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Posts posted by biohazard

  1. this is what it post to look like http://www.tg007.net/file-1434

    here is what i see in my script tho

    [07:41.p] 1You0,4Tube 2Video3:12 <title>Tripper Getem - Grave Digger (Official Music Video) - YouTube</title><link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" href="http://www.youtube.com/opensearch?locale=en_US" title="YouTube Video Search<link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://s.ytimg.com/yts/img/favicon-vfldLzJxy.ico" type="image/x-icon <link rel="icon" href="//s.ytimg.com/yts/img/favicon_32-vflWoMFGx.png" sizes="32x32<link rel="canonical" href="
    rel="alternate" media="handheld" href="
    rel="alternate" media="only screen and (max-width: 640px)" href="
    rel="shortlink" href="
    Tripper Getem - Grave Digger (Official Music Video)

    so what is going on that i need to fix ??

    menu menubar {


    .· $chr(32) = Youtube-Bot = Echo-( $+ $group(#Youtube1) $+ ) Room-( $+ $group(#Youtube) $+ )

    ..$iif($group(#Youtube1) == on,$style(2)) · $chr(32) = Turn Youtube-Bot Echo Broadcast On =: {

    .enable #Youtube1 | .disable #Youtube | echo $active 1You0,4Tube12-Bot Echo Broadcast Has Been Turned 4ON 1...


    ..$iif($group(#Youtube1) == off,$style(2)) · $chr(32) = Turn Youtube-Bot Echo Broadcast Off =: {

    .disable #Youtube1 | echo $active 1You0,4Tube12-Bot Echo Broadcast Has Been Turned 4OFF 1...



    ..$iif($group(#Youtube) == on,$style(2)) · $chr(32) = Turn Youtube-Bot Room Broadcast On =: {

    .enable #Youtube | .disable #Youtube1 | echo $active 1You0,4Tube12-Bot Room Broadcast Has Been Turned 4ON 1...


    ..$iif($group(#Youtube) == off,$style(2)) · $chr(32) = Turn Youtube-Bot Room Broadcast Off =: {

    .disable #Youtube | echo $active 1You0,4Tube12-Bot Room Broadcast Has Been Turned 4OFF 1...




    on *:load {

    echo -sat 1You0,4Tube3-Bot Has Now Been 4Loaded 1...

    echo -sat 3By Default The 1You0,4Tube3-Bot Room Broadcast Is Enabled, This Will Broadcast The Video Title In Any Room Someone Posts A 1You0,4Tube3 Video Link In. You Can Disable This Feature And Enable The 1You0,4Tube3-Bot Echo Broadcast Option Under The Menu Bar 1...


    on *:unload {

    echo -sat 1You0,4Tube3-Bot Has Now Been 4Unloaded 1...


    #youtube off

    on *:SOCKOPEN:youtube:{

    ; connection

    sockwrite -n $sockname GET %tmpyoutubex HTTP/1.1

    ; Write Connection Details

    sockwrite -n $sockname Host: www.youtube.com

    sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: IRCSpider/mIRC $version

    sockwrite -n $sockname Accept: *.*, */*

    sockwrite -n $sockname Referer: $server

    sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: Keep-Alive

    sockwrite -n $sockname Content-Type: text/html

    sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf


    on *:SOCKREAD:youtube:{

    sockread %mirc.temp

    if (<meta name="title" content=" isin %mirc.temp) {

    if (%d == 1) { }

    else {

    privmsg %tmp.chanyoutube [style ff:Tahoma;co:black;]You[/style][style ff:Tahoma;bgco:red;co:white;]Tube[/style] [style ff:Tahoma;co:blue;] Video[/style][style ff:Tahoma;co:red;b;]: [/style] $remove(%mirc.temp,<meta name="title" content=","> )

    echo -t %tmp.chanyoutube 1You0,4Tube 2Video3:12 $remove(%mirc.temp,<meta name="title" content=","> )

    inc %d




    on *:SOCKCLOSE:youtube:{ /noop }

    on *:TEXT:*:#:{

    set %tmp.chanyoutube $chan

    unset %d

    var %i 1

    while ([ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ]) {

    if (youtube.com/watch?v= isin [ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ]) { sockclose youtube | xconnection [ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ] }

