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Estimated Wait Time

Guest Glock

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Guest Glock

Does anyone have anything or know a way to have the bot insert the estimated wait time when a user joins the chatroom?


Example: Hi [username]! Welcome to Helpdesk. Your estimated wait time should be less than [time] minutes. Number of people waiting for help: [number]

If anyone knows how to do this please feel free to post it here

Edited by Glock
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This is an old joke script i made but has the features you are looking for... edit it as needed. ( haven't tested this in a long time but should work )

on ^*:JOIN:#: { 
  if ($chan == %tempjoin) { .timer.tempjoin off }
  if ($chan == $chr(37) $+ #nohelpdesk) {
    if ($nick == $me) { .timershowhelp 0 180 showhelp }
    else {
      set %nohelp $chan
      if (%j.nohelp == $null) { splay $mircdirsounds\notice.wav | .timer.asda 1 2 nohelper $nick | set -u1 %j.nohelp on }
alias tempjoin {
  .timer.tempjoin 0 10 tjoin
alias tjoin { .raw join $chr(37) $+ %tempjoin }
alias nohelper {
  if ($1 !isop %nohelp) && ($1 !ishop %nohelp) {
    set %NO.HELPUSERS $addtok(%NO.HELPUSERS,$1,44)
    var %nohelpnum $findtok(%NO.HELPUSERS,$1,1,44)
    .raw notice %nohelp %nohelp Welcome to the noHelpDesk $1 $+ . You are $iif(%nohelpnum == 1,next in line,number %nohelpnum after $gettok(%NO.HELPUSERS,$calc(%nohelpnum - 1),44)) to not be helped. Please be patient or leave!
    echo %nohelp 4RoomBroadcast1 Welcome to the noHelpDesk $1 $+ . You are $iif(%nohelpnum == 1,next in line,number %nohelpnum after $gettok(%NO.HELPUSERS,$calc(%nohelpnum - 1),44)) to not be helped. Please be patient or leave!

on ^*:VOICE:#: { 
  if ($chan == $chr(37) $+ #nohelpdesk) {
    set %nohelpa $vnick
on ^*:PART:#: { 
  if ($chan == $chr(37) $+ #nohelpdesk) {
    set %NO.HELPUSERS $remtok(%NO.HELPUSERS,$nick,1,44)
    if (%nohelpa == $nick) { unset %nohelpa %nohelpb }
alias showhelp {
  if ($me !ison %nohelp) { .timershowhelp off | halt }
  ; no users
  if ($gettok(%NO.HELPUSERS,1,44) == $null) { 
    ;.raw notice %nohelp %nohelp There are currently $numtok(%NO.HELPUSERS,44) users waiting for nohelp. 
    ;echo %nohelp 4RoomBroadcast1 There are currently $numtok(%NO.HELPUSERS,44) users waiting for nohelp. 
  ; all users
  if (%nohelpa != $gettok(%NO.HELPUSERS,1,44)) && ($numtok(%NO.HELPUSERS,44) == 1) {
    .raw notice %nohelp %nohelp $gettok(%NO.HELPUSERS,1,44) is currently next in line for no help
    echo %nohelp 4RoomBroadcast1 $gettok(%NO.HELPUSERS,1,44) is currently next in line for no help
  if (%nohelpa != $gettok(%NO.HELPUSERS,1,44)) && ($numtok(%NO.HELPUSERS,44) > 1) {
    .raw notice %nohelp %nohelp There are currently $numtok(%NO.HELPUSERS,44) users waiting for nohelp. Next in line to not be helped is $gettok(%NO.HELPUSERS,1,44)
    echo %nohelp 4RoomBroadcast1 There are currently $numtok(%NO.HELPUSERS,44) users waiting for nohelp. Next in line to not be helped is $gettok(%NO.HELPUSERS,1,44)
  ; users currenly help 0 next
  if (%nohelpa == $gettok(%NO.HELPUSERS,1,44)) && ($numtok(%NO.HELPUSERS,44) == 1) {
    .raw notice %nohelp %nohelp There are currently 0 users waiting for nohelp. 
    echo %nohelp 4RoomBroadcast1 There are currently 0 users waiting for nohelp. 
  ; users currenly help 1 next
  if (%nohelpa == $gettok(%NO.HELPUSERS,1,44)) && ($numtok(%NO.HELPUSERS,44) > 1) {
    .raw notice %nohelp %nohelp There are currently $calc($numtok(%NO.HELPUSERS,44) - 1) users waiting for nohelp. Next in line to not be helped is $gettok(%NO.HELPUSERS,2,44)
    echo %nohelp 4RoomBroadcast1 There are currently $calc($numtok(%NO.HELPUSERS,44) - 1) users waiting for nohelp. Next in line to not be helped is $gettok(%NO.HELPUSERS,2,44)
alias nohelp {
  if ($active == $chr(37) $+ #nohelpdesk) {
    if (%nohelpb != $null) { 
      msg %nohelp Sorry   , I can not help you with that. Have a nice day! 
      /mode %nohelp -v $gettok(%NO.HELPUSERS,1,44)    
      set %NO.HELPUSERS $remtok(%NO.HELPUSERS,%nohelpa,1,44)
      unset %nohelpa %nohelpb
      if ($gettok(%NO.HELPUSERS,1,44) != $null) { 
        .raw notice %nohelp %nohelp $gettok(%NO.HELPUSERS,1,44) $+ , You are next in line to not be helped. Please have your question ready.
        echo %nohelp 4RoomBroadcast1 $gettok(%NO.HELPUSERS,1,44) $+ , You are next in line to not be helped. Please have your question ready.
      halt }
    if ($gettok(%NO.HELPUSERS,1,44) != $null) && (%nohelpb == $null) { 
      /mode %nohelp +v $gettok(%NO.HELPUSERS,1,44) | msg %nohelp Hey $gettok(%NO.HELPUSERS,1,44) $+ , welcome to noHELPDESK. How may we not help you today?
      set %nohelpb on
on *:INPUT:#: {
  if ($Left($1, 1) != /) {
    if (# == $chr(37) $+ #nohelpdesk) {
      msg $chan $iif(%nohelpa != $null,%nohelpa $+ $chr(44)) $1-

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