiz.select.network } if (%i == 6) { ajwiz.add.channel } if (%i == 7) { ajwiz.del.channel } if (%i == 9) { ajwiz.add.network } if (%i == 8) { ajwiz.clear.networks } if (%i == 10) { ajwiz.del.network } if ((%i == 12) && ($did(12).sel)) { ajwiz.select.command } if (%i == 14) { ajwiz.del.command } if (%i == 15) { ajwiz.clear.commands } if (%i == 16) { ajwiz.add.command } if (%i == 18) { $iif($did(18).state,.enable,.disable) #ajwiz } } } menu menubar,status,channel { AutoJoin Wizard .$style($iif($group(#ajwiz).status == on,1)) Active:$iif($group(#ajwiz).status == on,.disable,.enable) #ajwiz .- .Configure:ajwiz .- .$iif(#,Add This Channel):ajwiz.add.channel # | return $input(# added to the autojoin list successfully!,io,Channel Added) } #ajwiz off ON *:CONNECT:connected.check.channels ON *:JOIN:#:if ($nick == $me) { joined.channel.check.perform # } #ajwiz end
  14. please please will someone explain to me what a "autojoin" actually is and how does it "work" as iv download a few off hawkee as iv looked in downloads in tg007 and cant find one. Iv put the autojoin in remote but im sorry fellas I havent a clue how it works and if I dont ask I will still be here till christmas trying to figure it out
  15. I understand what a lot of you are saying and have taking note of all your comments ... but this isnt an issue with vincula ... as iv tried the very basic of connection and you cant get anymore basic than that code that Warrior gave me ages ago Happens with that and all on *:START: server three.irc.sparkpea.net 6667 on *:CONNECT: { if ($network == Sparkpea.Net) { if (!%SPCNemail) set %SPCNemail $?="Please input your email address for this account" if (!%SPCNpasswd) set %SPCNpasswd $?*"Please input your password for this account" nickserv identify %SPCNemail %SPCNpasswd list } }
  16. Cheers mysticwizard I will take a look at that as soon as I get mirc 6.35 downloaded ready for buzzen ... will let you know how I go one fella nasi tuke = thank you fella
  17. Hi Chief ... I asked in the SPCN helpdesk and was told to do this in my mirc script // PROP #topic: test one to three ... it worked but maybe I should have put the topic I wanted to put in i.e // PROP # topic: "This is the best chatroom in sparkpea.net"... the thing is im using vincula 5.1.8 and like iv sed before Iv had no problem in the pass with a owner status changing the topic in the channel modes untill a few weeks ago. So I dont know what to ask anymore or where to go to find the answer .... by the way iv tried this with one or two other connections and got the same result no gold hammer and you can see channel modes but cant change the topic. nasi tuke for you comment Chief as I do learn from what you reply to (might take me a bit longer than the rest)
  18. Is there anyone who has a simple buzzen connection ... something basic that allows you to put your email / password and join buzzen /then join a room ... Warrior gave one for SPCN ... as much as im still learning and tried myself to alter the code and learn from what he gave me ... I cant join buzzen with it.
  19. I dont know if anyone can help me on this one ... but iv got to ask this as its annoying me ... im using mirc 6.35 but this has also happened with old mirc of late in SPCN. My script holds owner status and when I click on Channel Modes ... all I get is * Retrieving %#RoomName modes... but no dialog ... now take the owner status from the script and I can see the Channel Modes dialog but cant change the topic ... anyone have an idea "why"
  20. I did notice err0r .... havent you got a "Do You Ever"
  21. do you ever find yourself smiling at the monitor when you are chatting to someone in a chat room and find there comments funny ... do you ever wonder what that person might really look like do you ever feel like putting you foot through the monitor when you see someone make a statement that makes them look better than they really are and you know there not as good as they might come over in the chat room and finally and you dont have to own up to this do you ever wish that someone you are talking to would find a different chat room to chat in If you have any "Do You Ever" please leave your comments here <<<<<<<<<
  22. thank you to all that replied to my posting ... it has enlightened to the fact that you need to restart you computer even though at times it can be annoying.
  23. When you get a windows update and after its downloaded to your computer "WHY" do you have to "Restart" your computer ... It always happens when your doing something that is the annoying part ... Question do you have to "Restart" and if you didnt what would happen
  24. Kingy ... devlesa araklam tume = it is with god that we found you ... that is what iv been looking for thank you every much fella ... im very grateful for that
  25. again Haggis thank you for the reply mate ... only one that worked was belarc advisor but and I tried it on a two computers and on both ... all it told me was what was in each slot i.e. 1. 512MB 2.1024MB 3. 1024MB 4. 512MB ... nothing indicated what kind of RAM it was ? i.e.DDR2 533Mhz or DDR2 667MHz
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