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Please remember, people learn from other peoples post like this. When I had an issue I would use the search feature and look for posts of people who have had the same issue and received an answer. So if you can help it, please leave your questions and answers, or answer your solved issues.


I do not understand. Did you have another issue? Congrats on the toolbar! It was fun for me to design them. I used popups.dll for the menus, but now Id probably just use DCX for all of it.

Edited by Travis
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Guest Zantetsuken

looks like the switchbar is cutting off the toolbar, if you're using xdock.. you probably should use xdock -t


/xdock -t
This command docks a window to the mIRC ToolBar.
/xdock -t [HWND_DOCK] [+FLAGS]
/xdock -t $dialog(dcx).hwnd +v
HWND_DOCK     The HWND of the window you wish to dock.
+FLAGS     Flags for docking into the mIRC ToolBar.
s     Docked window will be resized to fit its parent width & height automatically.
h     Docked window will be resized to fit its parent width automatically.
v     Docked window will be resized to fit its parent height automatically.
n     Docked window will not be resized automatically.

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Looks to me like you wi ll have to platy with the size oft he icon. There are 2 settings fromi what i remember. One is telling dcx toolbar how big the icons are going to be. The other is the individual icon.


Anyways, if you want help you should show your code.

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Hey there buddy,


Yea I encountered a similiar problem mate!


I had a little bit of a look through the help file and found the mIRC Command /toolbar...

Now I'm not very familiar with this command, however after a little bit of playing with it, I discovered I could change the size of the icons...


This example below may not be the best one, but at least its a start and you could try :)


The default size of the mIRC Toolbar Icons is I think about 16x16...


So what I did was clear the whole toolbar... by typing:

/toolbar -c

Then I added a button to the toolbar with a larger icon size... by typing:

/toolbar -axk0n2z2u test testing mirc.exe

Then I opened my DCX Dialog toolbar to dock in the toolbar I've just made using the /toolbar commands...



What you could do instead of typing this /toolbar code all the time is once you've done the above commands, you could save the changes in file by typing:

/toolbar -fs

Then on START your mIRC will automatically load your new changes! If you dont want this, then I'd recommend you adding the /toolbar commands into an alias so you can choose when to modify the toolbar :)


Also to help you, heres a quote from the mirc.hlp file which shows what the different flags mean from the /toolbar command.


The /toolbar command can be used to modify the mIRC toolbar. The command format is:


/toolbar -aidmsxkNnNzNebwhyNurctplorf[sld] [N] <name/N> <tooltip> <picfile|@> [x y w h] [/alias] [popfile|@]


Switches and Parameters

-a = add button

-i = insert button at position [N]

-d = delete button at position [N] or <name>

-m = move button <name/N> to position [N]


-s = separator

-x = wide button


-kN = use when adding button to make it a check button


check/uncheck with N = 1 or N = 0


-nN = icon index in picfile

-zN = icon size, 1 = small, 2 = large, 3 = actual


-eb = enable/disable button [N] or <name>

-wh = show/hide button [N] or <name>


-yN = set transparency (0 to 255) for button [N] or <name>


-u = update display immediately

-r = reset buttons

-c = clear all buttons

-f[sld] = load/save/delete settings in toolbar.ini file


toolbar.ini is automatically loaded on startup


To update properties for an existing button:


-t = tooltip

-p = picfile

-l = alias

-o = popup


name = unique name assigned to button/separator, it cannot be a number.

tooltip = text displayed when the mouse hovers over button.

picfile|@ = picture filename or picture @window, min 16x16, max 256x256 pixels.

x y w h = position in bitmap and size of bitmap to use (not for use with icons).

/alias = command performed when button pressed, where $!1 = button name.

popupfile|@ = popup filename or @menu name.


The tooltip, picfile, alias and popup can be enclosed in quotes if necessary. To clear an item, can use "" empty quotes.


Hope this helps you get an idea of it all... Just one last thing, I think 32x32 sized icons on your DCX Dialog is the max that will fit on the toolbar... for when using this technique I've shown..


Kind Regards,


Edited by Dan*
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No worries mate,


It's likely to be a bug or issue with DCX.dll rather than the mIRC Client. This is due to the xdock feature and how it docks into the Toolbar, because without the DCX.dll you wouldnt have the feature of even docking to the Toolbar itself....


Anyway, Glad I could help =)


Kind Regards,


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