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Proxy Checker


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I used to script a long time ago ages ago really and was a very active member on this site but since I haven't been on here since msn shut down all the chat rooms I'm not exactly sure on the rules anymore I'm hoping asking for help on a mirc based script for checking proxies is allowed. Though I need it to use sockets because I'm playing a game called Lords Online where I've got a private channel for the other alliances to come and talk to each other without having to wait for a 3 sec flood protection on the world chat. And it gets used often but I dont like the fact people can see my isp on my bot since it runs 24/7. Though I've came up with a small script for checking the proxy list however it still needs work is why I'm here asking is there a way to use a socket to check the proxy ip and connect that way then disconnect and reconnect with just the mirc.


alias fdir { return $mircdir $+ core\firewall.txt }
alias cfire { .firewall -p %fip | .server %server %port | .sockclose FireWall | unset %fip }
alias nfw { 
  if (!%count) { set %count 1 }
  var %f = $read($fdir, %count), %s = $gettok(%f,1,58), %p = $gettok(%f,2,58), %l = $lines($fdir), %l2 = %count
  if (!$window(@FireWall)) { .window -ek0 @FireWall }
  if (%s) { 
    if ($status == Connected) { .timerfirewall off | halt }
    if (%count >= $lines($fdir)) { unset %count }
    else { 
      .sockclose FireWall 
      .sockopen Firewall %s %p 
      .echo @FireWall %l2 [FIREWALL] Checking $+(%s,:,%p) 
      .titlebar @FireWall Attempt %l2 of %l
      inc %count

on *:SOCKOPEN:Firewall:{ 
  var %s = $sock($sockname).wserr, %ss = $sock($sockname).wsmsg
  set %fip $sock($sockname).ip $sock($sockname).port
  .echo @FireWall [FIREWALL] SockOpen %fip : %ss
  .echo @FireWall -
  if (%s == 0) { .echo @FireWall [FIREWALL] Connect Attempt: %fip | .titlebar @FireWall Attempting To Connect... | .timerfirewall 1 10 /nfw | .echo @Firewall - | .cfire }
  elseif (%s) { .nfw }
  else { .cfire }

menu @FireWall { 
  Clear Screen:/clear
  Attempts %count:/unset %count

on *:DISCONNECT:{ .timer 1 5 /nfw }
on *:START:{ .nfw }
on *:CONNECT:{ .timerfirewall off | .titlebar @FireWall Connected. }
though this version uses the error message 0 which there are 280 proxies I can use however it has to go through the whole list before it actually finds one and each one has an online percent of between 20-90% of the time. And since I know sockets are faster at checking this instead of using mirc and having to back track and rewrite a whole new script is there anyone here that can help. Also if this isn't allowed here I request the mods to remove it asap. Thank you.


Note: Since the script picks up on the 0 error message and will attempt a connection to it. There are times where it wont go through is another reason I rather just to use a socket since I can hide most of the connection fails and such and giving the bot a cleaner look. And for the future if I decided to release the finished script as giving credit to those whom helped. I wouldn't want it giving off a crappy look to anyone else.

Edited by Adolf
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I have not been involved in the whole mIRC thing for awile now. But from what I remember, no normal user can see your ISP. ISP means Internet Service Provider. Yes, there have been coders who have written and released this script, and one of the reasons MSN shut down was because people abused and voilated the MSN COC. I did it, I ran a prot script and a gaming script in my group. But I never felt a neet to see someones proxy settings. I'm not sure why anyone would need to view proxy settings for any good reason. I'm not even sure why you would want to know a persons ISP.


I'm not sure if you will get what you ask for here, but I must say that there is no real need for this unless bad intentions are involved. A simple "Gate Pass" scan is all you should need.

I may be wrong, been there before. I just do not get why people have to have info they have no right to.

Edited by Raptor
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I have not been involved in the whole mIRC thing for awile now. But from what I remember, no normal user can see your ISP. ISP means Internet Service Provider. Yes, there have been coders who have written and released this script, and one of the reasons MSN shut down was because people abused and voilated the MSN COC. I did it, I ran a prot script and a gaming script in my group. But I never felt a neet to see someones proxy settings. I'm not sure why anyone would need to view proxy settings for any good reason. I'm not even sure why you would want to know a persons ISP.


I'm not sure if you will get what you ask for here, but I must say that there is no real need for this unless bad intentions are involved. A simple "Gate Pass" scan is all you should need.

I may be wrong, been there before. I just do not get why people have to have info they have no right to.


I did send you a message. In the message I explain. Because it would be called spamming I refuse to post it here.
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I got your Pm and replied with this:



The fact is they can see my isp not my ip but my isp. my ip his hidden. However the chat room I run http://puffapassit.zzl.org/index.html is there. It has a profile look up which even in mirc if you do a whois you can clearly see if they are on wind stream, Verizon etc


This simply means they can see who you are hosted by. If you were on MSN it would show MSN as your provider. Your actual ISP ( Internet Service Provider ) address is not displayed, just your gate passport addy. In the future please remember that TG007 does NOT support gaining access to information you are not allowed to have.

On a side note to this, each and every site/chat room/what ever you go to retains your IP ( Internet Passport ).

As you can see no one else replied to this. TG007 is one of the most respected help sites on the www. This form of question in a main will not get many replies.

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