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Everything posted by CharmedOne

  1. can someone make me a small code to go with my import & export buttons for my dialog please my bialog name is dialog tnts { & my Import button number is 9 my Export button number is 10 .
  2. well thanks for taking time to help me out.
  3. Ok this works with avoiders script checker in the emerge script. This is another was I found to scan for scripts with his script checker thought id share. Note it only detects Mirc Colors such as 4red colors, 7 Orange & etc. on *:text:*:#: { if ($nick isop $chan) { return } if ($chr(3) isin $1-) { { .echo @Script [4Script] - $nick is not webchat.(Text) on 10 $chan } | /window -m @script window -nk0 @Script -1 -1 600 200 } } raw WHISPER:*: { if ($nick isop $chan) { return } if ($chr(3) isin $1-) { { .echo @Script [4Script] - $nick is not webchat.(Text) on 10 $chan } | /window -m @script window -nk0 @Script -1 -1 600 200 } } on *:action:*:#: { if ($nick isop $chan) { return } if ($chr(3) isin $1-) { { .echo @Script [4Script] - $nick is not webchat.(Text) on 10 $chan } | /window -m @script window -nk0 @Script -1 -1 600 200 } } on *:notice:*:#: { if ($nick isop $chan) { return } if ($chr(3) isin $1-) { { .echo @Script [4Script] - $nick is not webchat.(Text) on 10 $chan } | /window -m @script window -nk0 @Script -1 -1 600 200 } }
  4. Someone wanted one that tells them of new users or a clone in whisper so what I did was modify one of Gewns old codes (she said I could use it) & try to help the guy out, problem is I cant get it to write to the notepad can someone help pls. raw whisper:*:{ if (!$read(Lists/querylist.txt,w,* $+ $address($nick,1) $+ *)) { write Lists/querylist.txt $address($nick,1) $nick .echo $active 0[ 8New Query 0- 9 $nick 0] } else { if ($read(Lists/querylist.txt,s, $address($nick,1)) != $nick) { .echo $active 0[ 9Clone Detected. 4 $nick 8is 9 $ifmatch 0] write -l $+ $readn Lists/querylist.txt $address($nick,1) $nick } else { .echo $active 0[8Return Query 0- 9 $nick 0] } } }
  5. Highly sensitive details of a US military missile air defence system were found on a second-hand hard drive bought on eBay. The test launch procedures were found on a hard disk for the THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defence) ground to air missile defence system, used to shoot down Scud missiles in Iraq. The disk also contained security policies, blueprints of facilities and personal information on employees including social security numbers, belonging to technology company Lockheed Martin - who designed and built the system.
  6. Only problem i have seen through the years is alot of people have like connections & add ons & etc thats really good that people can use but are never released. Once I got into coding I felt it was more rewarding to let people use & enjoy the things I made rather than keep them to myself but well everyones different. Its a shame this is for private use only.
  7. How do you stop it from spamming every different forum in every room ur in, what if a room only wanted to see the topic feed of one site & not the other? Seems like if you added 8 to 10 different topic feeds to it that if you was setting in 5 rooms that all 5 rooms would be spammed with all 8 to 10 feeds you got added ?
  8. DJV you ripped a big one I smelt it from here or was it me
  9. Ok instead of editing each seperate link why not fix it kinda like I do my protections, here is a example , when I click a protection on in my dialog I got this as the first event .set %arkmesg { $$?="Enter kick message:" } so people can set their own message so why not make the same thing where people can just edit the forums they wanna watch rather than being limited to ones pre added. Heres my full code so you can see what I got going on. on *:dialog:ChanP:sclick:2: { if (False isin %AutoRev) { halt } if ($input(Are you sure you want to Enable Auto Revolve Kick?,y)) { .set %arkmesg { $$?="Enter kick message:" } | .enable #AutoRev | did -ra $dname 4 $group(#AutoRev) | %snd.enab | .echo $active 0,4Auto Revolve Kick 0,12Enabled } } on *:dialog:ChanP:sclick:3: { if (False isin %AutoRev) { halt } if ($input(Are you sure you want to Disable Auto Revolve Kick?,y)) { .unset %arkmesg | .disable #AutoRev | did -ra $dname 4 $group(#AutoRev) | %snd.dis | .echo $active 0,12Auto Revolve Kick 0,4Disabled } }
  10. Um when will these feeders be released
  11. Well this is my code & Travis is right maybe it is the connection I am using Tewls. This is the code i am currently working on. raw WHISPER:*: { if ($nick isop $chan) { return } var %i = $lines(query-ignore.txt) while (%i) { if ($read(query-ignore.txt,%i) isin $1-) { .ignore -pw $nick .closemsg $nick } dec %i } }
  12. .ignore $nick dosent work. I also tried .ignore -u5 $nick & .ignore $active $nick & also .ignore $chan $nick but people can still whisper me what am I doing wrong?
  13. I can set myself to away fine with this but when I set myself to back itdosent work, any suggestions? Away:{ /away } Back:{ /away | unset %Away }
  14. Fanfare this version of Tewls connection didnt have much on it , you signed in & connected that was it , this was a early version of his connection so i added to it not alter it , i left his codes as they were.
  15. The Conficker Internet worm could strike at infected computers around the world on April 1, a security expert warned Monday. Conficker is a sophisticated piece of malicious computer software, or malware, that installs itself on a Windows PC’s hard drive via specially written Web pages. It then conceals itself on a computer. Graham Cluley of the British security firm Sophos confirmed that Conficker is programmed “to hunt for new instructions on April 1.” However, he added, “This does not mean that anything is going to happen, or that the worm is actually going to do anything. Simply, it is scheduled to hunt a wider range of Web sites for instructions on that date.” One strange thing about Conficker is that no one yet has any idea what it is programmed to do. In February, Cluley told The Times: “It’s as if someone is assembling an army of computers around the world, but hasn’t yet decided where to point them.” A worst-case scenario for April 1 would be for all the world’s millions of infected computers to receive simultaneous instructions to attack, or to flood the Internet with spam e-mail.
