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Everything posted by ashwal

  1. ashwal


    Kronicdraemer , i apologized for you before in koach chat and should i apologize for you here also, im so sorry i was think you another Kronic [my friend]
  2. ashwal


    i was mean if there's another connection and this connection work but without updater it isnt complete
  3. ashwal


    it isn't invite or spame to this chat i want some help in connection only
  4. ashwal


    KronicDreamer , we are still working on this server and if you dont like it , dont join
  5. ashwal


    on *:START:{ echo -s 2 Dream Chat Network Script echo -s - if (%nick == $null) { set %nick $?="Enter Your Desired Nickname:" if (%serv == $null) { set %serv dcnchat.ath.cx dialog -m gender gender } } elseif (%serv == $null) { set %serv $?="Enter the server address:" } echo -s 10Your Nick Is Currently Set As:11 %nick } alias join { if (%nick == $null) { set %nick $?="Enter your desired nickname:" | echo -s 10Your nick is currently set as: 11 %nick if (%serv == $null) { set %serv $?="Enter the server address:" | echo -s 10Server address is currntly set as: 11 %serv } } elseif (%serv == $null) { set %serv $?="Enter the server address:" | echo -s 10Server address is currntly set as: 11 %serv } if ($1 == $null) || ($chr(37) $+ $chr(35) $+ * !iswm $1) { echo -s You have to type it like the Following: /join $chr(37) $+ $chr(35) $+ Team-AND1 } sockclose * | socklisten local 7776 | server 7776 | set %room $1 } alias irc { set %ircname $?="Enter the irc room name:" join %ircname } alias normal { set %room $?="Enter the normal room name:" join $chr(37) $+ $chr(35) $+ $replace(%room,$chr(32),\ } on *:SOCKLISTEN:local:{ sockaccept firstconn | sockopen servconn %serv 6667 } on *:SOCKREAD:firstconn:{ var %r | sockread %r | tokenize 32 %r if (user == $1) { halt } if (userhost == $1) { halt } if (nick == $1) { halt } if (part == $1) && (*,*,*,* iswm $2) { halt } if ($sock(roomconn) != $null) { sockwrite -tn roomconn $1- } } on *:SOCKOPEN:servconn:{ sockwrite -tn $sockname IRCVERS IRC8 MSN-OCX!9.02.0310.2401 sockwrite -tn $sockname AUTH GateKeeper I :GKSSP\0 sockwrite -tn $sockname NICK %nick sockwrite -tn $sockname FINDS %room } on *:SOCKREAD:servconn:{ var %r | sockread %r | tokenize 32 %r if ($2 == 613) { sockopen roomconn $remove($4, $5 | sockclose $sockname } } on *:SOCKOPEN:roomconn:{ sockwrite -tn $sockname IRCVERS IRC8 MSN-OCX!9.02.0310.2401 sockwrite -tn $sockname AUTH GateKeeper I :GKSSP\0 sockwrite -tn $sockname NICK %nick if (%operac == on) { sockwrite -tn $sockname PROP $ ROLE : $+ %poste %nick %passoper } if (%operac == off) { sockwrite -tn $sockname PROP $ ROLE : $+ %profilmode } sockwrite -tn $sockname JOIN %room 123 } on *:SOCKREAD:roomconn:{ var %r | sockread %r | tokenize 32 %r if ($1-3 == AUTH GateKeeperPassport *) { set %mygate $4 } if (001 == $2) { set %servname $1 } if (004 == $2) { return } if (353 == $2) { var %n = 1 | var %h = $right($6-,-1) | var %list | while (%n <= $numtok(%h,32)) { set %list %list $gettok($gettok(%h,%n,32),4,44) | inc %n } | sockwrite -tn firstconn %servname $2-5 $+(:,%list) | halt } if (JOIN == $2) { echo -s TEST $1 $2 $4- | sockwrite -tn firstconn $1 $2 $4- | if ($gettok($3,4,44) != $null) { sockwrite -tn firstconn %servname MODE $right($4,-1) $+(+,$replace($gettok($3,4,44),.,q,@,o,+,v)) $right($gettok($1,1,33),-1) } | halt } if (PRIVMSG == $2) && (:S == $4) { sockwrite -tn firstconn $1 $2 $3 $left($6-,-1) | halt } sockwrite -tn firstconn $1- } on *:SOCKCLOSE:*:{ echo -s You Have been Disconnected from the Chat Network } alias pass { if ($1) mode $me +h $1- else mode $me +h $$input(Enter host or owner key:,130,Password Entry) } menu * { DCN Connection .Join a Room ..Normal :/normal ..IRC :/irc .Change Nickname { set %nick $?="Enter your desired nickname:" echo -s - echo -s 10Your nick is now set as:11 %nick echo -s - } .Set Gender:/dialog -m gender gender .List Access Entrys:{ access # list } .- .Operators ..Connect as Oper:{ set %nick $?="Enter your oper nickname: (without the Admin, Sysop or Guide before it)" if (%nick == $null ) halt else { set %poste $?="Enter what kind of oper you are: ( ex: Admin )" set %passoper $?="Enter your oper password:" } if (%poste != $null) && (%passoper != $null) { set %operac on echo -s 4 Oper Connection is Active | halt } } ..Unset Oper Config { unset %poste | unset %passoper | set %operac off | echo -s - | echo -s 10Oper Connection Disabled | echo -s - } } menu nicklist { DCN - Nickname Commands .Status ..Owner:/mode $chan +q $$1 ..De-Owner:/mode $chan -q $$1 ..Host:/mode $chat +o $$1 ..De-Host:/mode $chat -o $$1 ..Participant:/mode $chan +v $$1 ..Spectator:/mode $chat -v $$1 .- .$iif($me !isowner $chan,$style(2)) $+ Add to access as Owner: access $chan add owner *! $+ $$ial($1 $+ *,1).addr 0 : $+ $me added $1 - $asctime(m/dd/yyyy $+ $chr(44) h:nn:ss TT) .$iif($me !isop $chan,$style(2)) $+ Add to access as Host: access $chan add host *! $+ $$ial($1 $+ *,1).addr 0 : $+ $me added $1 - $asctime(m/dd/yyyy $+ $chr(44) h:nn:ss TT) .$iif($me !isop $chan,$style(2)) $+ Add to access as Participant: access $chan add voice *! $+ $$ial($1 $+ *,1).addr 0 : $+ $me added $1 - $asctime(m/dd/yyyy $+ $chr(44) h:nn:ss TT) .$iif($me !isop $chan,$style(2)) $+ Add to access as Grant: access $chan add grant *! $+ $$ial($1 $+ *,1).addr 0 : $+ $me added $1 - $asctime(m/dd/yyyy $+ $chr(44) h:nn:ss TT) } dialog gender { title "DCN Connection - Set Gender" size -1 -1 214 32 option dbu button "Male", 1, 16 8 53 20 button "Female", 2, 80 8 53 20 button "Unknown", 3, 144 8 53 20 } on *:Dialog:gender:sclick:1:set %profilmode PROFILMODE3 | echo -s - | echo -s 10Gender is now set as %profilmode | echo -s - on *:Dialog:gender:sclick:2:set %profilmode PROFILMODE4 | echo -s - | echo -s 10Gender is now set as %profilmode | echo -s - on *:Dialog:gender:sclick:3:set %profilmode PROFILMODE2 | echo -s - | echo -s 10Gender is now set as %profilmode | echo -s - alias hop { part # | join # } alias part { disconnect | sockclose * } alias quit { disconnect | sockclose * }
  6. ashwal


    Hello, i joined new chat and i hope to make a script connection with passport updater to me dcnchat.com Thanks
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