    inc %i



    on *:ACTION:*:#:{

    set %tmp.chanyoutube $chan

    unset %d

    var %i 1

    while ([ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ]) {

    if (youtube.com/watch?v= isin [ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ]) { sockclose youtube | xconnection [ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ] }

    inc %i



    on *:AWAY:*:#:{

    set %tmp.chanyoutube $chan

    unset %d

    var %i 1

    while ([ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ]) {

    if (youtube.com/watch?v= isin [ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ]) { sockclose youtube | xconnection [ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ] }

    inc %i



    #youtube end

    #youtube1 off

    on *:SOCKOPEN:youtube:{

    ; connection

    sockwrite -n $sockname GET %tmpyoutubex HTTP/1.1

    ; Write Connection Details

    sockwrite -n $sockname Host: www.youtube.com

    sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: IRCSpider/mIRC $version

    sockwrite -n $sockname Accept: *.*, */*

    sockwrite -n $sockname Referer: $server

    sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: Keep-Alive

    sockwrite -n $sockname Content-Type: text/html

    sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf


    on *:SOCKREAD:youtube:{

    sockread %mirc.temp

    if (<meta name="title" content=" isin %mirc.temp) {

    if (%d == 1) { }

    else {

    echo -t %tmp.chanyoutube 1You0,4Tube 2Video3:12 $remove(%mirc.temp,<meta name="title" content=","> )

    inc %d




    on *:SOCKCLOSE:youtube:{ /noop }

    on *:TEXT:*:#:{

    set %tmp.chanyoutube $chan

    unset %d

    var %i 1

    while ([ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ]) {

    if (youtube.com/watch?v= isin [ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ]) { sockclose youtube | xconnection [ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ] }

    inc %i



    on *:ACTION:*:#:{

    set %tmp.chanyoutube $chan

    unset %d

    var %i 1

    while ([ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ]) {

    if (youtube.com/watch?v= isin [ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ]) { sockclose youtube | xconnection [ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ] }

    inc %i



    on *:AWAY:*:#:{

    set %tmp.chanyoutube $chan

    unset %d

    var %i 1

    while ([ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ]) {

    if (youtube.com/watch?v= isin [ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ]) { sockclose youtube | xconnection [ $chr(36) $+ [ %i ] ] }

    inc %i



    #youtube1 end

  2. gate was wounder why there is no mode b or k


    b Ban - Can be used to get a list of ban (ACCESS DENY) entries.


    k Key - Room has an entry password set (same as PROP MEMBERKEY).

  3. like this but it still don't work tho





    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;------------ Message Caller -----------;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;




    on *:TEXT:*:#: {

    var %t = $strip($1-) | tokenize 32 %t

    if ($aop.level($chan,$nick) == gadmin) {

    if (Call Judgement== $1) { ss msg $chan $nick Would you like to call Judgement ? ( Yes or No )

    /set %JudgementCall $nick }






    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; First Respond


    on *:TEXT:*:#: {

    var %t = $strip($1-) | tokenize 32 %t

    if ($aop.level($chan,$nick) == gadmin) {

    if (*yes*== $1) {

    if ($nick == %JudgementCall) {

    /msg $chan $nick Please Define The Type ( Urgent - Casual )

    /set %JudgementCall YES



    on *:TEXT:*:#: {

    var %t = $strip($1-) | tokenize 32 %t

    if ($aop.level($chan,$nick) == gadmin) {

    if (*no*== $1) {

    if ($nick == %JudgementCall) {

    /msg $chan Very well then $nick

    /unset %Judgementcall




    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Type Of Call



    on *:TEXT:*:#: {

    var %t = $strip($1-) | tokenize 32 %t

    if ($aop.level($chan,$nick) == gadmin) {

    if (*Urgent*== $1) {

    if ($nick == %JudgementCall) {

    /msg $chan Calling Judgement Right Now... Please hold..