  16. So what you are saying is msg is in the connection code & not whisper ? If so I am not sure what part of the connection code you are refering to for it is Tewls connection I just edited what was needed for it with the help of Commander Acid.
  17. I am using Tewls connection it dosent have a code in connection to make the pm box open up & when someone pm's me it ends up on the screen is there a code avaliable for me to stick in the connection Here is what I am working with. on *:start:{ .connect } on *:socklisten:start:{ .sockaccept localhost .sockclose $sockname } on *:sockread:localhost:{ if ($sockerr > 0) return var %ldata | sockread %ldata | tokenize 32 %ldata if ($1 == JOIN) { if ($chr(44) isin $2) { var %x = 1 while (%x <= $numtok($2,44)) { var %c $gettok($2,%x,44) var %j $calc(%x * 500) .timerjoin $+ %j -m 1 %j MJOIN $remove(%c,$chr(37)) inc %x } } else MJOIN $remove($2,$chr(37)) } elseif ($1 == AWAY) { var %x 1 | var %n = $chan(0) while (%x <= %n) { cline -l $color(gray) $chan(%x) $fline($chan(%x),$me,1,1) echo -ti2 $chan(%x) $chr(3) $+ 14 $+ $echogap1 $echogap1 $chr(2) $+ * $+ $chr(2) You are now away $2- inc %x } } elseif ($1 == BACK) { var %x 1 | var %n = $chan(0) while (%x <= %n) { cline -lr $chan(%x) $fline($chan(%x),$me,1,1) echo -ti2 $chan(%x) $chr(3) $+ 14 $+ $echogap1 $echogap1 $chr(2) $+ * $+ $chr(2) You are now back inc %x } } elseif ($1 == KICK) sockwrite -n buzzen $1-3 $iif($left($4-,1) == :,$right($4-,-1),$4-) elseif ($1 == PRIVMSG) { if ($me ison $2) sw $1- else sw $1 $comchan($2,1) $2- } elseif ($1 == NOTICE) { if ($me ison $2) sw $1- else sw $1 $comchan($2,1) $2- } else sw $1- } if ($4 == $me) && ($5 == :TIME) { var %t.nick = $right($gettok($1,1,33),-1), %rply = $+ $Asctime(ddd) $Asctime(mmm) $Asctime(d) $Time(HH:nn:ss) GMT $+ $Asctime(zz) $Asctime(yyyy) ] } on *:sockopen:buzzen:{ .sockwrite -n $sockname AUTHTYPE ircwx1 .sockwrite -n $sockname LOGINH %email %password .sockwrite -n $sockname $iif(%clone == $true,NICK %cnick, USER $me $me $me $+(:,anon)) .sockwrite -n $sockname CLIENTMODE cd1 .timerkeep 0 30 checkcon } on *:sockread:buzzen:{ if ($sockerr > 0) return var %fdata sockread %fdata if (%fdata != $null) edata ↠%fdata %fdata = $regsubex(%fdata, /\[(?:style\x20.*?|/style)\]/gi,$null) tokenize 32 %fdata if ($1 == PING) .sw PONG $2- elseif ($1 == PONG) return elseif ($2 == 353) { if ($chr(44) isin $6) { var %a = 6 var %b var %name while (%a <= $0) { %name = $remove($gettok($gettok($1-,%a,32),2,44),:) if (%b == $null) %b = %name else %b = %b %name if ($left($remove($gettok($gettok($1-,%a,32),1,44),:),1) == A) .hadd -m $md5($5) $remodes(%name) away inc %a } sockwrite -n localhost :FlashIrcServer.1 353 $me = $5 : $+ %b } else sockwrite -n localhost $1- } elseif ($2 == 403) && ($chr(37) isin $4) sw CREATE $4 elseif ($2 == NOTICE) && ($3 != AUTH) { if ($left($4,1) == :) sockwrite -n localhost $1- else { if ($left($5-,2) == :) && ($right($5-,1) == ) sockwrite -n localhost $1-3 $5- else { var %f $gettok($5,1,32) if ($left(%f,7) == :TIME) sockwrite -n localhost $1-3 :TIME $+($right($5-,-7),) else sockwrite -n localhost $1-3 $5- } } } elseif ($2 == PRIVMSG) { if ($Regex($5, :TIME)) || ($Regex($4, /^(:+(VERSION|TIME|FINGER|”DTäE)+)|(:DCC|:PING) $/)) { if ($Regex($5, :TIME)) .signal -n CHECKING $Mid($Gettok($1, 1, 33), 2) $Mid($Sockname, 6) $4- else .signal -n CHECKING $Mid($Gettok($1, 1, 33), 2) $Mid($Sockname, 6) $3- halt } if ($left($4,1) == :) { if ($left($4-,2) == :) && ($right($4-,1) == ) && ($4 != :ACTION) return else sockwrite -n localhost $1- } else { if ($left($5-,2) == :) && ($right($5-,1) == ) && ($5 != :ACTION) return else sockwrite -n localhost $1 WHISPER $3- } } elseif ($2 == DATA) && ($4 == PID) set %pid $6 elseif ($2 == DATA) { var %n = $regsubex($1,:(.+)!.+@.+,\1) if ($6 == :WHISPACCEPTNEEDED) echo $color(notice) -a * Waiting for $buzz.decode(%n) to Accept Whisper. elseif ($6 == :WHISPACCEPTED) echo $color(notice) -a * $buzz.decode(%n) has Accepted Your Whisper. elseif ($6 == :WHISPDECLINED) echo $color(kick) -a * $buzz.decode(%n) has Declined Your Whisper. elseif ($6 == :WHISPWNDCLOSED) echo $color(kick) -a * $buzz.decode(%n) has Closed the Whisper Window. } elseif ($2 == 329) return elseif ($2 == 352) { if ($11- != anon) { if ($4 isin %scheck) { echo -a [4Script] - $8 is not webchat. 10 $11- } } noop write data\check.txt $3 $6 | halt } elseif ($2 = JOIN) { if ($chr(37) isin $3) sockwrite -n localhost $1- else sockwrite -n localhost $1 $2 $4- } elseif ($2 = PROP) { if ($4 == OWNERKEY) echo -a 3 * $nick Changed $4 to $5- if ($4 == HOSTKEY) echo -a 3 * $nick Changed $4 to $5- if ($4 == TOPIC) echo -a 3 * $nick Changed $4 to : $6- if ($4 == ONJOIN) echo -a 3 * $nick Changed $4 to : $6- } elseif ($Regex($2, 801|802|820)) { if ($2 == 801) echo -e $4 * Added $5- if ($2 == 802) echo -e $4 * Deleted $5- elseif ($2 == 820) echo -e $4 * Cleared $5 } elseif ($2 == 822) { if ($me ison $3) { if ($gettok($right($1,-1),1,33) != $me) echo $3 14 * $gettok($right($1,-1),1,33) Is Now Away $4- set %awaynick $gettok($right($1,-1),1,33) if (%awaycheck == on) { $awayfloodcheck } cline -l $color(gray) $3 $gettok($right($1,-1),1,33) } } elseif ($2 == 821) { if ($me ison $3) { if ($gettok($right($1,-1),1,33) != $me) echo $3 