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Everything posted by YAH00

  1. YAH00™ : Buzzen beta chat Preview @ http://www.flashirc.info/ don`t let anyone put you off looking! You have been kicked out of the chat room by Host Eye_Bot: Links are not permitted Now thats dumb lol...
  2. ty for ur input sinner i am so dumb i can do this http://paddysparks.deviantart.com/gallery/ what could i do if i wasn`t dumb:P
  3. for those that leave there will be more joining!
  4. There is a new version of viperbot in the works
  5. Yup fanfare your right i am loving it! And of course it is not just buzzen, i also participate along side chuck, jj armstrong and nuc on the flashiirc project!
  6. sorry to disappoint you shaggy but you are 100% wrong m8 and my source is the everyday chatter, there will bea few msnocx addicts but the mojority seem to like the new style chat!
  7. I don`t know wot they look like on those! But all those you see are my work and still on going!
  8. 1 of the new themes more in the works!
  9. I designed the skin and yup it is on the msn ocx for now! Who else but the guy who skins viper to do the job! As for the code validating sod that if i need to hack the code to work how i want it then so be it! ozzy just cause it does not validate does not mean it is bad, there are some snippits that will never validate but are useful! Now if this had been a viper skin then it would have been ok strange that lol! Anyways we either love it or hate but all the msn junkies better get use to it! Also there will be theming in the future, meaning perhaps wen i have time lol! What i don`t understand people, is since i designed for buzzen all my work seems to get crap comments but before that my work was good, wots that all about lol! I don`t mind these comments but please seperate buzzen from what i actually do, i am the same guy i always have been! I say if you hate buz then don`t bother commenting as it is totaly invalid in my eyes sorry! P.S. i also have real life job lol!
  10. Spooksss try signing out and signing back in as you join a room works most times, but you can visit buzzen forums for more information!
  11. I popped into VSIXc and i agree it is a very nice ocx a nice pleasing layout! To the earlier post! About buzzen ocx i didn't say it was not going to happen, i am not sure what is happening, or maybe i am not willing to say at this time lol! Also if anyone wants to know where the msn ocx comes from just check the ocx properties! Anyway we been over this ground before and i would rather not get back into it, i have better things to do!
  13. I didn`t even know about it lol!
  14. welll plenty of users had the sense to come see me in flahsirc room, so they been updated lol
  15. WTF! My post had nothing to do with buzzen, so lets leave it out OK!!!!
  16. A good idea deanne but unfortunately alot of the small servers cannot or will not see the bigger picture!
  17. I can`t remember where i saw it but recently an ocx was made open source but it definately was not the msn ocx! I f i come across it again i will link it!
  18. xplozion TUT! lol Are flash siggys allowed here??
  19. not twisting deanne that was an important question and it has been discussed before on the internet! What i donot understand is why the ocx servers have been re opened and why if they are stating that it is illegal to use, why are they not blocking the use of? why has there not been an update to disable it?? do you think that perhaps microsoft have communication with third parties and we are kept in the dark about this?? what reason does microsoft have for reopening thier server with msn chat gone?? These are general questions and not about "THE CHAT THAT WE DARE NOT SPEAK IT'S NAME" this is about the conflict of actions!
  20. I do not think that you would ever do that error!
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