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Everything posted by Silo

  1. I havent had any real issues with file paths, as of yet. Can't say I've ever seen $nofile($mircexe) before. Interesting.
  2. Hmmm why .bmp? .png or .jpg is much smaller and gives better quality. Anyhoo, I Love it. Are you using -i(N) to indent or $wrap()? What font are you using? I love it and would like to add it to my scripts theming system when you're finished
  3. Looking good, Zan. I agree with you, Travis regarding the horizontal scroll bar. I hate 'em. PS - Denys == Denies
  4. Basic working example of loading the icon into your combo box. I omitted the did -c part as I'm sure it's fairly obvious (I'm at work and don't have much time). Some of that init code looks pointless (those while loops?), though I didn't have a good chance to fully scrutinize it all. Anyway, see how you go with this: dll $mdx SetControlMDX $dname 342 ComboBoxEx drop > $_views did -i $dname 342 1 iconsize small did -i $dname 342 1 seticon 0 $icon(PATH TO YOUR ICON) did -a $dname 342 1 1 0 0 Super Op
  5. I hear you re. the time stamps etc. I cant get them to display without having a smilie displaying in it. And yes, I like my nick to be bold and all other users normal. I gave up
  6. Instead of cluttering the query box with buttons, I'd just stick to using a right click menu, personally. Looks great, btw
  7. Silo

    Advice Needed

    My last one used a treeview (i also like the option of hiding the offline users), though I couldn't quite get the right click menu to fire properly. Thanks for the feedback guys. err0r, how would I make the list ascend in alphabetic order.
  8. Silo

    Advice Needed

    Cheers guys. Ok, I'll keep it as it is The icons (I'm quite sure anyway) are still the same, just a different colour I just need to fix up the alignments. I should of added that the list has a right click menu with quite a few features. I may post a screenshot of more of my dialogs so I can get some more feedback. Everything I do looks so dull lately
  9. Silo

    Advice Needed

    Thank you, ameer. Do you think it would be best to also keep the icons in the first column?
  10. Hi guys and gals of TG, I'm working on a boring old notify list. Here is the Screenshot (I know, I Know - the alignment is off - I just made it). I want to know if the online/offline status should be the first item on the header or leave it in the middle. All comments/flames are appreciated and expected
  11. I'd definitely do it via colour instead of the need to spell it out. I'm looking for different themes to add to my script (mine is like the old boring MSN style) so I can choose different styles. I'd be keen to check it out, provided it covers a wide range of RAWS and events. Looking good
  12. It's clean, the part that I personally don't like is the [T] & [A] which one would assume is for "talk" and "Action"? I've never liked having a text event described in this way. It breaks from the smoothness of chat itself, imo. Would like to see more
  13. Thanks for pointing out my oversight re. my second code example, Tak mIRC does recognise edit events, so buttons/controls etc can be disabled unless any text is inputed to the edit box. It's always worked fine for me using my old format, just not with this new synatx. Thanks
  14. Hi guys, when making dialogs and it's associated controls, I always made each control seperate. ie on * sclick, dclick, edit init etc all had their own controls. For my control panel I'm working on I'm using a different tact. This time i'm grouping it together using if ($devent == sclick) etc etc. So far it's working out ok, though it's many several lines long, and after tackling various bracket issues I have it working for the most part. Now I'm onto the on edit events and for the life of me, it's just not working. I've tried this... if ($devent == edit) { if ($did = 96) { if ($left($did(96).text,96) != $null) did -e $dname 97 else did -b $dname 97 Then tried to clean it up using an $iif (though I'm not sure the syntax is correct)... if ($devent == edit) { if ($did = 96) { did $iif($did(96).text) == $null,-b,-e) $dname 97 } } I've tried nesting it using different bracket forms to no avail. I have two questions. (A) Does the code look ok? ( Do I need to place this in any specific area? All of the varios *click events are all on the same section, though the init has it's own area. SOrry for the long winded post. I hope someone can offer me some advice Thanks *EDIT* To correctly add my second code in
  15. Looks good as per usual. I think I will start to look into using nicklist.dll. Everytime I've looked/tested custom nicklist they've always been buggy as hell. I look forward to seeing some more work from you guys
  16. Looks good, Zan. Only thing I'd change would be the spacing/aligning of the buttons on the dialogs.
  17. I think part of MSN's success was that it was available via hotmail & Messenger which nearly everyone used on a daily basis, thus making it easily available to the masses. That's how I discovered it. I was checking my hotmail, and saw the link to chat. I'd never chatted before, and thought it would be fun... and it was. It was just more accesible to people that otherwise wouldn't of sought out chat services.
  18. Koach? Is it the same Koach from irc.koach.com? I vaguely remember a Koach from MSN... Sysop?
  19. And why would people? I certainly didn't like the feel to it. IT would be okay for a short time, though if nwearly 99% of the regs you chatted to didn't subscribe, there really was no point.
  20. THey claimed it was due to sexual predators using the chat service to pray on victims etc. As you'd probably remember, they offered a service where the user's could pay a subscription fee, though it dropped off soon after. I've never managed to find one stable place to chat since then, as there were so many active rooms that targeted people in my actual city and I used to meet some wonderful people. That being said, I've since discovered Koach (sorry if that is deemed spamming) and have been happy chatting there.
  21. I downloaded the script out of curiousity, and in my humble opinion (which counts for very little), I didn't see anything that made this script stand out in any special way. One thing that irks me about scripts, and is something I try to strictly adhere to in my own scripts, is if a function or command is only useful when on a server or channel, don't make it available to the user while the script is offline. e.g. You're offline and have yet to connect to your prefered server, there is no need to offer the option of listing channels or joining a room. All of this can be comfortably moderated with the use of $iifs or if. It's quite untidy to select an option, only to get an ugly message in status saying the operation is not possible etc. Man, now I sound like a whinger...
  22. Sorry for the double post, I just wanted to thank X for re-opening the topic
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