15 * $gettok($right($1,-1),1,33) Is Now Back set %awaynick $gettok($right($1,-1),1,33) if (%awaycheck == on) { $awayfloodcheck } cline -lr $3 $gettok($right($1,-1),1,33) } } else sockwrite -n localhost $1- } if ($2 == Whisper) { sockwrite -n privmsg $1 $2- } alias login { .disconnect .unset %email .unset %password .connect } alias connect { if (%email == $null) set %email $$input(Email:,e,Login) if (%password == $null) set %password $md5($$input(Password:,p,Login)) if (%debug == on) .window -k0 @sockread .var %localport = $rport .socklisten start %localport .timer -m 1 200 .server %localport .timer 1 1 sockopen buzzen irc.buzzen.net 6667 } alias sw { if ($sock(buzzen).status == active) { .sockwrite -n buzzen $1- .edata → $1- } } alias remodes return $remove($remove($remove($remove($1-,'),.),@),%) alias rport { var %port $rand(2000,6000) | while (!$portfree(%port)) { %port = $rand(2000,6000) } | return %port } alias edata { if (%debug == on) { if ($window(@sockread) == $null) .window -k0 @sockread .echo @sockread $+(,$1,) $2- } } alias sread { if ($1 == on) { if ($window(@sockread) == $null) .window -k0 @sockread .set %debug on } elseif ($1 == off) { .set %debug off .window -c @sockread } else .echo -a ERROR: Invalid parameter. /sread [on|off] } alias checkcon { if (!$sock(buzzen)) { .timerkeep off .connect } else sw PING TIMEOUTCHECK } alias mjoin { sw join $+($chr(37),$1) } dialog access.list { title "" size -1 -1 227 187 option dbu box "", 1, 1 1 184 137 list 2, 3 6 180 130, size vsbar disable box "", 3, 185 1 41 137 button "Add", 4, 187 6 37 12, disable button "Delete", 5, 187 19 37 12, disable button "Clear Denies", 6, 187 32 37 12, disable button "Clear Grants", 7, 187 45 37 12, disable button "Clear Voice", 8, 187 58 37 12, disable button "Clear Hosts", 9, 187 71 37 12, disable button "Clear Owners", 10, 187 84 37 12, disable button "Clear All", 11, 187 97 37 12, disable box "", 12, 1 136 225 50 edit "", 13, 3 141 221 43, read multi vsbar disable button "Refresh", 16, 187 111 37 12, disable button "Close", 17, 187 124 37 12, ok list 14, 238 4 70 107, size hide list 15, 311 4 70 107, size hide } alias refresh { access $active List | did -r access.list 2 $gettok($1-,3,32) $gettok($1-,4,32) | did -r access.list 14 $gettok($1-,5,32) $gettok($1-,7-,32) | did -r access.list 15 $gettok($1-,6,32) | halt } raw 804:*: { did -a access.list 2 $gettok($1-,3,32) $gettok($1-,4,32) | did -a access.list 14 $gettok($1-,5,32) $gettok($1-,7-,32) | did -a access.list 15 $gettok($1-,6,32) | halt } raw 803:*: { halt } raw 805:*: { halt } on *:dialog:access.list:init:*: { if ($me !isop $active) { did -a access.list 13 Access listing was denied (No access) | did -a access.list 2 Access listing was denied (No access) | dialog -t $dname $active (No access) } else { access $active List | dialog -t $dname $active (Access List) | did -e $dname 2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,16 } } on *:dialog:access.list:sclick:2: { if ($did($did).sel == $null) halt did -c access.list 14,15 $did($did).sel did -ra $dname 13 Type: $gettok($did(2).seltext,1,32)) $+ $crlf $+ Access Mask: $buzz.decode($gettok($did(2).seltext,2,32)) $+ $crlf $+ if ($gettok($did(14).seltext,2-,32) != $null) { did -a $dname 13 Reason: $buzz.decode($gettok($did(14).seltext,2-,32)) $+ $crlf $+ } if ($gettok($did(14).seltext,2-,32) == $null) { did -a $dname 13 Reason: None Added $+ $crlf $+ } if ($gettok($did(14).seltext,1,32) != 0) { did -a $dname 13 Time Remaining: $gettok($did(14).seltext,1,32) Minutes $+ $crlf $+ Placed By: $buzz.decode($ial(* $+ $did(15).seltext,1).nick) *!* $+ $did(15).seltext } if ($gettok($did(14).seltext,1,32) == 0) { did -a $dname 13 Time: No Time Limit $+ $crlf $+ Placed By: $buzz.decode($ial(* $+ $did(15).seltext,1).nick) *!* $+ $did(15).seltext $+ $crlf $+ } } on *:dialog:access.list:sclick:4: { .dialog -mh addaccess addaccess } on *:dialog:access.list:sclick:5: { if ($did(2).seltext == $null) halt if ($input(Are you sure you want to delete entry? ,y)) { access $active delete $did(2).seltext | refresh } } on *:dialog:access.list:sclick:6: { if ($input(Are you sure you want to clear denies for $active ,y)) { access $active clear deny | refresh } } on *:dialog:access.list:sclick:7: { if ($input(Are you sure you want to clear grants for $active ,y)) { access $active clear grant | refresh } } on *:dialog:access.list:sclick:8: { if ($input(Are you sure you want to clear voice for $active ,y)) { access $active clear voice | refresh } } on *:dialog:access.list:sclick:9: { if ($input(Are you sure you want to clear hosts for $active ,y)) { access $active clear host | refresh } } on *:dialog:access.list:sclick:10: { if ($input(Are you sure you want to clear owners for $active ,y)) { access $active clear owner | refresh } } on *:dialog:access.list:sclick:11: { if ($input(Are you sure you want to clear all access for $active ,y)) { access $active clear | refresh } } on *:dialog:access.list:sclick:16: { refresh } dialog addaccess { title "Add Entry" size -1 -1 153 72 option dbu box "", 1, 1 0 151 71 combo 2, 36 6 79 10, drop text "Type:", 3, 21 7 15 8 edit "", 4, 36 18 114 11 text "Reason:", 5, 15 19 21 8 edit "", 6, 36 30 114 11, autohs text "Access Mask:", 7, 3 31 