    /splay connected.wav

    /unset %JudgementCall



    on *:TEXT:*:#: {

    var %t = $strip($1-) | tokenize 32 %t

    if ($aop.level($chan,$nick) == gadmin) {

    if (*Casual*== $1) {

    if ($nick == %JudgementCall) {

    /msg $chan Calling Judgement... Please Wait...

    /splay unloaded.wav

    /unset %JudgementCall




    on *:TEXT:*:#: {

    var %t = $strip($1-) | tokenize 32 %t

    if ($aop.level($chan,$nick) == gadmin) {

    if (*Casual== $1){

    if ($me == away) { .timercall 1 5 /msg $chan Im sorry $nick i have placed a call to ?Judgement?! and he has not responded please try again later

    elseif ($me == back) {halt}

    /unset %JudgementCall



    on *:TEXT:*:#: {

    var %t = $strip($1-) | tokenize 32 %t

    if ($aop.level($chan,$nick) == gadmin) {

    if (*Urgent== $1){

    if ($me == away) { .timercall 1 5 /msg $chan Im sorry $nick i have placed a call to ?Judgement?! and he has not responded please try again later

    elseif ($me == back) {halt}

    /unset %JudgementCall






    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; END OF SCRIPT



  4. need some help fixing this to work with gd plz




    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;------------ Message Caller -----------;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;





    on *:TEXT:Call Judgement:*: {

    ss msg $chan $nick Would you like to call Judgement ? ( Yes or No )

    /set %JudgementCall $nick





    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; First Respond



    on *:TEXT:*yes*:*: {

    if ($nick == %JudgementCall) {

    /msg $chan $nick Please Define The Type ( Urgent - Casual )

    /set %JudgementCall YES



    on *:TEXT:*no*:*: {

    if ($nick == %JudgementCall) {

    /msg $chan Very well then $nick

    /unset %Judgementcall




    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Type Of Call




    on *:TEXT:*Urgent*:*: {

    if ($nick == %JudgementCall) {

    /msg $chan Calling Judgement Right Now... Please hold..

    /splay connected.wav

    /unset %JudgementCall




    on *:TEXT:*Casual*:*: {

    if ($nick == %JudgementCall) {

    /msg $chan Calling Judgement... Please Wait...

    /splay unloaded.wav

    /unset %JudgementCall





    0n *:TEXT:*Casual:*:{

    if ($me == away) { .timercall 1 5 /msg $chan Im sorry $nick i have placed a call to ?Judgement?! and he has not responded please try again later

    elseif ($me == back) {halt}

    /unset %JudgementCall




    0n *:TEXT:*Urgent:*:{

    if ($me == away) { .timercall 1 5 /msg $chan Im sorry $nick i have placed a call to ?Judgement?! and he has not responded please try again later

    elseif ($me == back) {halt}

    /unset %JudgementCall






    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; END OF SCRIPT




  5. i need help with this everthing works but the part with !password can someone fix it for me thanks




    on *:start: {

    hmake registry 100


    on *:join:#: {

    if ($nick == $me) && ($exists(registry)) {

    hload registry registry

    hadd -m registry chan $chan


    if ($nick != $me) && ($nick !isin $hget(registry,nick)) {

    notice $nick Please Register Your Nick By Typing !register And Your Nick Along With Your Password In My Whisper$&

You Have Three Minutes To Do So $nick Or Risk Being Kicked For Non-Compliance

    timerregister 1 180 kick $!chr(37) $!+ $right(#,-1) $nick Non-Compliance


    if ($nick isin $hget(registry,nick)) {

    timerregister off

    notice $nick Type !password And Your Password In My Whisper



    on *:TEXT:*!register*:?: {

    if ($nick isin $hget(registry,nick)) {

    kick $hget(registry,chan) $nick That Nick Is Registered Already


    else {

    hadd -m registry nick $addtok($hget(registry,nick),$2 $+ $chr(32) $+ $3,32)

    hsave -so registry registry

    timerregister off



    on *:TEXT:*!password*:?: {

    if (($2 isin $hget(registry,nick)) && $ial($nick) isin $mircdir\oper.txt) /mode # +o $nick halt else goto kick

