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Everything posted by Nimbus03

  1. Nimbus03


    i really like it, i think it's better than mdx, it's got way more features and is much easier to use, using it is pretty much like using normal mirc controls
  2. Nimbus03


    plenty of things, i've pretty much replaced mdx with it lol
  3. put scid $activecid before list on *:dialog:toolbar:sclick:1:{ scid $activecid ;Set the buttons id in %click var %click $did($dname,1).sel ;Make the events happen; Buttons start at "2" if (%click == 2) return if (%click == 4) .list if (%click == 6) $dialog.open(about) }
  4. Nimbus03


    try using a while loop to run through all the servers, and use /scon N to change the active connection to the Nth server, then just use another while loop to run through all the channels on that server
  5. ok you have the wrong identifier for MSN, use $scon(%x).network instead of $scon(%x).server
  6. /window -c doesn't work for status windows, the keys alt z closes the active window, and if you get sendkey.dll you can use alt z in your code to close your status windows
  7. Nimbus03


    you'd have to use a differnt code http://www.tg007.net/help/rebar.htm that has all the stuff you need to know
  8. Nimbus03


    are you using mirc 6.16 cos ktools wont work properly with that version i have found, i got that same problem when i tryed ktools, try another docking dll like rebar or ultradock
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