33 8 edit "0", 8, 36 42 114 11, autohs text "Time Limit:", 9, 10 43 26 8 button "Close", 11, 100 54 35 12, cancel button "Add", 12, 60 54 35 12, ok } on *:dialog:addaccess:init:*: { did -a $dname 2 Deny did -a $dname 2 Grant did -a $dname 2 Voice did -a $dname 2 Host did -a $dname 2 Owner did -c $dname 2 1 } on *:dialog:addaccess:sclick:12: { if ($did(6).text == $null) halt if {$did(6).text != $null) { access $active add $did(2).text $did(6).text $did(8).text : $+ $did(4).text | did -r addaccess 4,6,8 | refresh } } on ^*:KICK:*:{ if ($nick == $me) { join $chan } } alias xchanlist { %a, %b, %c, %d, %l %a = $lines(channels\chanz.txt) %b = $1 %a = $calc(%a - %b) %d = $read(channels\chanz.txt,%a) if (%d == $null) return else return $calc(%b + 1) $+ . %d } on *:JOIN:*: { if ($nick == $me) { .set %passportnick. [ $+ [ $ispassport ] ] $me .set %passportrole. [ $+ [ $ispassport ] ] $me $+ = $+ $read($cookiedat,$ispassport) .set %chan $chr(35) $+ $remove(#,$chr(37) $+ $chr(35)) .set %last $read(channels\chanz.txt, w, * $+ %chan $+ *) if (%chan != %last) /write channels\chanz.txt %chan } } /timer 1 9 ctcp ping alias rnd { var %1 = 5, %2 while (%1) { %2 = %2 $+ $r(A,Z) $+ $r(0,9) $+ $r(A,Z) $+ $r(0,9) dec %1 } return %2 } alias channel.list { var %c $$1 , %p $2 | unset %channel.list* set %channel.list.total 0 | set %channel.list.ticks $ticks | set %channel.list.users 0 if ($sock(channel.list)) sockclose $ifmatch if (!$window(@channel.list)) window -lkf -t25,29 @channel.list verdana 10 channel.list.buf 1 | titlebar @channel.list - $channel.list.flip(%c) $iif(%p,- Page: %p) sockopen channel.list www.buzzen.net 80 sockmark channel.list %c %p } alias channel.list.flip return $gettok($channel.list.cat(2),$findtok($channel.list.cat(1),$$1,44),44) alias channel.list.cat { if ($$1 == 1) return UN,GN,RM,CP,PR,IN,NE,SP,CC,LS,ET,RL,RP elseif ($$1 == 2) return Unlisted,General,Romance,Computing,Peers,Interests,News & Events,Sports & Politics,City Chats,Lifestyles,Entertainment,Religion,RolePlay } alias channel.list.menu1 { if ($1 isin begin end) return if ($gettok($channel.list.cat(2),$1,44)) { var %i $ifmatch | return $+($iif($regex($window(@channel.list).title,%i),$style(3)) %i,:,channel.list $gettok($channel.list.cat(1),$1,44)) } } alias channel.list.menu2 { if ($1 <= $gettok(%channel.list.num,1,32)) return $1 :channel.list $gettok(%channel.list.num,2,32) $1 } alias channel.list.buf { if ($1 == 1) { clear @channel.list aline @channel.list $chr(160) aline @channel.list Room $chr(9) Users $chr(9) Topic aline @channel.list $chr(160) } if ($1 == 2) { aline @channel.list $chr(160) aline @channel.list - Synched in: $+(,$calc(($ticks - %channel.list.ticks) / 1000),s) $chr(160) Channels: $+(,%channel.list.total,) $chr(160) Users: $+(,%channel.list.users,) } } on 1:sockopen:channel.list:{ tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark var %str $+(/roomslist.aspx?,$iif($2,$+(pg=,$2,&)),cat=,$1) sockwrite -n $sockname POST %str HTTP/1.4 sockwrite -n $sockname Host: www.buzzen.net sockwrite -n $sockname Content-Length: $len(%str) $+ $str($crlf,2) $+ %str sockwrite -n $Sockname $crlf } on 1:sockread:channel.list:{ var %r | sockread %r if ($regex(%r,Title2".Pages:)) && ($regsubex(%r,/^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$/g,)) && ($numtok($gettok($v1,2-,32),32) > 1) { tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark set %channel.list.num $v1 $1 } if ($regex(%r,chatui.+rmlist)) { tokenize 1 $regsubex(%r,/^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$/g,$chr(1)) | inc %channel.list.total var %u $iif(!$regex(%r,</a></td><td></td>),$4,$3) %channel.list.users = %channel.list.users + %u aline @channel.list $+($chr(37),$chr(35),$replace($2,$chr(32),\b)) $chr(9) $chr(160) %u $chr(9) $iif(!$regex(%r,</a></td><td></td>),$3) } if ($regex(%r,</HTML>)) { sockclose $sockname | channel.list.buf 2 } } on *:close:@channel.list:unset %channel.list* on *:SIGNAL:CHECKING: { var %Nick = $1, %Chan = $2, %CTCP = $Remove($4, $Chr(1), $Chr(58)) echo -a 3 * %Nick checked your %CTCP if (%CTCP == PING);%Sw :PING $+(Noob, ) elseif (%CTCP == TIME) NOTICE %Nick $Str($Chr(2), 2) $+ $Asctime(ddd) $Asctime(mmm) $Asctime(d) $Time(HH:nn:ss) GMT $+ $Asctime(zz) $Asctime(yyyy) elseif (%CTCP == VERSION) && ($2 == %verskick) { /access %blah add deny $address($nick,1) | /kick %blah $nick flower Off :@ } elseif (%CTCP == FINGER) NOTICE I've Got a Finger For You halt } elseif ($2 == 315) { if ($2 isin %scheck) { set -u20 %scheck $remtok(%scheck,$2,44) } halt } elseif ($2 == 329) return elseif ($2 == 352) { if ($11- != anon) { if ($4 isin %scheck) { echo -a [4Script] - $8 is not webchat. 10 $11- } } noop write data\check.txt $3 $6 | halt } ;;;Check from Moschino menu @channel.list { dclick:join $gettok($sline(@channel.list,1),1,9) • Join Channel:join $$gettok($sline(@channel.list,1),1,9) - • Category Select .$submenu($channel.list.menu1($1)) • $iif(%channel.list.num,Select Page) . $submenu($channel.list.menu2($1)) - • Channel Link .• Echo Link In Status:echo -st * Link: http://www.buzzen.net/chatui.aspx?rm=%25%23 $+ $replace($right($gettok($sline(@channel.list,1),1,9),-2),\b,+) .• Copy Link:clipboard http://www.buzzen.net/chatui.aspx?rm=%25%23 $+ $replace($right($gettok($sline(@channel.list,1),1,9),-2),\b,+) .