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  1. ok I got m-chatz now and made it so the correct emotions show up for the server but I need a font striper for it, and also wondered how to put a picture for a background in the chat window? thnx anyone
  2. ok I have been trying to put emotions in mirc but no luck. I dont know how to script ozzy know's that. lol I have taken the tutorial on the site about emotions and tempted it to work with chatsusa emotions but no luck. alias switch { if (.com == $right($1-,4)) || (.net == $right($1-,4)) || (.org == $right($1-,4)) || (.uk == $right($1-,3)) { var %switch = %echo %switch = $replace(%switch, $+ %echo $+ ,$chr(32)) } else { var %switch = %echo %switch = $replace(%switch,:),<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\smile.gif">,:o,<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\iy20.gif">,( $+ 6 $+ ),<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\iy03.gif">,:s,<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\confused.gif">,:@,<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\iy26.gif">,:'(,<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\cry.gif">,:p,<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\tongue.gif">,( $+ lol $+ ),<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\lol.gif">,( $+ k $+ ),<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\82.gif">,( $+ sm $+ ),<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\54.gif">,( $+ sh $+ ),<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\59.gif">,( $+ ck $+ ),<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\4.gif">,( $+ sd $+ ),<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\46.gif">,( $+ @ $+ ),<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\s74.gif">,( $+ t $+ ),<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\s87.gif">,( $+ e $+ ),<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\s89.gif">) %switch = $replace(%switch,( $+ da $+ ),<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\s91.gif">,( $+ ba $+ ),<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\baby_024.gif">,( $+ a $+ ),<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\angel.gif">,( $+ b $+ ),<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\beer.gif">,( $+ l $+ ),<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\love.gif">,:(,<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\66.gif">,;),<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\wink.gif">,:$,<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\embarressed_2.gif">,:|,<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\eek.gif">,:#,<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\grumpy.gif">,:D,<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\iy07.gif">,:%,<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\censored.gif">,8-),<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\rolleyes.gif">,( $+ cp $+ ),<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\42.gif">,( $+ y $+ ),<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\043.gif">,( $+ bk $+ ),<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\52.gif">,( $+ du $+ ),<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\29.gif">,( $+ c $+ ),<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\s77.gif">) %switch = $replace(%switch,( $+ & $+ ),<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\s75.gif">,( $+ o $+ ),<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\s88.gif">,( $+ tv $+ ),<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\s90.gif">,( $+ ni $+ ),<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\s92.gif">,( $+ hi $+ ),<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\balloon_01.gif">,( $+ {} $+ ),<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\music.gif">,( $+ 8 $+ ),<img SRC=" $+ $mircdir $+ images\f.gif">) return %switch } } I saw the thing say smilesView.dll thing downloaded it but I have no ida how to use it. Can someone direct me on how to do this? Thanx
  3. I kinda wanted it to work in ircxpro servers.
  4. Ok I was wondering if there was an addon that would show up smily's in mIRC and also if theres an addon to make the nicklist like chat usa. Maybe a theme? dunoo. Any help would be nice.
  5. I just can't wait for a script to come out for chats usa
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