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Everything posted by JOhnson

  1. I was in sparkpea last night and was asked for some help via my whispers but for some reason I couldnt access the whispers so I looked at options at the top of the page and everything was blank so I set default which ticked all the boxes and closed the options .... same thing happened again when I looked in options everything was "blank" so I asked at the helpdesk and was told to clear temps / cookies ect which I did to no avail so I decided to delete the MSN Chat Control 4.5 and reinstall MSN Chat Control 4.5 which prompted me to download the Active X ... I try again but it still was the same ... my O/S is vista so what I did was to go on to my XP Pro machine and delete the MSN Chat Control 4.5 and the reinstall it which I did but when I came to look in options it prompted me to run another Active X which isnt happening on the Vista machine .... wondering if anyone can throw some light on this for my and any advice to help me overcome this problem ..... as always nais tuke = thank you for any replies or help
  2. tested it err0r its working great
  3. Just some thing or nothing err0r I was messing in spcn and my test room with a few old msn codes and I love that "Weather Code" so I started playing just typed a few places that iv been to in the pass few weeks for the weather and if you take a look at the screen shot you will see what I mean im not bother as soon as I put a UK at the end of it ..... it showed me it the right way .... as I said it is something and nothing but just wanted to show you.
  4. iv looked in google and there it says free download cnet and a few others and as soon as you download it tells you 30 day trial and at the computer fair you can get 3 disc (legal) of your choose for a tenner (£10)
  5. I was at a computer fair not to long ago and I see that "Camtasia Studio 6.0 .... is it worth me buying it and do you think I will be able to work it ... as always nais tuke = thank you for any replies
  6. Haggis your to late fella get up earlier been testing it in spcn room but nais tuke for looking out for me
  7. I live in the uk ... matter of fact im in north yorkshire and live close to york city ... now im in a test room in spcn and I have typed !weather (nothing) iv typed !weather north yorkshire (nothing) iv gone through all the yorkshire ridings and (nothing) am I doing something wrong. err0r that is the only feed back I can give you at the moment fella.
  8. thats what it was two history.mrc ... new nick for me n00b_The_Jackass
  9. err0r take a look at these two screen shots of the dropdown menu
  10. I would like to thank you for the history code err0r and im very grateful for your help in the test room
  11. missed your reply Fanfare ... im not good enough to do hash tables fella im still learning so I stick with what I know ... but who knows fella one day I will
  12. will look at that fella ... as always x-cOn nais tuke = thank you for the code fella
  13. you knows you would be always WELCOME .... dont forget the tetleys bitter
  14. Just thought I would post this nickdetector code I found on one of my old pen drives .... havent a clue who scripted it but it works as far as giving the last nick change and it also logs all nicks that join the room in a user.txt in the main directory of mirc .... x-c0n I did try yours fella and yes it does store the nicks but it wont show them in the room maybe im doing something wrong lol but at the moment lol im messing up err0rs history code iv also been messing with the nickdetector code to see if I can get it to read the last five nick changes (wish me baxto = luck) NickDetect On on *:join:*:{ if ($nick == $me) halt if (!$read(users.txt,w,* $+ $address($nick,1) $+ *)) { write users.txt $address($nick,1) $nick privmsg } else { if ($read(users.txt,s, $address($nick,1)) != $nick) { msg $chan $replace($nick,>,Guest_) You where previously knows as $replace($ifmatch,>,Guest_) write -l $+ $readn users.txt $address($nick,1) $nick } } } #NickDetect End
  15. NO fella its something iv got used to but thanks for asking
  16. ok nais tuke = thank you for all your replies im very grateful for you help on this one and no disrepect to anyone else but iv gone with err0rs code at the moment (at the moment) ... the only way I can explain myself err0r is to show you via screen shots and I hope iv explained myself well enough for you to follow what im trying to explain.Thank you for the code im messing with it at the moment
  17. told you I didnt explain it right ... ok let me see if I can explain it a bit better so you might be able to help me ... im in buzzen %#IRCommunity Room and iv got my script in there using moschino's connection and in his connection he has a nick logger that will tell you in your mirc script and also it will allow you to show the nick's in the room (still with me) of the last five nicks that someone has used i.e J0hnson Billy joey tommywentthere timmyhasitall and final me lol n00b have I explained myself better .... as always nais tuke for all replies
  18. I dont know how to ask this question or even explain it ... is there a nick logger for SPCN (sparkpea) that will tell the room the last 5 nicks like moschino's got in his connection for buzzen ... iv looked about the tg007 msn archives / mirc script rooms and I cant find a nick logger that does as I requested ... as always nais tuke = thank you for all replys and help on this one
  19. nais tuke rift ..... was doing /toolbar +r
  20. ? /toolbar -c and what if you want them back
  21. nais tuke = thank you err0r I feel a lot better for that ..... now I can sleep tonight and work on it tomorrow
  22. nais tuke err0r I understand now .... is the code right ... yes or no
  23. im sorry to ask and I feel a little embarrased as some of the fellas have been helping in the buzzen room %#IRCommunity and for some reason iv lost the plot but if I dont ask I will never learn ... does $tips only work with mirc .... let me try to explain and then you can put me right .... I chat in buzzen as J0hnson via webchat ... my mirc script is Johnson_mIRC which I have just in the buzzen room %#IRCommunity but iv put it into a room I created just to test it (god I hope you fellas are still reading this) so its in 2 rooms now if I type Johnson_mIRC will it $tip me in both rooms or just the room I created and what should I expect and will you tell me if the code below is right ..... as always fellas nais tuke for your help on this one on *:text:*:#: { if ((Johnson_mIRC isin $1-) && ($version !< 6.31) && (!%tip. [ [ $nick ] ]) && (($appstate == tray) || ($chan != $active))) { inc -eu2 %alert.flood if (%alert.flood < 2) { $tip('Tray Tip', 4Notice Alert14 $chr(40) $network $chr(41) , 1 $nick : $regsubex($1-, /\[(?:style\x20.*?|/style)\]/gi,$null) - 12 $chan , 10) set -eu15 %tip. [ [ $nick ] ] true } } }
  24. cant wait for you to realease it ... looks good err0r aka non-fail
  25. Im not the best fella when it comes to reading (sorry) so your saying to me GET IT ... yes or no
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