• Run in Webchat:run iexplore http://www.buzzen.net/chatui.aspx?rm=%25%23 $+ $replace($right($gettok($sline(@channel.list,1),1,9),-2),\b,+) } ;;;edited to work for Buzzen.net alias joind { set %room $$?="Enter Normal Room Name" | join $chr(37) $+ $chr(35) $+ $replace(%room,$chr(32),\b) } alias Buzz.decode { var %r, %l 1 %r = $replacecs($1-,ï‚,B,ï‚ ,-,ï€>,-,,-,ï€,-,ï…,E,ïƒ,C,ï,A,ï’,R,ï‹,K,ï¹,y,ﺘ,i,ﺉ,s,דּ,t,טּ,u,ﻉ,e,ï«,k,ï†,F,ï µ,u,ï§,g,Χ,X,,>,,$chr(37),,8,ï¤,d,ï­,m,ï¨,h,ï»›,s,ï‡,G,ï,M,ï¬,l,ï³,s,ïŸ,_,ï”,T,ï²,r,ï¡ ,a,ï®,n,ï£,c,ï¥,e,ïŽ,N,ï¡,a,ï´,t,ï©,i,ï¯,o,ï®,n,ï¦,f,ï·,w,ïœ,\,ï¼,|,ï€,@,ï,P,ï„,D,,',ï€ , ,,$chr(40),,$chr(41),,*,,:,ï›,[,ï,],ï°,p,,.) %r 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Connection. Menu Status { • Buzzen Connection .• View Room List :{ channel.list GN } .- .• Join A Room ..• Join IRC Name :{ join $$?"Enter IRC Room Name" } ..• Join Normal Name:{ joind } .- .Join Rooms: .Last 20 Channel's ..$iif($xchanlist(0) == $null, No channels have been joined):.halt ..$iif($xchanlist(0) != $null, $xchanlist(0)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(0),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(1) != $null, $xchanlist(1)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(1),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(2) != $null, $xchanlist(2)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(2),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(3) != $null, $xchanlist(3)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(3),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(4) != $null, $xchanlist(4)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(4),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(5) != $null, $xchanlist(5)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(5),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(6) != $null, $xchanlist(6)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(6),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(7) != $null, $xchanlist(7)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(7),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(8) != $null, $xchanlist(8)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(8),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(9) != $null, $xchanlist(9)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(9),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(10) != $null, $xchanlist(10)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(10),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(11) != $null, $xchanlist(11)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(11),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(12) != $null, $xchanlist(12)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(12),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(13) != $null, $xchanlist(13)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(13),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(14) != $null, $xchanlist(14)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(14),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(15) != $null, $xchanlist(15)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(15),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(16) != $null, $xchanlist(16)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(16),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(17) != $null, $xchanlist(17)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(17),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(18) != $null, $xchanlist(18)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(18),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(19) != $null, $xchanlist(19)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(19),2,32) .- .Select Roomname:{ var %join, %l %join = $$?="Please select room name" if (%join == $null) halt if ($cr != $left(%join,2)) %join = $mr(%join) if ($chr(32) isin %join) %join = $replace(%join,$chr(32),\b) find_channel %join } .- .Edit roomlist:.run channels\chanz.txt .- .$iif($xchanlist(0) != $null, Clear Roomlist) ..Now:.remove channels\chanz.txt | .echo -a 4Channel History Cleared1. - } Menu Channel { - • Hop •:{ hop } - • Join A Room .• Join IRC Name :{ join $$?"Enter IRC Room Name" } .• Join Normal Name:{ joind } - Join Rooms: .Last 20 Channel's ..$iif($xchanlist(0) == $null, No channels have been joined):.halt ..$iif($xchanlist(0) != $null, $xchanlist(0)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(0),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(1) != $null, $xchanlist(1)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(1),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(2) != $null, $xchanlist(2)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(2),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(3) != $null, $xchanlist(3)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(3),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(4) != $null, $xchanlist(4)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(4),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(5) != $null, $xchanlist(5)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(5),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(