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About Kent

  • Birthday 10/15/1988

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    Indianapolis IN

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  1. Well almost a year later, Vista is still here with Windows 7 coming out by Summer... They are almost identical, just renamed and updated some features. Plus if you purchase your Vista computer after a certain date, you get a free upgrade disc to 7!!!!
  2. Hey tewl... Dunno if I am doing something wrong, but every time I try to connect. it keeps telling me my channel name is correct... I have tried 10 different channels, all correct names, no spaces, and keeps telling me the channel is wrong... Kent
  3. This is a sad joke, but to some of the KATRINA VICTIMS, they shouldn't have been stealing TVs and shooting at the government when they came to help. Just a thought?
  4. I have read bits and pieces of several replies in this thread. We have to realize before we start making harsh criticisms of policies and laws, that if we are to change things and make them something else, SOMEONE OR SOMETHING is going to be left out. We halt illegal immigration. Prices go up on certain luxuries, shortage in the labor market for certain fields. (No I don't believe in illegal taking jobs Americans dont want.) We keep illegal immigrants. Immigrants cost the US government 50 billion a year and yet they pay only I think 40 billion in taxes. That's a net fiscal deficit of around 10 billion a year.... Centers for Immigration Studies. http://cis.org As you can see with everything, there are two outcomes, a good one and a bad one. There is always going to be someone left out no matter what decision we make in life. ------------------------------------------------I hope this above makes sense, it's 2 am and I'm tired.---------------------------------- America is ran on a capitalistic society. We ARE THE OLDEST SURVIVING FEDERATION IN THE WORLD, with our form of government being the most duplicated. We have been for hundreds of years. It's sad to say, BUT our greed and money have given way to some of the world's greatest inventions. We are still the world's ONLY REMAINING SUPERPOWER and we are the leader in the technological and medical fields. "Partly as a result, the United States maintains the highest labor productivity in the world. However, it no longer leads the world in productivity per hour as it did from the 1950s through the early 1990s; workers in Norway, France, Belgium, and Luxembourg are now more productive per hour." - Wikipedia. Despite American's wrong doings, we work hard. Americans do work hard for what we have. We are forced to by our society. Unfortunately there are the negatives. The downside to that is we have used other nations for their resources (oil, water, diamonds, work force, etc...) We are becoming more materialistic, more interested in material goods as a way of showing our wealth, intelligence, etc.. instead of using knowledge in sciences, history, math, etc... as means. America in a sense has drifted away from our true meaning. Like I said there is a good and bad to every situation. blah blah blah, to be continued. I'm tired!
  5. Kent

    IE 7

    No offense Ziggy, but a lot of what you talk is a lot of "hog wash." If me or others on this board would take our time to write a page on your lies and somewhat miscalculations, with links to back up or statements, you would look like a fool... FireFox has been hit many times and is everyday with adware and malicious files. FireFox sends a message of a great browser with security and quick bug fixes, even though they have taken a week or weeks to complete. Also common sense would tell you that as a browser becomes older, more bugs/security holes will be found. FireFox is somewhat completely re-done, but still uses heavy "icing" or what have you from Mozilla. Not to mention this bug has been fixed. Just pointing out an example of what Keith uses to gain the upper hand in a situation and back FireFox 100%. Also Keith there is no set code (law of ethics, so you have it) for the version number in which you release your program in. Keith just because you are a, what was it, "web developer"; doesn't give you any more OPINION on matters, which is what you are mostly speaking in half the time. You are like the Democrats in America. Will always defend themselves at the expense of Bush or another Republican. "Yes I know we did that, but THEY DID THAT FIRST." Users don't care who did what first, what we care is who will fix it first and who has a better product. Currently MSIE7 is the best product, wether you like it or not. Every week more and more security bugs/holes are being reported in FireFox. Also not to mention bugs with downloading in FireFox, which have not been fixed since the first version of FireFox was released... Over a year now and simple bugs haven't been fixed...
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