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Everything posted by Deanne

  1. Chain, when this is all over, I wouldn't find a boycott difficult, because I didn't visit your site, nor the moschino site. I have only been at both sites this week because of the lies being spread on them. I knew there would likely be people who didn't' understand the situation, and who would innocently believe the lies and jump on the bandwagon of accusation. It's easier to stamp out a lie when it first starts, then to let it grow for weeks or months. I was on your site after I wote that chain, because purplecat posted something about/to me. It looked to me like purplecat had the wrong idea about me, and I didn't want to let that wrong idea take root and grow. So I took the time to correct it--because I care. I don't like to see misunderstandings, lies, and hate take root and grow. Unfortunately chain, the discussion is still happening on your site chain, and for some reason you've chosen to post replies to tg comments on your site, rather than here. Those are the reasons I am still there. Once those reasons cease to exist, everything will go back to how it was, and thus I won't be there anymore. Not a single one of us can change what we've done. None of us can take back the words we've said, or the things we've done. Who here can go back and wipe a hissy fit out of the past, or a tantrum from yesterday? Which one of us is able to go back and undo false accusations, or lame comments? It's time to stop looking at what has been done/said in the past, and work on making better decisions and choices in today. In that way the future will be better than the past. and maybe one day everyone will show each other respect, compassion, and understanding. At least that is my hope. It breaks my heart to see all of this. We all share a history with each other. We've come from the same on-line places, and have shared many of the same on-line experiences. What benefit is there to ripping each other apart? Is it not better to realize none of us are perfect, that we are ALL learning and growing, and still making mistakes. Chain I've never had any personal issues with you. I think we've always gotten along just fine. I just don't like the tone of language that happens on your forum. I don't like to see people degrading and mocking and basically verbally abusing people. I continue to hope you will encourage a more caring, compasstionate, and accepting atmosphere. Im like you err0r. I like to see the best in people, and it's bitten me in the butt more than once too, so I've learned to trust myself when Im feeling uneasy about someones intent to be hurtful or hateful. But even if I see their intent to hurt and or hate others, I realize it often comes from the fact that they are hurting deep inside, and filled with much hatred, often hatred of themselves. Sadly, not everyone is willing to let go of their deep inner hate and pain--no matter how hard we try to rescue and help them. These people will often continue to spead nothing but intense pain, hatred and division eveywhere they go, because those are the things they are filled with. And yes Travis I can testify you are loving and loyal. Even when I was too hurt to talk to you, you gave me time, space, and understanding. You didn't remove me from admin on your site, even when I asked you to--several times. Im glad you are you.
  2. Chain for what reason are you posting your reply to this discussion on your site and not here? The way you posted those accusations on your site chain, seemed more like a personal attack than any attempt to spread an honest warning or legitimate information. Id' like to see you just forget all these old vendettas against Travis. Even if Travis was like how you said in the past(which I find difficult to believe), there is no reason why he couldn't have changed. Everyone has made mistakes in life--and its not fair to keep holding those mistakes against people, because none of us can go back and fix them. We can only live in today, and make new decisions and choices in the present. It's time to wipe the slate clean, and start over. Chain wrote: yes we all know your an angel and in love head over heals over Travis !!BAM!! Stay of my site we dont deserve your presence on here!! oh and a quote here from Travis Another lie. I idled in Chains room on msn and tested a room take which worked quite well. I unbanned everyone but they were mad, so Keith "PureBullDog" and "Datto" and "princess Jessy" went around spreading lies about me to get me banned from as many rooms as possible. They also did this to Paige and Amy. So I got banned for going to Chains forum to ask them to stop harassing us. I was accused of "causing drama." As for being unbanned? My ISP changed my IP. That's all. So there are 2 LIES!! It was far from that, it was more like 2hours later..LOL and then the drama started with Travis heading of first in the race...there were many there that saw this and of course since they are my mods Travis will once again say iam bias LOL and this also can be verified. the other issue about banning was Pretty much Travis being warned many times and then contious rabbling and crying. Travis was unbanned because of a friend asking me too, his name will be left out as i have respect for him and not to bring him in on this, but others can state that Travis was unbanned from this site due to a friend asking me to! Loving and loyal Ok puppy love...LOL geeez thats really desperate and kinda making me sick..PUKE PUKE and of course people will believe what they want and thats good!! and one day it will happen again like it always dose, and I will sit and see and this time Chuckle in laughter and say I told you so!! sorry you wont get one from me on here!!
  3. Boycotting won't be difficult for me. I have no interest in visiting them--I didn't visit those forums before, and I won't again. I have no use for the hurtful, abusive, and malicious behaviour that goes on at them. To stamp out lies and show the truth was the only reason I ventured into them this past week. Although I do think people, by default of being people, deserve basic human respect - and that means to treat each other with compassion, understanding, and to not intentionally going out of ones way to cause pain. Unfortunately chains discussion was simply meant to cause Travis pain. --I don't like to that. Take care Travis. You've done a great job on SoulFly. I'm waiting for someone with some class and/or honour to stand up and admit they were wrong. A public admission from the accusers, that they were wrong about SoulFly being a rip of Moschino, would go along way in regaining some of the lost respect.
  4. lol how'd I know you were going to say that x
  5. lol x, just like Im gonna go back to not talking to him.