6) != $null, $xchanlist(6)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(6),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(7) != $null, $xchanlist(7)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(7),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(8) != $null, $xchanlist(8)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(8),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(9) != $null, $xchanlist(9)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(9),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(10) != $null, $xchanlist(10)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(10),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(11) != $null, $xchanlist(11)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(11),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(12) != $null, $xchanlist(12)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(12),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(13) != $null, $xchanlist(13)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(13),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(14) != $null, $xchanlist(14)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(14),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(15) != $null, $xchanlist(15)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(15),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(16) != $null, $xchanlist(16)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(16),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(17) != $null, $xchanlist(17)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(17),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(18) != $null, $xchanlist(18)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(18),2,32) ..$iif($xchanlist(19) != $null, $xchanlist(19)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(19),2,32) .- .Select Roomname:{ var %join, %l %join = $$?="Please select room name" if (%join == $null) halt if ($cr != $left(%join,2)) %join = $mr(%join) if ($chr(32) isin %join) %join = $replace(%join,$chr(32),\b) find_channel %join } .- .Edit roomlist:.run channels\chanz.txt .- .$iif($xchanlist(0) != $null, Clear Roomlist) ..Now:.remove channels\chanz.txt | .echo -a 1Channel History Cleared4. - - • Clear Access .• Clear All :{ access # clear | access # add owner $+(*!*, $Ial($me).addr) 0 :Buzzen Connection Owner Access } .• Clear Owner :{ access # clear owner | access # add owner $+(*!*, $Ial($me).addr) 0 :Buzzen Connection Owner Access } .• Clear Host :{ access # clear host } .• Clear Help Op: { access # clear host } .• Clear Voice:{ access # clear voice } .• Clear Deny:{ access # clear deny } - } Menu Nicklist { • Buzzen Nick Options .• Nick Info ..• Echo $buzz.decode($$1) Gate :{ echo -a $+(*!*, $Ial($$1).addr) } ..• Echo $buzz.decode($$1) Nick :{ echo -a $buzz.decode($$1) } ..• Find $buzz.decode($$1) Profile :{ clipboard $buzz.decode($$1) | /echo -a 3 * Please Paste (Ctrl+V) Into Search Field | run http://www.buzzen.com/members/find.php } .- .• Hammer Options For $buzz.decode($$1) ..• +q $buzz.decode($$1) :{ mode # +q $$1 } ..• -q $buzz.decode($$1) :{ mode # -q $$1 } ..- ..• +o $buzz.decode($$1) :{ mode # +o $$1 } ..• -o $buzz.decode($$1) :{ mode # -o $$1 } ..- ..• +h $buzz.decode($$1) :{ mode # +h $$1 } ..• -h $buzz.decode($$1) :{ mode # -h $$1 } ..- ..• +v $buzz.decode($$1) :{ mode # +v $$1 } ..• -v $buzz.decode($$1) :{ mode # -v $$1 } .- .• Kick's ..• Kick $buzz.decode($$1) No Message :{ kick # $$1 } ..• Kick $buzz.decode($$1) With Message :{ kick # $$1 $$?"Message Here" } .- .• Ban's ..• 5 Min Ban $buzz.decode($$1) :{ access # add deny $+(*!*, $Ial($$1).addr) 5 :5Min Timeout | kick # $$1 5 Min Time Out } ..• 15 Min Ban $buzz.decode($$1) :{ access # add deny $+(*!*, $Ial($$1).addr) 15 :15Min Timeout | kick # $$1 15 Min Time Out } ..• 30 Min Ban $buzz.decode($$1) :{ access # add deny $+(*!*, $Ial($$1).addr) 30 :30Min Timeout | kick # $$1 30 Min Time Out } ..• 1 Hour Ban $buzz.decode($$1) :{ access # add deny $+(*!*, $Ial($$1).addr) 60 :60Min Timeout | kick # $$1 1hr Time Out } ..• 24 Hour Ban $buzz.decode($$1) :{ access # add deny $+(*!*, $Ial($$1).addr) 1440 :24Hr Timeout | kick # $$1 24hr Time Out } .- .• Access Adder ..• Add Owner $buzz.decode($$1) :{ access # add owner $+(*!*, $Ial($$1).addr) 0 :Buzzen Connection Owner Access } ..• Add Host $buzz.decode($$1) :{ access # add host $+(*!*, $Ial($$1).addr) 0 :Buzzen Connection Host Access } ..• Add Voice $buzz.decode($$1) :{ access # add voice $+(*!*, $Ial($$1).addr) 0 :Buzzen Connection Voice Access } .- .• Clear Access ..• Clear All :{ access # clear all | access # add owner $+(*!*, $Ial($me).addr) 0 :Buzzen Connection Owner Access } ..• Clear Owner :{ access # clear owner | access # add owner $+(*!*, $Ial($me).addr) 0 :Buzzen Connection Owner Access } ..• Clear Host :{ access # clear host } ..• Clear Help Op:{ access # clear host } ..• Clear Voice:{ access # clear voice } ..• Clear Deny:{ access # clear deny } }
  18. my caps kicker has on @*:TEXT:*:%cpchan:{ in it & it works
  19. well with the variable there it DOES work for tho I do have my on even like this on @*:text:*:%cpchan: { I also have this in my variables %cpchan # i am just trying new things.
