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Everything posted by JasonK

  1. Hello, I am trying to create a dialog with a bunch of check boxes, dialog new_table { title "New Project" size -1 -1 103 75 option dbu box "", 2, 1 0 100 73 text "Log the following:", 6, 4 5 51 8 check "Kicks", 14, 52 14 24 10 check "Text", 11, 52 23 24 10 check "Actions", 27, 52 32 28 10 check "Aways", 12, 52 41 28 10 check "Returns", 13, 52 50 31 10 check "IP Address", 7, 6 14 40 10 check "GateKeeper", 8, 6 23 40 10 check "Joins", 9, 6 32 26 10 check "Parts", 10, 6 41 24 10 check "Quits", 15, 6 50 26 10 } And using an ini file with the line: test.ini [settings] Log=IP,GATE,JOINS,PARTS,QUITS,KICKS,TEXT,ACTION,AWAY,RETURN How can I make the dialog read from the ini file with this line and tick off the boxes based on what items are in the Log? this is what I have so far, but I think its poorly written and sloppy var %f = $+($scriptdir,seen\,seen.ini) var %log = $readini(%f,Settings,Log) Tokenize 44 %log if (IP isin $1-) { did -c $dname 7 } Thanks a bunch. Cheers, Jay
  2. Hello, I need some help trying to write a piece of code that would allow me to create an exception. Say for example I would like to add access to all of the nicks in my channel by default. here is my code: Code: ;syntax: addall <chan> <type> alias addall { var %^ = $nick($1,0) while (%^) { if ($nick($1,%^) != $me) { access $1 add $2 $v1 } dec %^ } } But let's say I want to add an exception; I would like add access to all of the following individuals except: nickname1,nickname2,nickname3 (The format should be nickname seperate by commas to handle single or multiple nicks to except) I am not quite sure how to relate this back to the alias and to the dialog Code: dialog addall { title "Add All" size -1 -1 109 82 option dbu combo 2, 13 15 79 10, drop box "", 1, 1 -1 106 67 text "What type of entry would you like to add?", 3, 3 5 107 8 button "OK", 4, 34 69 35 11, default flat ok cancel check "Except:", 5, 13 26 30 10 edit "", 6, 12 37 90 10 text "Add nick(s) seperated by commas", 7, 13 48 89 8 text "eg. nick1,nick2,nick3 ect.", 8, 13 56 89 8 } Thanks in advance, Cheers, Jay
  3. JasonK

    Join Help

    This is what I have so far is it messy? if ($1 == JOIN) { $recent($2) | if ($numtok($2,44) > 1) { var %x 1 | while ($gettok($2,%x,44)) { var %c = $ifmatch if ($left(%c,2) == $+($chr(37),$chr(35))) { join %c | haltdef } else { join $+($chr(37),$chr(35),%c) | haltdef } inc %x } } }
  4. JasonK

    Join Help

    Hello, I'd like to make an alias to: 1. Be able to join multiple channels in the following formats: a.) %#test101,%#test102,%#test103 b.) %#test101 %#test102 %#test103 as well as be able just join a single channel /join %#test101 2. Check and see if the prefix "%#" is in the beggining of the channel name and if its not to add it in. Ex1. test101 (%#test101) 3. If there is a space $chr(32) in the channel name, to automatically add the \b Ex. %#testing this channel (%#testing\bthis\bchannel) I know its lots to ask for but thanks a bunch and I appreciate all your help. Kind regards, Jay
  5. Hi all, I am looking for a good channel lister for Buzzen's chat listing does anyone know where I can find one? Thanks in advance Cheers Jay
  6. Hi all, I was hoping to get some advice here on how to get mirc to handle query requests much like Buzzen's webchat interface where you would accept or decline querys ect. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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