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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi seph thanx for that ill try msn for you wilskye
  2. hi all i just downloaded the nicklist 2k5 addon looks great but when i go into room i get hammers etc but i dont get nicknames just host and owners and no normal nicks i dont get a error message either so any help would be great ful thanx in advance oh im trying to run this addon in oasiz also wilskye
  3. ty so much warrior helped greatly
  4. [alias getnicks { var %x = 1 who $1 did -r nick $+ $1 1 while (%x <= $nick($1,0)) { did -a nick $+ $1 1 0 + $nickicon($nick($1,%x),$1) $opshow($nick($1,%x),$1) $+ $replace($msn.decode($nick($1,%x)),>,Guest_) $+ $chr(9) $+ + 0 $nick($1,%x) inc %x } ] alias filllistbox { did -r $1 $2 var %c = 1 | var %n = $lines($3) while (%c <= %n) { did -a $1 $2 $gettok($read($3,%c),$4,32) inc %c ] this what i found from my connection wilskye
  5. wilskye


    hi all was hoping you could help me i downloaded msn nickchat 2 to run with 6.16 as i start my script but i am getting flooded out of room as soon as i ckick on person to see hammer etc. my main chat is in oasiz so any help would be helpful thanx as i am new to this on niclists as i like the style of the hammers and icons it driving me crazy thanx in advance wilskye
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