  20. Some reason this isnt doing anything no idea why. ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;REPEAT TEXT KICKER ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ on @*:text:*:%cpchan: { ;RepeatText if ($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$iif($ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),#,0) != 0,#,Default),RepeatText)) { if ($nick !isop #) && ( %repeat == on ) { var %rp.repeats = rp. $+ $nick $+ . $+ $chan var %rp.text = rp. $+ $nick $+ . $+ $chan $+ .text if ( % [ $+ [ %rp.repeats ] ] == $null ) { set -u [ $+ [ %limit.seconds ] ] % [ $+ [ %rp.repeats ] ] 1 set -u [ $+ [ %limit.seconds ] ] % [ $+ [ %rp.text ] ] $1- } elseif ( % [ $+ [ %rp.text ] ] == $1- ) { inc % [ $+ [ %rp.repeats ] ] } elseif ( % [ $+ [ %rp.text ] ] != $1- ) { set -u [ $+ [ %limit.seconds ] ] % [ $+ [ %rp.text ] ] $1- set -u [ $+ [ %limit.seconds ] ] % [ $+ [ %rp.repeats ] ] 1 } if ( % [ $+ [ %rp.repeats ] ] > %limit.repeat ) { if ($nick isvoice $chan) && (%cpvoice == no) { halt } if ($nick ishop $chan) && (%cphops == no) { halt } if ($nick isop $chan) && (%cpops == no) { halt } access $chan add deny $+(*!*, $Ial($nick).addr) $+ %capsbt # $nick 2 kick # $nick %repeatmsg $+ , deny time: $repkbt - %name unset % [ $+ [ %rp.repeats ] ] unset % [ $+ [ %rp.text ] ] } } } } on @*:ACTION:*:%cpchan: { ;RepeatText if ($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$iif($ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),#,0) != 0,#,Default),RepeatText)) { if ($nick !isop #) && ( %repeat == on ) { var %rp.repeats = rp. $+ $nick $+ . $+ $chan var %rp.text = rp. $+ $nick $+ . $+ $chan $+ .text if ( % [ $+ [ %rp.repeats ] ] == $null ) { set -u [ $+ [ %limit.seconds ] ] % [ $+ [ %rp.repeats ] ] 1 set -u [ $+ [ %limit.seconds ] ] % [ $+ [ %rp.text ] ] $1- } elseif ( % [ $+ [ %rp.text ] ] == $1- ) { inc % [ $+ [ %rp.repeats ] ] } elseif ( % [ $+ [ %rp.text ] ] != $1- ) { set -u [ $+ [ %limit.seconds ] ] % [ $+ [ %rp.text ] ] $1- set -u [ $+ [ %limit.seconds ] ] % [ $+ [ %rp.repeats ] ] 1 } if ( % [ $+ [ %rp.repeats ] ] > %limit.repeat ) { if ($nick isvoice $chan) { halt } if ($nick ishop $chan) { halt } if ($nick isop $chan) { halt } access $chan add deny $+(*!*, $Ial($nick).addr) $+ %capsbt # $nick 2 kick # $nick %repeatmsg $+ , deny time: $repkbt - %name unset % [ $+ [ %rp.repeats ] ] unset % [ $+ [ %rp.text ] ] } } } } on @*:NOTICE:*:%cpchan:{ ;RepeatText if ($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$iif($ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),#,0) != 0,#,Default),RepeatText)) { if ($nick !isop #) && ( %repeat == on ) { var %rp.repeats = rp. $+ $nick $+ . $+ $chan var %rp.text = rp. $+ $nick $+ . $+ $chan $+ .text if ( % [ $+ [ %rp.repeats ] ] == $null ) { set -u [ $+ [ %limit.seconds ] ] % [ $+ [ %rp.repeats ] ] 1 set -u [ $+ [ %limit.seconds ] ] % [ $+ [ %rp.text ] ] $1- } elseif ( % [ $+ [ %rp.text ] ] == $1- ) { inc % [ $+ [ %rp.repeats ] ] } elseif ( % [ $+ [ %rp.text ] ] != $1- ) { set -u [ $+ [ %limit.seconds ] ] % [ $+ [ %rp.text ] ] $1- set -u [ $+ [ %limit.seconds ] ] % [ $+ [ %rp.repeats ] ] 1 } if ( % [ $+ [ %rp.repeats ] ] > %limit.repeat ) { if ($nick isvoice $chan) { halt } if ($nick ishop $chan) { halt } if ($nick isop $chan) { halt } access $chan add deny $+(*!*, $Ial($nick).addr) $+ %capsbt # $nick 2 kick # $nick %repeatmsg $+ , deny time: $repkbt - %name unset % [ $+ [ %rp.repeats ] ] unset % [ $+ [ %rp.text ] ] } } } }
  21. This works on buzzen set -u20 %scheck $addtok(%scheck,$active,44) | who $active so i do not see why my code dosent tho I get two errors they are WHOIS Unknown command - FINDU Unknown command alias uinfo { if (!$dialog(user)) { dialog -m user user } var %nick = 1 did -r user 1,5,7,9,10,13,15 while (%nick <= $nick($active,0)) { did -a user 1 $nick($active,%nick) if ($nick($chan,%nick) == $1) { var %num = %nick } inc %nick } did -c user 1 %num if ($nick !ison $active) { did -a user 1 $1 did -c user 1 $calc($nick($active,0) + 1) } set -u2 %uinfo.whois $true .timer 1 2 uinfo.fillblanks whois $$1 findu $$1 } dialog user { title "User Information size -1 -1 130 148 option dbu text "Nickname", 2, 8 4 24 8 box "Info", 3, 3 13 125 62 text "Decoded Nickname :", 4, 8 23 47 8 text "", 5, 57 23 67 8, right text "BuzzPassport", 6, 8 33 33 8 text "", 7, 42 33 82 8, right text "Full Name / Tag", 8, 8 43 39 8 text "", 9, 48 43 76 8, right list 10, 3 77 125 58, size text "Away Status", 12, 8 53 34 8 text "", 13, 44 53 80 8, right text "Idle Time", 14, 8 63 25 8 text "", 15, 35 63 89 8, right button "Ok", 18, 98 137 30 10, ok combo 1, 33 3 76 50, size edit drop button "Update", 