    :kick {

    kick $hget(registry,chan) $nick Wrong Information $nick

    if ($2 isin $hget(registry,nick)) {

    notice $nick (Y) Welcome! | /closemsg $nick }

    timerreg off

    if ($2 !isin $hget(registry,nick)) {

    kick $hget(registry,chan) $nick Nick is not registered ;)





  6. i have add a macro kicks to the macro in gd but they will not work anyhelp




    on *:TEXT:*:#: {

    var %t = $strip($1-) | tokenize 32 %t

    if ($aop.level($chan,$nick) == gadmin) {

    if (`abduct == $1)

    ss msg $1 $chan (*)~~~~~~~~~Come with us~~~~~~~~~(*)

    timer1 1 7 kick $!comchan($me,1) $2- We are Taking You To Our Leader!

    ss msg $1 S jCourier\bNew;0

    ss msg $1 S jCourier\bNew;0 .-'~~~~'-.

    ss msg $1 S jCourier\bNew;0 ..-~\__/\__/`~-..

    ss msg $1 S jCourier\bNew;0 .-~(al)(al)~-.

    ss msg $1 S jCourier\bNew;0 (_____//~~\\//~~\\______)

    ss msg $1 S jCourier\bNew;0 _.-~``~-._

    ss msg $1 S jCourier\bNew;0 /O=O=O=O=O=O=O=O=O=O=O=O=O=O=O=O=O=O\*

    ss msg $1 S jCourier\bNew;0 \___________________________________/.

    ss msg $1 S jCourier\bNew;0 \xxxxxxx/

    ss msg $1 S jCourier\bNew;0 .*\x_x_x_x_x_x/.

    ss msg $1 S hCourier\bNew;0

    ss msg $1 S fCourier\bNew;0 ||||

    ss msg $1 S hCourier\bNew;0 |||

    ss msg $1 S fCourier\bNew;0 |||

    ss msg $1 S hCourier\bNew;0 |||

    ss msg $1 S fCourier\bNew;0 |||

    ss msg $1 S hCourier\bNew;0 |||

    ss msg $1 S fCourier\bNew;0 ||||

    ss msg $1 S hCourier\bNew;0 |||

    ss msg $1 S fCourier\bNew;0 ||||

    ss msg $1 S jCourier\bNew;0 $2


    on *:TEXT:*:#: {

    var %t = $strip($1-) | tokenize 32 %t

    if ($aop.level($chan,$nick) == *) {

    if (*god dam* == $1)

    ss msg $1 $chan :o $nick How dare you!

    ss msg $1 S vCourier\bNew;0 __

    ss msg $1 S vCourier\bNew;0 \||/

    ss msg $1 S vCourier\bNew;0 ||

    ss msg $1 S vCourier\bNew;0 ____||____

    ss msg $1 S vCourier\bNew;0 |________|

    ss msg $1 S vCourier\bNew;0 ||

    ss msg $1 S vCourier\bNew;0 /||\

    ss msg $1 S vCourier\bNew;0 ||

    ss msg $1 S vCourier\bNew;0 ||

    ss msg $1 S vCourier\bNew;0 ||

    ss msg $1 S vCourier\bNew;0 |__|GOD BLESS YOU (A)

    timer [ $+ [ $nick ] ] [ $+ [ . ] ] [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 1 1 kick $!gettok($ctimer,2,46) $!gettok($ctimer,1,46) Go find yourself then come back!


    on *:TEXT:*:#: {

    var %t = $strip($1-) | tokenize 32 %t

    if ($aop.level($chan,$nick) == *) {

    if (*goddam* == $1)

    ss msg $1 $chan :o $nick How dare you!

    ss msg $1 S vCourier\bNew;0 __

    ss msg $1 S vCourier\bNew;0 \||/

    ss msg $1 S vCourier\bNew;0 ||

    ss msg $1 S vCourier\bNew;0 ____||____

    ss msg $1 S vCourier\bNew;0 |________|

    ss msg $1 S vCourier\bNew;0 ||

    ss msg $1 S vCourier\bNew;0 /||\

    ss msg $1 S vCourier\bNew;0 ||

    ss msg $1 S vCourier\bNew;0 ||

    ss msg $1 S vCourier\bNew;0 ||

    ss msg $1 S vCourier\bNew;0 |__|GOD BLESS YOU (A)

    timer [ $+ [ $nick ] ] [ $+ [ . ] ] [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 1 1 kick $!gettok($ctimer,2,46) $!gettok($ctimer,1,46) Go find yourself then come back!