  6. It is definately to their benefit to let things die down now. It is plain to see that the accusations are false, and likely made out of insecurity on Dabba's part, and malicous hatred on the part of alot of others. Any response from the group of accusers now would just continue to keep them in the spot light as false accusers--and Im sure they would rather everyone just forgets it. It is clear that Soulfly didn't rip Moschino, and it is clear that Moschino likely based a good deal of the Moschino connection on the old Vincula connection. As it's been mentioned before--there is nothing wrong with looking at others work and learning from it. So if Dabba did base Mosh on Vin, and learn from Vin--great, all the better to him, because Brandon is a good coder. Good luck in the future Dabba, and I wish you the best despite not agreeing with the abusive behaviour you allow to flourish on your forum. I do continue to hope you will decide to set a better example. I think that's all I have to say about this. Oh and thankyou err0r, ozz, and x for leaving this topic open.
  7. *Wonders when all the accusers will step into the light and let us see what they have to say.
  8. As most already know, there have been accusations of ripping made against the new SoulFly connection for BuzzenV2. The accusations have been posted on a couple of different forums. Unfortunately, both of those forums have banned Travis so he is unable to respond the attack. I don't think that is fair of them, and I want Travis to have the opportunity to respond to their accusations, if he wants to. I know you've closed one of these discussions here already err0r, but I think tg is the right place to have this discussion at, because I know it will be fairly moderated, and that people know something about scripting and coding here. I think Travis deserves a chance to have his say. Below are the accusations that Dabba has posted against Travis, on the Moschino site.
  9. Here is a Ron Paul Chatroom, if anyone wants to chat with other Ron Paul supporters.
  10. You've done a great job on it Travis.
  11. yes, Travis does great work. lol shagman, chipper and sociable as ever I see. Do you have snow in down south there yet??
  12. Hi, you might be interested in trying an sdk room. Basically SDK is a chat page that you can custom create in any style you want. You can also host the files directly on your website, so then the chatroom page link would be your domain plus whatever you named the file. Basically the chat pages are hosted on your site, or the generators site, and the actual chatroom is hosted on vsixc. Vsixc is a very secure server. We do not have trouble with flooders etc there. You can also register your room for free, so that it stays open all the time. People can then sign directly into your chatroom from your website. If you only want your friends to join the room, you have the option to hide it, so it does not show up on the room listing..then people will only be able to join the room through the link you give you from your site. If you are not good at html, you can also use the custom generator, which will allow you to create the chat page in several styles. It will provide you with a link to put onto your site. sdk package: http://www.tg007.net/downloadsmsn/pafiledb...id=997&idP= custom generator: http://vsixc.ccscript.net/custom sdk tutorial: http://www.tg007.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=7693
  13. I wish I could send you my passion for writing dialogs, cause you make nice ones--for me, dialogs the best part of scripting. Unfortunately, I don't know dcx, and I don't have time to learn right now. I would have loved to work on them with you otherwise.
  14. Im happy to see buzzen de-cloning. It takes courage to put your own work out there. Anyways, I've spent the last few days idling and testing on v2, and while there are still bugs to work out, there are alot of nice features, for example the away messages, emotes, and whisper options. I haven't run into a lot of down time on v2, except for the updates, which they seem to be trying to do at a consistent time each day. I've seen alot of improvement in the last few days, as far as bugs being fixed, and more features working properly. All in all, I think they've done a good job, and I wish them the best.
  15. come on yahoo, I bet even you chuckled lol it was funny
  16. Yea I agree err0r. It's easier to make something for ourselves. The challenge comes in trying to make it user friendly for people who don't know or understand scripting, and have very little experience using scripts. Through the years I've recognized some of my own shortcomings in this when I've tried to use some of my options a couple of years after I've made them---and I couldn't remember what I had in mind, or how to use it anymore. If the options aren't basically self-explanatory, they probably won't be used to their full potential by other users. btw, I loved how your black script looked wiley. It was the sexiest black script that I've ever seen. You have talent.
  17. Ozz I thought you said nHTMLn didn't work on vista? I don't think it does on mine. Going to check again.
  18. As I said back in the beginning of this discussion, I am very happy to see Buzzen take real steps to de-clone. De-cloning now doesn't change the shady manner (fake msn ads, and use of msn ocx) Buzzen initially used to gain a great number of their chatters... But one trouble with life is that we can't go back and change what we did in the past--we can only move forward and try to do things better from the present on. I think this is where we have to let the past get covered over, and look at the here and now. What I see in the here and now is Buzzen trying to do things differently. Sure their new chat might not be perfect, and it might not be liked 100% by everyone--but not everyone likes IE or windows Vista either. On the other hand, I do like what I've seen so far with Buzzens beta chat. It seems like they are moving forward and trying to do things the right way this time. At least that is how it looks to me. I support them in that. With that said, Vsixc is my home chat and always will be. I just think there is enough room in our chat world to offer moral support for another none-clone. I can't wait to officially say to Buzzen "welcome to the NON-Clone world!!"
  19. lol err0r, I pick the RIGHT side lol iLia yup we've managed to remain talking INSPITE of buzzen Well it will be interesting to see how buzzen makes out with their new chat when it is officially released. I hope it goes well for them. m just glad to see them working on de-cloning.
  20. lol (err0r should we meet to discuss the terms and positions of our next discussion, or should we just dive right in??)
  21. We don't argue here. We just discuss controversial topics. I think not having to download a chat control is a plus for them.
  22. x, I was here and gone already, page 2, you missed me (see below)
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