16, 66 137 30 10 button "Find", 17, 110 3 16 10, default button "Join", 19, 3 137 30 10 } on *:dialog:user:init:0: { dll $mdx SetMircVersion $version dll $mdx MarkDialog $dname dll $mdx SetBorderStyle 16,17,18,19 staticedge dll $mdx SetControlMDX $dname 10 listview report showsel nosortheader > $mdx.view did -i user 10 1 headerdims 165:1 80:2 did -i user 10 1 headertext + 0 Channels $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 Im On? } raw 311:*: { if (%uinfo.whois == $true) && ($dialog(user)) { did -ra user 5 $Skull.decode($2) did -ra user 7 $3 did -ra user 9 $strip($6-) } } raw 317:*: { if (%uinfo.whois == $true) && ($dialog(user)) { did -ra user 15 $duration($calc($3)) } } raw 301:*: { if (%uinfo.whois == $true) && ($dialog(user)) { did -ra user 13 $3- } } raw 642:*: { if (%uinfo.whois == $true) && ($dialog(user)) { did -a user 10 $room($4) $+ $chr(9) $+ $iif($me ison $4,Yes,No) } } alias uinfo.fillblanks { if ($dialog(user)) { if (!$did(user,5)) { did -ra user 5 User Not Found } if (!$did(user,7)) { did -ra user 7 User Not Found } if (!$did(user,9)) { did -ra user 9 No Fullname/Tag } if (!$did(user,13)) { did -ra user 13 Not Away } if (!$did(user,15)) { did -ra user 15 0 secs } } } on *:dialog:user:sclick:19:{ join $iif($left($roomname($gettok($gettok($did(10).seltext,1,9),6-,32)),2) != $chr(37) $+ $chr(35),$chr(37) $+ $chr(35)) $+ $replace($gettok($gettok($did(10).seltext,1,9),6-,32),$chr(44),$chr(92) $+ $chr(99),$chr(32),$chr(92) $+ $chr(98)) } on *:dialog:user:sclick:17:{ uinfo $did(user,1) }
  22. I been hearing this about Soulfly & Moschino for a year to a year & a half. To be honest from my opinion there is quite a difference between the two. I am not one to pick sides & will not in this case, but just make a few statements. Lets take for example Ozzy & Rumbarr for instance. This is Kick Counter from Hybrid alias kick { if (%ac.kc == Off) { raw -q kick $1 $2 : $+ $3- | halt } else { if (!%kick.count) { set %kick.count 0 } inc %kick.count if (%show.kc == On) { raw -q kick $1 $2 : $+ $3- [My Kicks Today = $+ %kick.count $+ ] } else { raw -q kick $1 $2 : $+ $3- } } if (%kk.log == On) { write kicklog.txt [ $+ %kick.count $+ ]( $+ $date : $time $+ ) $msn.decode($2) : $3- } } alias kickcounter { dialog -m kk kk } alias kicklog { did -e kk 14 did -r kk 14 %plst = 1 if (!$read(kicklog.txt,%plst)) { did -a kk 14 No kick's logged } while (%plst <= $lines(kicklog.txt)) { did -a kk 14 $read(kicklog.txt,%plst) inc %plst } did -z kk 14 } This is Kick Counter From Kenobi On *:Dialog:kk:sclick:5:{ if ($did == 5) { set %kick.count 0 } | if ($did == 5) did -ra kk 4 %kick.count | splay on.wav } On *:Dialog:kk:sclick:6:{ splay on.wav } On *:Dialog:kk:sclick:7:{ if ($did(7).state == 1) { set %show.kc On } | else { set %show.kc Off } | splay on.wav } On *:Dialog:kk:sclick:8:{ if ($active = Status Window) { halt } | else msg $active S Georgia;0 I have kicked %kick.count people,who have taken on Kenobi Script Version 4 and lost lol | splay on.wav } On *:Dialog:kk:sclick:10:{ if ($did(10).state == 1) { set %ac.kc On } | splay on.wav | else { set %ac.kc Off } } On *:Dialog:kk:init:*:{ dll $mdx SetMircVersion $version dll $mdx MarkDialog $dname dll $mdx SetFont $dname dll $mdx SetColor $dname dll $mdx SetFont $dname 2,3,9 14 50 Georgia Bold dll $mdx SetColor 2,3,9 text $rgb(%list1colour,%list2colour,%list3colour) dll $mdx SetFont $dname 4 14 40 Georgia Bold dll $mdx SetColor 4 text $rgb(255,0,0) if (%show.kc == On) { did -c kk 7 } if (%ac.kc == On) { did -c kk 10 } } alias kick { if (%ac.kc == Off) { raw -q kick $1 $2 : $+ $3- | halt } else { if (!%kick.count) { set %kick.count 0 } inc %kick.count if (%show.kc == On) { raw -q kick $1 $2 : $+ $3- [Total Kicks = $+ %kick.count $+ ] } else { raw -q kick $1 $2 : $+ $3- } } } alias kickcounter { dialog -m kk kk } Even tho some of it is simular, that DOSENT mean they ripped each others work. You only got so many combinations of code to work with. IF everyone uses the Mirc help file you will see simularities between each persons coding, THAT dosent make it a rip. Only script i have seen in 5 years to 6 with coding like no other was TGK Guard Dog 5. I think it is time for Dabba & Travis to make up & agree that even tho Soulfly & Moschino may have some simularities both of those connections are unique & different.
  23. spam.ini is what that part should of been it loads the urls added in the list box , that dosent effect the protection not reading from the ini tho. Ill fix that one part, but will still need help getting protection to read the ini file.
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