    on *:TEXT:*:#: {

    var %t = $strip($1-) | tokenize 32 %t

    if ($aop.level($chan,$nick) == gadmin) {

    if ( =:`arsekick= $1)

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0

    timer1 1 7 kick $!comchan($me,1) $2- Can ya fill that?????

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 _,,,,

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 \\\ ,ouch!

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 ____/c=o=

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 \|//*_/|/\__C/

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 -/_/,-.*_/\\__ ___

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 _\\_|\*__/\-/O\/'_\

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 \_\x|*/\____,\______\/'

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 /\_,///>)\_\#_/_\/

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 /,/+\ //_/)_/\\\

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 \__|+O)\/_/\/\_\\

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 /\__D/\_/)_>,))

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 /_o\_/,_/_//\

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 //,_/__//_._/\__\

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 //\o//_//_\__/\_/\

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 /__o/\___|_//x(\/'-,__

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 _//\____/\\x\|______\

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 \\>\\\|

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 //|\__\'-'

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 //

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 \___(

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 /_/

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 /O\

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 '-\__

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 \_____)


    on *:TEXT:*:#: {

    var %t = $strip($1-) | tokenize 32 %t

    if ($aop.level($chan,$nick) == gadmin) {

    if ( =:`kick= $1)

    ss msg $1 $chan

    timer1 1 7 kick $!comchan($me,1) $2-

    ss msg $1 S jCourier\bNew;0 .-'\

    ss msg $1 S jCourier\bNew;0 .-'`/\

    ss msg $1 S jCourier\bNew;0 .-'`/\

    ss msg $1 S jCourier\bNew;0 \`/\

    ss msg $1 S jCourier\bNew;0 __\`/\

    ss msg $1 S jCourier\bNew;0 _---\`/\_.--._-_-- $2

    ss msg $1 S jCourier\bNew;0 --_-\`/`-..--\)_---_-

    ss msg $1 S jCourier\bNew;0 __-_--\_`,','/,')

    ss msg $1 S jCourier\bNew;0 --_-\`-- ~,','

    ss msg $1 S jCourier\bNew;0 --_-_\,','

    ss msg $1 S jCourier\bNew;0 --_-\,--.____==-

    ss msg $1 S jCourier\bNew;0 -_-_--\\_-~\

    ss msg $1 S jCourier\bNew;0 --_-_`_-~_.-'

    ss msg $1 S jCourier\bNew;0 __-_--\-~

    ss msg $1 S jCourier\bNew;0

    ss msg $1 S jCourier\bNew;0

    ss msg $1 S jCourier\bNew;0 Lmao there goes $2


    on *:TEXT:*:#: {

    var %t = $strip($1-) | tokenize 32 %t

    if ($aop.level($chan,$nick) == gadmin) {

    if ( =:`door= $1)

    ss msg $1 $chan :o $2 $nick said i had to show ya the door:P

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 __________

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 |____|

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 ||||||

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 ||||||

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 ||__||__||

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 | ____()|

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 ||||||

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 ||||||

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 ||||||

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 ||||||

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 ||__||__||

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 |__________|

    timer1 1 4 kick $!comchan($me,1) $2- Dont let the door hit yas were the good lord split yas:P


    on *:TEXT:*:#: {

    var %t = $strip($1-) | tokenize 32 %t

    if ($aop.level($chan,$nick) == gadmin) {

    if ( =:`nuke= $1)

    ss msg $1 $chan (*)PACKAGE AWAY $nick (*)

    ss msg $1 S eCourier\bNew;0 ____

    ss msg $1 S eCourier\bNew;0 __,-~~/~`---.

