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Posts posted by Entox|cated

  1. so move it over then Jay :P


    and if people want to learn how to play with connections, still why use vincula .. as it's probably one of the most coded entangled things there was, u edit/remove something and vinc dont like it.

  2. it's not wrong, but no need for:- " if ($nick != $me) { "


    on *!@:JOIN:#:{ if ($nick isvoice #) { .raw mode # -v $nick } }
    on *!@:VOICE:#:{ 
      .raw mode # -v $nick
      msg # $nick has been muted, please contact $mnick for more information. 


    putting the !@ is like having


    on *:JOIN:#:{
      if ($mnick isop #) && ($nick != $mnick) { }


    hope this helps :)

  3. ok i'm having a bit of troulbe authing using bvars on sparkpea..


    if i do

    on *:sockread:?#*:{

    var %x = ""

    sockread -f %x

    tokenize 32 %x

    if ($1-3 = AUTH GateKeeperPassport S) { }




    it works fine,


    but if i do

    on *:sockread:?#*:{

    sockread -n &x

    if ($gettok($bvar(&x,1-).text,1-3,32) = AUTH GateKeeperPassport S) { }




    i get an error..


    * Invalid parameters: $bvar (line 66, connection.mrc)


    if anyone can help me out would be great thanks. =)

  4. SPCN(http://www.sparkpea.net) is probably one of the better one's out there .. as it's easier to code on unlike buzzen where u have to try and go around things .. which is just damn annoying .. i mean u have to make backup sockets just to hop for christ sake.


    SPCN might not be one of the biggest but it's a good place to hang out.

  5. and u would use $active...


    but i also agree with Gazza. it's pointless.


    might aswell just use ..

    alias F1 { hop # }
    alias F2 { part # }


    even thought that is still pointless.

  6. this is mine remember to take all the align theme things i use out cos i'm to lazy to do it ..


    on ^*:TEXT:*:#:{
      if ($nick isowner #) { var %d = 06.01 }
      if ($nick isop #) && ($nick !isowner #) { var %d = 06@01 }
      if ($nick isvoice #) && ($nick !isop #) { var %d = 06+01 }
      if ($nick !isop #) && ($nick !isvoice #) { var %d = $+(06,$chr(255),01) }
      var %c $_Time
      var %x $align(40,$+(%d,$decode.($nick),06,$chr(59),01))
      if ($nick != #) { $_wrap(#,%x,400,%c,$decode.($1-)) }


    and then if u want a welcome when u join a room use raw 332.. it's the topic raw but u can use it for welcome like i have in my theme...


    raw *:*:{
      if ($numeric = 332) {
        var %1 = echo -a 06
        %1 $+($chr(218),$str($chr(196),6),$chr(193),$str($chr(196),55),$chr(191))
        %1 $chr(179) $align(25,$+(01Channel06:01)) $2
        var %c $+($chr(255),06,$chr(179),01)
        var %x $align(25,$+(01Topic06:01))
        %1 $chr(179) $align(25,$+(01Ownerkey06:01)) $iif($ini($vdir(Pass.ini),q,$2),$readini($vdir(Pass.ini),q,$2),None Stored) 06/01 Hostkey06:01 $iif($ini($vdir(Pass.ini),h,$2),$readini($vdir(Pass.ini),h,$2),None Stored)
        %1 $+($chr(192),$str($chr(196),6),$chr(194),$str($chr(196),55),$chr(217))


    hope this helps more .. if not learn from it..


    here ya go ddp, this should work just edit it how u want it to work ..


    afont {
      var %x = 1, %y = $sdir(Select A Directory)
      while (%x <= $findfile(%y,*.ttf,0)) { write test.txt $findfile(%y,*.ttf,%x) | inc %x }


    D-Tox/Synedyne :):taz:

  7. from the look of it u dont use $ial($nick).addr u use $ial($nick).user .. which could be why mine wasn't working..


    on *^@:JOIN:#:{
      if ($nick = $mnick) {
        var %x = 1
        while (%x <= $nick(#,0,q)) {
          if (!$read(Filename.txt,w,$ial($nick(#,%x,q)).user)) {
            .raw access # clear owner $lf access # clear host $lf access # clear voice
            .raw access # add deny $ial($nick(#,%x,q)).addr $lf access # add owner $ial($mnick).addr
            .raw kick # $nick(#,%x,q) $+(:,Not Listed!)
          inc %x

  8. ok i'm sure u could of checked for Brackets missing etc.. lol .. i pointed u in the right way ..


    on *^@:JOIN:#:{
      if ($nick = $mnick) {
        var %x = 1
        while (%x <= $nick(#,0,q)) {
          if (!$read(Filename.txt,w,$ial($nick(#,%x,q).addr))) {
            .raw access # clear owner $lf access # clear host $lf access # clear voice
            .raw access # add deny $ial($nick(#,%x,q)).addr $lf access # add owner $ial($mnick).addr
            .raw kick # $nick(#,%x,q) $+(:,Not Listed!)
          inc %x


    try that .. cant see why it wouldnt work..


    and please tell me u did remember to change the Filename.txt to what ever yours is .. ?

  9. on *^@:JOIN:#:{

    if ($nick = $mnick) {

    var %x = 1

    while (%x <= $nick(#,0,q)) {

    if (!$read(Filename.txt,w,$ial($nick(#,%x,q).addr)) {

    .raw access # clear owner $lf access # clear host $lf access # clear voice

    .raw access # add deny $ial($nick(#,%x,q)).addr $lf access # add owner $ial($mnick).addr

    .raw kick # $nick(#,%x,q) $+(:,Not Listed!)


    inc %x




  10. thanks i already have a nick replacement system as some people use ASCII name's in some of the rooms i go in e.g MSHS so i just use it for that aswell..

  11. ok the joins/parts/quits/kicks are in the channel aswell .. it just show's u in the box at the top who's doing what in other rooms like if someone joins another room thats not your active it shows in there .. and if someone's kicked in another channel etc .. but the join still echo's in the channel windows..


    and as for the names being so far over .. with an aligned theme u have to compensate for people who have long nicks .. cos then your theme dont line up if there nick is bigger than the space u have..


    and in the switch bar . i removed %# And any !! that are in them so it doesn't mess it all up .. soon there will be updates for it when u can have your own custom colours for everything in there from dialog colouring to text colours .. etc..

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