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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Okay, it doesnt seem to have anything to do with encoding. This is the string I am sending.... "PRIVMSG %#TESTROOM :S Tahoma;0 First Line" & Chr(10) & "Second Line" Are we assuming this should work? What I get on the screen is this... BotNick : S Tahoma;0 First Line Nothing else.
  2. Hi webby, I already have a linefeed variable as i need it to delimit the server text back and forth Chr(10) and Chr(13) or just VbCrLf. The more I think about it the more I am convinced it must have something to do encoding, as I encode and decode server traffic using the UTF8 standard. I am going to investigate this first. It does have me at a loss I must say.
  3. I am thinking of having various game add ins for the bot, not necessarily the room, however the room will a testing ground for anything I publish, lol. Back to the linefeed thing, would my encoding the linefeed into UTF8 make any difference?
  4. I tried that, lol, it doesnt work. I've even tried using a PRIVMSG with no formatting. Strange thing is, I've looked at other scripts, and they do use the chr(10) character, but when I send it, it doesn't give me a linefeed.
  5. Hi, I've been writing a bot myself using vbexpess, now I want a game add-in, but I cant send a linefeed in the PRIVMSG. Si I can list Halls Of Fame, etc. Does anyone know the raw chars I have to send to get a linefeed to the channel? Thanks in advance.
  6. Well, I've just had this same debate somewhere else, about the benefits of parking nicks to increase room numbers. Your pretty much right in what you say, people are attracted to people, works the same in the real world, people will tend to occupy the bars and clubs where the most people go, its human nature. Keeping chatters is another matter, I mean 50 people in a room not talking wont encourage anyone to hang around, you need to have people greeting them, etc. Of course, you need to get them through the door first, so yes, I am in favour of trying to up room numbers to make a room more attractive.
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