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Everything posted by Entox|cated

  1. so move it over then Jay and if people want to learn how to play with connections, still why use vincula .. as it's probably one of the most coded entangled things there was, u edit/remove something and vinc dont like it.
  2. i dont understand why people want to edit vincula to work for other networks.. if your going to edit vincula it would be better starting from scratch and making a connection all over again. let vincula die.
  3. again, no need for "if ($nick != $mnick) {" on *!@:JOIN:#:{ if ($nick iswm $read(File.txt)) { .raw mode # +v $nick } }
  4. it's not wrong, but no need for:- " if ($nick != $me) { " on *!@:JOIN:#:{ if ($nick isvoice #) { .raw mode # -v $nick } } on *!@:VOICE:#:{ .raw mode # -v $nick msg # $nick has been muted, please contact $mnick for more information. } putting the !@ is like having on *:JOIN:#:{ if ($mnick isop #) && ($nick != $mnick) { } } hope this helps
  5. hay thanks for the replys everyone after a while i figured it out, like TGK said i forgot about it setting blank lines .. it was like 2 am in the morning and hadn't had my coffee boost. ;p thanks again
  6. ok i'm having a bit of troulbe authing using bvars on sparkpea.. if i do on *:sockread:?#*:{ var %x = "" sockread -f %x tokenize 32 %x if ($1-3 = AUTH GateKeeperPassport S) { } etc... } it works fine, but if i do on *:sockread:?#*:{ sockread -n &x if ($gettok($bvar(&x,1-).text,1-3,32) = AUTH GateKeeperPassport S) { } etc... } i get an error.. * Invalid parameters: $bvar (line 66, connection.mrc) if anyone can help me out would be great thanks. =)
  7. SPCN(http://www.sparkpea.net) is probably one of the better one's out there .. as it's easier to code on unlike buzzen where u have to try and go around things .. which is just damn annoying .. i mean u have to make backup sockets just to hop for christ sake. SPCN might not be one of the biggest but it's a good place to hang out.
  8. looks ok .. can we get the buzzen icon anywhere ? and not sure about grouping the nicklist .. pointless to me .. but nice looking..
  9. VSIXC is dead so why support that, lol..
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