    ss msg $1 S eCourier\bNew;0 _/_,---(,)

    ss msg $1 S eCourier\bNew;0 __/</)\___

    ss msg $1 S eCourier\bNew;0 -------===;;;'====------------------===;;;===-------

    ss msg $1 S eCourier\bNew;0 \/~"~"~"~"~"~\~"~)~"/

    ss msg $1 S eCourier\bNew;0 (_(\(>\)

    ss msg $1 S eCourier\bNew;0 \_(_<>_>'

    ss msg $1 S eCourier\bNew;0 ~`-i':i>|--"

    ss msg $1 S eCourier\bNew;0 I;|.|.|

    ss msg $1 S eCourier\bNew;0 <|i::ii|`.

    ss msg $1 S eCourier\bNew;0 (`^'"`-'")

    ss msg $1 S \rCourier\bNew;0 -------------------------- $2 $3------------------------

    timer1 1 4 kick $!comchan($me,1) $$ial(* $+ $2 $+ *,1).nick YOU HAVE BEEN NUKED BY $nick


  7. on *:TEXT:*:#: {

    var %t = $strip($1-) | tokenize 32 %t

    if ($aop.level($chan,$nick) == gadmin) {

    if (!o == $1) { mode $chan $iif($nick isop $chan,+o,-o) $nick }

    if (!q == $1) { mode $chan $iif($nick isop $chan,+q,-q) $nick }



    is that how it goes gate put it don't work for gd5 in less i don't have something right

  8. what is wrong with this


    on *:TEXT:*:#: {

    var %t = $strip($1-) | tokenize 32 %t

    if ($aop.level($chan,$nick) == gadmin) {

    if (.question == $1)

    ss msg # S jCourier\bNew;0 ________

    ss msg # S jCourier\bNew;0 _jgN########Ngg_

    ss msg # S jCourier\bNew;0 _N##N@@""""9NN##Np_

    ss msg # S jCourier\bNew;0 d###PN####p

    ss msg # S jCourier\bNew;0 "^^"T####

    ss msg # S jCourier\bNew;0 d###P

    ss msg # S jCourier\bNew;0 _g###@F

    ss msg # S jCourier\bNew;0 _gN##@P

    ss msg # S jCourier\bNew;0 gN###F"

    ss msg # S jCourier\bNew;0 d###F

    ss msg # S jCourier\bNew;0 0###F

    ss msg # S jCourier\bNew;0 0###F

    ss msg # S jCourier\bNew;0 0###F

    ss msg # S jCourier\bNew;0 "NN@'

    ss msg # S jCourier\bNew;0

    ss msg # S jCourier\bNew;0 ___

    ss msg # S jCourier\bNew;0 q###r

    ss msg # S jCourier\bNew;0 ""




  9. ok on this code everything works but the kick


    on *:JOIN:#:{

    IF ($NIcK == $ME) { HALT }

    ;if ($nick isowner $chan) halt

    if ($ME ISOWNER $CHAN) {

    var %chan = $gettok($chan,2,35)

    ss .ctcpreply $nick TIME You Have 2 Minz To Tell Us Your Asl Or Else!




    alias k|ck { kick $+($chr(37),$chr(35),$replace($1,$chr(32),\B)) No asl! }


    on *:TEXT:*:#: {

    if ($me ISOWNER $chan) {

    if (*/*/* iswm $1) {

    timer $+ $nick off

    ss .ctcpreply $nick TIME Thanks For The Asl





  10. gatekeeper i got stuck how would i make a code for gd so when some on joins the room it tells the commands in time


    like this

    biohazard the games commads are !rednecks ,!msn

    and so one

  11. here are some codes i want to work with gd



    on gadmin.:TEXT:<gate*:#:/msg # $2-'s gate is this $address($$2,1

    on gadamin:TEXT:!roommode:#: /msg $chan $nick The current room modes are : $chan($active).mode


  12. i want to edit vin to update the passport + SubscriberInfo by command like if i typr in `update it will say this





    Updating the "Xx_white_rabbit_xX " passport + SubscriberInfo, please wait...


    Passport info + SubscriberInfo for "Xx_white_rabbit_xX " is now updated (1.222 seconds)



    like that but it will say it in the chat room

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