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remotes help


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i cant figure out why these arent working need a second persons view for mistakes


on owneraccess:text:!own:#:{ /mode # +q $nick }
on owneraccess:text:!deown:#:{ /mode # -q $nick }
on owneraccess:text:!own*:#:{ /mode # +q $2- }
on owneraccess:text:!deown*:#:{ /mode # +q $2- }

on owneraccess:text:!host:#:{ /mode # +o $nick }
on owneraccess:text:!dehost:#:{ /mode # -o $nick }
on owneraccess:text:!host*:#:{ /mode # +o $2- }
on owneraccess:text:!dehost*:#:{ /mode # +o $2- }

on owneraccess:text:+m:#:{ /mode # +m  | /amsg  Moderated Room is now enabled. }
on owneraccess:text:-m:#:{ /mode # -m  | /amsg  Moderated Room is now disabled. }
on owneraccess:text:+i:#:{ /mode # +i  | /amsg  Invitation Only is now enabled. }
on owneraccess:text:-i:#:{ /mode # -i  | /amsg  Invitation Only is now disabled. }
on owneraccess:text:+w:#:{ /mode # +w  | /amsg  No Whispers is now enabled. }
on owneraccess:text:-w:#:{ /mode # -w  | /amsg  No Whispers is now disabled. }
on owneraccess:text:+W:#:{ /mode # +W  | /amsg  No Guest Whispers is now enabled. }
on owneraccess:text:-W:#:{ /mode # -W  | /amsg  No Guest Whispers is now disabled. }
on owneraccess:text:+h:#:{ /mode # +h  | /amsg  Hidden Room is now enabled. }
on owneraccess:text:-h:#:{ /mode # -h  | /amsg  Hidden Room is now disabled. }
on owneraccess:text:+S:#:{ /mode # +S  | /amsg  Guest Auditorium is now enabled. }
on owneraccess:text:-S:#:{ /mode # -S  | /amsg  Guest Auditorium is now disabled. }
on owneraccess:text:+u:#:{ /mode # +u  | /amsg  Knock is now enabled. }
on owneraccess:text:-u:#:{ /mode # -u  | /amsg  Knock is now disabled. }
on owneraccess:text:+a:#:{ /mode # +a  | /amsg  Authenticated Clients Only is now enabled. }
on owneraccess:text:-a:#:{ /mode # -a  | /amsg  Authenticated Clients Only is now disabled. }

on owneraccess:text:!ut:#:{ /amsg Uptime: $duration($calc($ticks / 1000)) $+ $c(1) }
on owneraccess:text:!level:#:{ /amsg $nick is currently on owner access level. }
on owneraccess:text:!stats:#:{ /msg $active Room Stats | /amsg Your nick is $nick | /amsg %Roomname The Roomname is: $active | /amsg %Roomname The room modes are: $chan($active).mode | /msg # %Roomname The Topic is: $chan($active).topic | /amsg %Roomname On join message is: $onjoin | /amsg %Roomname The Time is: $time(h:nn:ss tt) | /amsg %Roomname The Date is: $date(ddd/d/mmm/yyyy) | /amsg %Roomname Owners: $nick(#,0,q) | /amsg %Roomname Hosts: $nick($active,0,o) | /amsg  %Roomname Total Users: $nick($active,0) | /amsg %Roomname Server : $server }
on owneraccess:text:!cb:#:{ access $active clear deny | /amsg Bans Cleared. }
on owneraccess:text:!topic*:#:{ /topic # $2- }
on owneraccess:text:!spec*:#:{ /mode # +m $2- | /amsg $2-s now a spectator. }
on owneraccess:text:!despec*:#:{ /mode # -m $2- | /amsg $2- is now a spectator. }
on owneraccess:text:!kick*:#:{
 set %anspmsl $rand(1,9)
 if (%anspmsl == 1) { /kick # $2- Goodbye. }
 if (%anspmsl == 2) { /kick # $2- You have violated One of the room rules. }
 if (%anspmsl == 3) { /kick # $2- Please adjust your behavior before you return. Thank you. }
 if (%anspmsl == 4) { /kick # $2- You may return when your attitude changes. }
 if (%anspmsl == 5) { /kick # $2- Please mind your manners. }
 if (%anspmsl == 6) { /kick # $2- The room staff have decidesed that you have violoated policy. }
 if (%anspmsl == 7) { /kick # $2- Return when you can be polite. }
 if (%anspmsl == 8) { /kick # $2- When you can act in a appropiate manner you may return. }
 if (%anspmsl == 9) { /kick # $2- $nick thinks you need to behavior yourself. }

on hostaccess:text:!host:#:{ /mode # +o $nick }
on hostaccess:text:!dehost:#:{ /mode # -o $nick }
on hostaccess:text:!host*:#:{ /mode # +o $2- }
on hostaccess:text:!dehost*:#:{ /mode # +o $2- }

on hostaccess:text:!ut:#:{ /amsg Uptime: $duration($calc($ticks / 1000)) $+ $c(1) }
on hostaccess:text:!level:#:{ /amsg $nick is currently on host access level. }
on hostaccess:text:!topic*:#:{ /topic # $2- }
on hostaccess:text:!spec*:#:{ /mode # +m $2- | /amsg $2-s now a spectator. }
on hostaccess:text:!despec*:#:{ /mode # -m $2- | /amsg $2- is now a spectator. }
on hostaccess:text:!kick*:#:{
 set %anspmsl $rand(1,9)
 if (%anspmsl == 1) { /kick # $2- Goodbye. }
 if (%anspmsl == 2) { /kick # $2- You have violated One of the room rules. }
 if (%anspmsl == 3) { /kick # $2- Please adjust your behavior before you return. Thank you. }
 if (%anspmsl == 4) { /kick # $2- You may return when your attitude changes. }
 if (%anspmsl == 5) { /kick # $2- Please mind your manners. }
 if (%anspmsl == 6) { /kick # $2- The room staff have decidesed that you have violoated policy. }
 if (%anspmsl == 7) { /kick # $2- Return when you can be polite. }
 if (%anspmsl == 8) { /kick # $2- When you can act in a appropiate manner you may return. }
 if (%anspmsl == 9) { /kick # $2- $nick thinks you need to behavior yourself. }

on *:text:!say*:#:{ /amsg $nick told me to say $2- }

menu nicklist {
 Remotes Access
 .Owner Access
 ..add: .auser owneraccess *!* $+ $$ial($$1 $+ *,1).addr $msn.decode($$1) | /mode # +q $$1
 ..remove: .ruser owneraccess *! $+ $$ial($$1 $+ *,1).addr | /mode # -q $$1
 ..add:{ .auser hostaccess *! $+ $$ial($$1 $+ *,1).addr $msn.decode($$1) | /mode # +o $$1 }
 ..remove:{ .ruser hostaccess *! $+ $$ial($$1 $+ *,1).addr | /mode # -o $$1 }

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im not exactly sure, its just like msn but ermm. I just cant figure out why the remotes arent working the regular on *:text: ones do, but even when i add access to user it gives me /auser insuff parameters

and i fixed that and now the access remotes dont work

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