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Everything posted by Warrior124

  1. Well, I guess the question is this. If you are very worried about getting your work ripped would that have a greater impact on you deciding to release it rather than just releasing it for others to use? I mean if it worries you a great deal for others to rip your work then I guess it would be wise not to release it then as, unfortunately, there are people out there that will rip it. I've been a scripter for about 10 years now. I've had my work ripped before, too. So, I know how it feels. However, every chance I get I release more of my work for two simple reasons. To help people learn, and so that my work can help make chatting better for everyone. When I first started scripting I would go to plenty of sites to ask questions on how to do something. Very rarely would I get any help, but the occasional "chack the mirc help file". Well, being new to scripting, the help file was just a pile of words, and phrases I didn't understand at all. So, I downloaded my very first script. I forget the name of it, but it was a script made by Sysop-Doc. It took me about a year or two of breaking down codes in that script, and seeing what code did what before I could ever turn to the help file. However, the help file was starting to become clear to me, and I finally made my first script called "Scripture-Bot", the first ever published msn bible chat script. I never used codes from Sysop-Docs script. However, I made up my own codes, and still gave props to Sysop-Doc, and his script for helping me to start learning how to script. To this day I am still learning new things, and I also teach what I know so that others may learn, and teach others as well. Do I think ripping is right? Not at all. Especially if one has worked so hard, and spent alot of time making what they make. So, if someone is more worried about getting their work ripped than anything else then that person shouldn't release their work, and rightly so. I guess it depends upon the individual.
  2. Okay, for those having the same problem I still don't know what is causing it. However, I found another code in hos.dll that will work. Replace the RemoveTheme code with this code... dll $shortfn($findfile($mircdir,hos.dll,1)) SetWinTheme $dialog($dname).hwnd off <dialog id/'s here>
  3. I have been using hos.dll for quite some time now with my scripts mp3 player. However, i am now getting this. I haven't changed anything in my mp3 player addon. So, this has got me puzzled, lol. Can anyone help me here?
  4. it will be ... /kick $active $did(dialogidhere).seltext
  5. Yes, but he asked where to get mdx.dll from, and I gave him the link. All he has to do is click where it says "here".
  6. lol, it's been awhile since I last worked on anything since my pc crashed. Hope I remember how to script, lol. I'll try to work on something, and post a screenshot soon.
  7. Here is an alias I made up. Just rename the dialog name to whatever you want, and change the id to whatever id number you use. alias mp3check { if (!%mp3check) || (%mp3check == 0) || (%mp3check = $did(mp3,1).lines) { set %mp3check $calc($did(mp3,1).lines - $did(mp3,1).lines + 1) } else { set %mp3check2 %mp3check | set %mp3check $calc(%mp3check2 + 1) } if (%mp3check2) { splay $did(mp3,1,%mp3check) } }
  8. To get icons in your nicklist you will need mdx.dll. You can get it from this site. Just follow the help file that comes with it, and if you still need help just ask.
  9. If it is the schools computer it would be best to ask first before copying any file to the computer. It would also be best to ask before you use mirc on the computer as well if you haven't already done so. Most schools, and companies frowns on things like that on their own computers.
  10. It is possible, but you both must have the same icons in order to do it with, and the same script as well with the same coding, and everything.
  11. Show offs. Just kidding, lol. Nice work, you guys. P.S.: (Off topic) This is my 400th post, lol.
  12. It worked for me. Your method isn't a very good one because they can just open up the script in notepad and see the password. I know you could just remove that part of the script altogether but many people don't know how to edit scripts. Actually, mine is the same way as yours with the only exception being I moved the $md5 part of the script. I did try it your way, but it just kept closing even when I did put in the right password. Don't know why, lol. P.S.: Okay, I see what you were doing now, lol. Time for me to eat my own words. It does work. I was just doing it the wrong way, lol. Sorry about that.
  13. I found out that code doesn't work. Try this code instead... on *:start:{ if ($input(Enter password:, dip, Password request) == $md5(<non-hashed code here>)) { server blah blah } else { exit } } EG: on *:start:{ if ($input(Enter password:, dip, Password request) == $md5(TechGear007)) { server blah blah } else { exit } } So, whenever the passcode box comes up you will enter the code of a7d440019ca304febe2a26125285e633 This is the hash code for TechGear007. P.S.: I tried this out, and it works for me.
  14. Here are a couple of my screen shots.
  15. M-ChatZ contains a whisper dialog that I made myself. I told Brock he can take a look at my coding if he wished.
  16. Warrior124


    Have you checked to make sure the ktools.dll is in that directory? From the error message it seems to pick up the directory fine. However, it isn't locating ktools.dll.
  17. Warrior124


    Are you talking about echoing it to your script, or messaging it to a room in different colors? Also, if you are talking about messaging it to a room is it for msnchat, or some other server, and if it is msnchat what msnchat connection do you use to connect to msnchat? If you are talking about echoing it to your script are you using a webchat like window, or regular mirc chat window? Sorry about all these questions, but more information is required before you can get possitive help.
  18. I think that was my fault, lol. I recoded this, and tried it. It should work now. Here is the code I got... ---------------------------------------------- - DONT RIP OR EVEN COPY SNIPPLETS OF THIS - - SCRIPT... I TOOK MY TIME AND EFFORT INTO - - MAKING THIS SCRIPT AND I DONT WANT PEOPLE - - TO TAKE IT AS IF THEY MADE THE WHOLE - - SCRIPT!!!!!! - ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- - MADE BY Twister & Warrior124 - - DONT RIP - ---------------------------------------------- dialog whisper. { title "" size -1 -1 189 81 option dbu button "Send", 2, 154 67 35 12, default multi edit "", 3, 0 14 189 50, multi return autovs edit "", 1, 0 66 154 13, autovs edit "", 4, 0 1 188 11, read } on *:dialog:whisper.*:init:*:{ did -a $dname 4 $replace($dname,whisper.,) 1 to 1 Whisper. } on *:TEXT:*:?:{ set %whispersay $1- set %whispernick $nick closemsg %whispernick $iif(!$dialog(whisper. $+ %whispernick),dialog -m whisper. $+ %whispernick whisper.) did -a whisper. $+ %whispernick 3 %whispernick : %whispersay $+ $crlf haltdef } on *:dialog:whisper.*:sclick:2:{ msg $replace($dname,whisper.,) $did(1).text did -a $dname 3 $me : $did(1).text $+ $crlf did -z $dname 3 did -r $dname 1 } on *:DIALOG:Whisper.*:*:*: { if ($devent == sclick) { if ($did(1) != $null) { msg $replace($dname,whisper.,) $did(1).text did -z $dname 3 did -r $dname 1 haltdef } } } I even coded it to where you can click on the ENTER key to send the text.
  19. You mean I got it from you? lol, I didn't get it from you. Check Web-ChatZ, M-ChatZ, and Guardian. My whisper dialogs are set up in a different way. They use nHTMLn_2.95.dll to create a web-chat like whisper box. So, both your hwisper box, and mine are different
  20. This will create a whisper box for anyone who whispers you. on *:TEXT:*:?:{ set %whispersay $1- set %whispernick $nick closemsg %whispernick $iif(!$dialog(whisper. $+ %whispernick,dialog -m whisper. $+ %whispernick whisper. $+ %whispernick) did -a whisper. $+ %whispernick 1 %whispersay } This will message whatever you type in the dialog box. on *:DIALOG:Whisper.*:sclick:2:{ msg $replace($dname,whisper.,) $did(3).text did -az $dname 1 $did(3).text did -r $dname 3 } This will take whatever is left after Whisper., which will be the nickname, and message whatever is left over, again which will be the nickname of the person you are whispering.
  21. What is it you do when you get the error? Are you trying to connect to a server, or run some command, etc?
  22. Try this... alias getnicks { var %x = 1 who $1 did -r nick $+ $1 1 { did -a nick $+ $1 1 0 + $nickicon($nick($1,%x),$1) $opshow($nick($1,%x),$1) $+ $replace($msn.decode($nick($1,%x)),>,Guest_) $+ $chr(9) $+ + 0 $nick($1,%x) inc %x } ] alias filllistbox { did -r nick $+ $1 1 var %c = 1 | var %n = $lines($2) while (%c <= %n) { did -a nick $+ 1 $gettok($read($2,%c),$3,32) inc %c Without the entire code you have I don't know how you've got it set up. However, when you use the did -r event you usually have to give the name of the dialog along with the id of the item in which to remove what you have in it.
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